1. Thesis/Research Title

When you are asked what your thesis title is, try to answer clearly with confidence, test in an alto voice if you know the title is good, but if you don't memorize it, you can read it in your handbook during the trial.

2. Why are you interested in and researching the thesis title?

To answer this question, you must answer scientifically, not based on unfounded opinions, to convince the examiners that you are serious about working on the thesis.

3. Where did you find the problem in this research?

Because every research departs from a problem, you must explain from the research finding problems that must be solved by carrying out observations and conducting preliminary studies related to the problem.

4. What motivated you to be interested in researching this problem?

If you are asked like this, then the answer is in the background of the problem, and the average in the background of the problem is written descriptively. You have to look for the critical points by explaining them point by point so that it sounds structured by the examiner.

5. What is the purpose of your research?

For questions like this, you only need to state essential points without memorizing them; because you have already written them in your thesis, remember to present them in a structured manner so that the examiners understand.

6. Why did you choose this place for your research?

For questions like this you cannot answer because it's close to home because the road access can be reached in a short time, etc., it is hoped that you don't respond like that, look for scientific answers, such as looking for the specialties of the place by revealing the findings of the problems you encountered there with your research.

7. What is the difference between the unit of analysis and the respondent?

You can answer this question with the unit of analysis, which is a unit being studied, either a group or an individual, which is designated for research subjects, for example: if you are researching a scout group in a school, the unit of analysis is the scout group and the students who are the respondents, so the unit of analysis is the level we will examine.

8. What is the difference between data and information?

For this question, you can answer that data is a set of raw facts while information is the result of processing raw data that has been analyzed.

9. What is the difference between primary data and secondary data?

Examiners often ask questions like this so you can answer, primary data is the main data used to solve research problems, while secondary data is supporting data for example, you take research data using the questionnaire method it is the primary data, and if you want to know the population of a place, for example, the number of farmers, etc. You can ask the relevant agencies to get the data that has been documented; it is secondary data.

10. Describe the population and sample

For this question, you don't need to memorize it. Immediately open your thesis, look at the table and population in your thesis, and explain why you chose the population and sample clearly and easily understood by the examiner.

11. What are the findings from your research?

You can answer this question in the conclusion chapter because it is clearly stated in the concluding chapter you made; you don't need to memorize it; explain point by point so that it is easy for the examiner to understand.

12. What are the conclusions from the results of your research?

The answer must be following the hypothesis you made. Do not explain point by point; for example, there is a significant relationship between variable x and variable y. Explain what variable x is and what variable y is to accept the hypothesis.


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