The peer-reviewed International Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication (JOLCC)

 Cultural and Communication Approaches in the Design of Visual Communication Design Works
ATA Sigied Himawan Yudhanto, Faizal Risdianto
Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication 1 (1), 79-90 6 2023
An Analysis of Speech Act in the Movie" Turning Red"
H Diffani, A Kholis
Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 1 (2), 100-115 1 2023
Subtitling Strategies Used in Translating Cultural Words in The Subtitle of Disney Animation Movie: Coco
JJ Monika Rosalia Subrata
Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication 1 (1), 1-25 1 2023
Abstracts Analysis on Student’s Final Project Using CARS Theory
FSW Heru Junanto, Galih Zahrotul Kamilah, Daffa Triyawan, Ratna Prasasti Suminar
Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication 2 (2), 190-203 2024
Abstracts Analysis on Student’s Final Project Using CARS Theory
FSW Heru Junanto, Galih Zahrotul Kamilah, Daffa Triyawan, Ratna Prasasti Suminar
Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication 2 (2), 13 2024
Performing social advocacy: A critical sociolinguistic analysis of selected songs of Beautiful Nubia
SO Okesola
Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 2 (2), 108-132 2024
Exploring Code-Switching Practices in Vietnamese Classrooms: An Introductory Investigation
Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 2 (2), 133-148 2024
Place Names as Source Material in the Derivation of Selected Yorùbá Riddles: A Sociological Approach
RA Rabiu
Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 2 (2), 89-107 2024
Strengthening the Concept of Satirical Language through Analyzing the Connotations in the Lyrics of the Song" Cincin" by Hindia
D Kusumaningsih, M Nurhana, E Susylowati
Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 2 (1), 67-88 2024
A Language Style Analysis of Press Release at The Walt Disney Company Website
AW Anindya, N., Agustina, H. N., & Betari
Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication 2 (1), 46-66 2024
The Analysis of Figurative Language Found in the Prestige Movie
J Al-Faruq, OP Putra
Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 2 (1), 30-45 2024
English Foreign Language Teachers’ Perception on The Use of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching English at SMKN 3 Langsa
N Fitri, N Afrida, CI Meutia
Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 2 (1), 1-17 2024
Student's Perception of Improving Speaking Skills Through Video Recording Task
FME Tukan
Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 2 (1), 18-29 2024
Having Good Moral Values Through" Never Say Never" Song by Justin Bieber
Y Rohmiyati, NS Fatihah, P Solihatunnisa
Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 1 (2), 116-125 2023
Contrastive Analysis Between English Medical Terms with Affixes and Their Indonesian Equivalent in Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary
NIS Lutfiyah, J Jumanto
Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 1 (2), 126-140 2023
An An Analysis of Representative Acts and Language Functions Represented on Code Mixing and Code Switching Used by Yuvi Phan in Her Instagram Reels: An Analysis of …
KC Della Hermaya, WKS Agung
Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 1 (2), 141-161 2023
The Comparative of Using Communicative Language Teaching Method on Student’s Competence in English Writing Recount Text
A Rofiq
Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 1 (2) 2023
YouTube Transcripts Word Frequency Measure
V Smith, M Garrett, A Harwood, J Shamblin
Journal of Linguistics, Culture and Communication 1 (2), 91-99 2023
Speech Acts in Learning Indonesian Language
MN Hidayat
Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication 1 (1), 44-66 2023
Politeness in Roasting: When Humour Meets Power
YA Arief
Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication 1 (1), 67-78 2023
A Study of Abrar-ul- Haq's Punjabi Bhangra Songs in Pragmatics
HUH Muhammad Ali Shahid , Anser Mahmood, Syeda Iqra Shabbir
Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication 1 (1), 26-43 2023

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