social esteem and social sanction in appraisal framework of SFL

Appraisal theory is a branch of Systemic Functional Linguistics that focuses on the linguistic resources used to express, negotiate, and naturalize particular inter-subjective and ideological positions

. Within this theory, the Appraisal system is concerned with the language of evaluation, attitude, and emotion, and with a set of resources that explicitly position a text's proposals and propositions interpersonally

. The Appraisal system includes three subsystems: Attitude, Engagement, and Graduation

.Attitude: This subsystem is concerned with the speaker's evaluation of people or their behavior, which is appraisal as praise or criticism. Expressions of judgment may relate to either social esteem or social sanction

Engagement: This subsystem is concerned with the speaker's positioning of themselves and their audience in relation to the evaluated entity

Graduation: This subsystem is concerned with the speaker's scaling of the intensity of their evaluation

Judgment of social esteem and social sanction is a part of the Appraisal system in Systemic Functional Linguistics

. Social esteem plays a fundamental role in the motivation of human action and, in moral contexts, in individuals’ readiness to comply with the norms of the community

source: what is social esteem and social saction in appraisal systemic functional linguistics (

Linguistik Fungsional Sistemik Menakar Emosi Mahasiswa Lewat Kajian Appraisal- by I KETUT SUARDANA

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