Combining Functional Systemic Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis: Quo Vadis?

In a book entitled Systemic functional linguistics and critical discourse analysis: Studies in social change (Young, L., & Harrison, C. (Eds.) :( 2004), it stated that SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL) and CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS are two very different fields. SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL) is a functionally based theory developed in the past 45 years that examines the functioning of language as it develops in society. This view involves examining "real" language events to understand the purposes of language in various contexts and its functions. Wodak stated that the contribution of linguistic theory (including SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL)) was significant. Since linguistic theory is essential, Wodak and Weiss said that language is used to reveal social inequality. It is also through language that the purpose of CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS can be explained: "CDA aims to investigate critically social inequality as it is expressed, constituted, legitimized, and so on, by language use (or in a discourse) (Weiss & Wodak, 2007:15) in Wiratno, 2018:397).
In connection with CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS, linguists such as Roger Fowler, Gunther Kress, Robert Hodge, and Tony Trew, on the other hand, in line with the development of SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL) theory, developed CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS as a branch of discourse analysis in the 1970s in the East Anglia Region, England. 

Tuen A. Van Dijk (2001: 96) says CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS is "Analysis by determining attitudes," an analysis of different discursive events to explore the relationship between language and power and how language is used to produce, maintain and reproduce positions of power employing discursive tools. Kress (1995) says that the purpose of CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS is to shift the focus of linguistics to the relevance of the social and political realms to provide or present social criticism by documenting structures of injustice or inequality.
In further studies,
CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS cannot be equated with SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL) because CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS is only an approach or perspective that examines social problems that are realized discursively, so linguists say that CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS is not a methodology or theory of language. This has been discussed by Ruth Wodak, who, in her thoughts on Appraisal in CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS (2002:12), identifies the importance of operational theory that links linguistic dimensions to social matters.


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