Guessing Game

 Guessing Game 

According to (Klippel 1984), the basic guidelines of the guessing game  are straightforward. In other words, one person knows while another looks for knowledge. Using Klippel's definition of a guessing game as a guideline, guessing games are simple because they aim to determine what others know about things they do not know. Similarly, (Klippel, 1984) states that guessing is a genuine communicative situation and is crucial for practicing a foreign language interestingly and enjoyably. Implementation is straightforward.
Develops communication strategies and skills in students and  encourages them to think creatively and imaginatively about what they  are trying to explain. Students are expected to think quickly and explore  different lessons.  
According to Lee in (Fitriana 2012), a guessing game consists of goals  and conjecture-related activities. It can be performed at the following  levels: Guess who? "Guess who I am and what my job is." According  to this definition, a guessing game involves guessing someone or  something by asking questions about them (the items being guessed). The following are the application forms of guessing game techniques:  (1) Guess what it is? That is it…? (2) Guess who I am? And (3) Guess  what my job is?
According to Lee (Fitriana 2012), there are multiple levels of  prediction games. 

The following are:
1) Speculate what it is! Is it…? The students think of an object or a  person the class knows the name of, and the other represents a question,  putting up their hand waiting to be called on:
a) Is it a kitten?
b) Is it a chili?
c) Is it a Lamborghini?
d) Is it your bag? Etc.
2. Guess Who I am? What is my name? who is she/he? Imagine herself  to be somebody else or figure.
a) She has tan skin.
b) He is a farmer. Etc.
3. Guess what is in my bag today?
a) What is in my bag today?
b) What I got in my bag today?
The students guess for it is an orange/a pen/a book, etc. and the  owner will say Yes, there is a…/ No, there is no…
4. Guess where is it? Students turn around their body and close their  eyes while guessing the object such as a coin, a fruit, a doll, etc. a) Is it beside me?
b) Is it in Mr. Hasto bag?
c) Is it in front of the door? Etc.
The game's essential design remains identical. He delivers a card to one  student and divides the class into two groups. Have the student with the  card identify the image or word by receiving hints from students standing behind them. For example, a student standing with a card asks  up to 20 questions: "Is it an animal?/Is it a vegetable?/Is it a fruit?" Also,  other students who have seen the picture on the card will answer yes or  no to it themselves.  
Therefore, guessing games encourage students to make statements by  asking questions and thinking about what words to say to guess  something, how to pronounce terms, and how to ask questions of others.
So, their speaking skill is forced to use in this game. This game is a fun  learning tool because students play and learn by guessing something that makes them more curious and wants to know so that they learn to  say the right words to think something. They can learn to speak in real  life while increasing their vocabulary. 

 Kinds of guessing game
Bruce Marsland in (Paramitha 2020) listed many guessing games in  which one person has to "know" and the rest of the class has to "guess". This all involves yes or no questions. Here are some types of guessing  games.
a. I-spy
This game asks the "knower" to give the first letter of an object  they can see and the rest to guess what it is. Each puzzle  traditionally begins with "I watched, with my little eye, something beginning with A". Where "A" becomes the letter chosen by the  student.
b. Twenty questions.
Also known as "animals, plants, minerals", this is intended to  provide the type of object, which is one of the three groups  mentioned above. The guesser then has 20 attempts to figure out  the problem before guessing what it is. More advanced learners  may include the fourth option, "abstract," such as emotional nouns.
c. The coffee pot game.
Again, this is often used in many classes of languages, and verbs  are particularly useful. In each question, the word "coffee maker" is used instead of the word the interviewer is trying to guess  (possibly written on paper by "someone with knowledge")..
d. Guessing the story.
Many short stories can be used for guessing games like this one. Several sources may be listed in the bibliography at the end of this  book. Alternatively, you can use exciting news or magazine articles. This type of game involves giving the class two or three  cue words in a story. The course will then ask yes/no questions to  try to identify your account. You can set a time limit  and the maximum number of questions before the class tells the story orally. Please only answer correctly worded questions.
e. Guessing the "who" game.
This game is a guessing game. The rules of this game are simple. You can divide your class into groups, pairs, or individuals to play. The "knowing" student is given a piece of paper with the person's name written on it, and the "guessing" student (the rest of the  students) must guess by asking the following question: "Do you  have a round face?" and "Are your eyes black?"."

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