ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF SLANG ON EMINEM’S LYRICS by Mukhtar Abadi from Faculty of Letters and Language Department Humanities and Culture Faculty. The State Islamic University of Maliki Malang.2010

 ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF SLANG ON EMINEM’S LYRICS by Mukhtar Abadi from Faculty of Letters and Language Department Humanities and Culture Faculty. The State Islamic University of Maliki Malang.2010


Abadi, Mukhtar. 2009. Analysis on the Use of Slang on Eminem’s Lyrics. Thesis, English Letters and Language Department, Faculty of Humanities and Culture, the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.

Key words: sociolinguistic, language variation, slang, Eminem.

This study concerns with the analysis of slang in Eminem’s song lyrics. This study proposes a problem what are the characteristic of slang used in Eminem’s song lyrics?. This analysis is specially focused on slang language in song lyrics. Hopefully, this study will be useful for students of English Department, especially to help them understand slang language used in Eminem song lyrics.

One  use  of  slang  is  a  simple  way of  circumventing/avoiding  social  taboos.  The  mainstream language tends to shy away from explicitly evoking certain realities. Slang, and also the informal forms of language, permits one to talk about these realities in a special language stripped of a usual connotation in the normal register. Slang vocabularies are particularly rich in a certain domains, such as sexuality, violence, crime, and drugs.Originally, certain slang designated the speech of people involve in the criminal underworld, hooligans, bandits, criminals, etc. therefore, their vocabulary carried very vulgar connotations, and was strictly rejected by the speakers of “proper” language. Other groups, generally those on the margins of mainstream society who were excluded or rejected by it, developed their own slangs. Slang is a language based off of shortened words; something like a contraction but used to shorten speech in a hasty manner.

This analysis used descriptive method because it is to describe the meaning of slang language in Eminem song lyrics of slang language in them. The data were taken randomly, that there are ten songs lyrics.

From the data that have been analyzed, it was found the characteristics of slang language in Eminem song lyrics are (a) Creativity means that slang language has cleverness, imagination, productivity, and talent.  (b) Flippant (sembrono,bermulut usil) means that  slang language has irrelevant  word of the contexts. (c) Fresh means that slang language has familiar words, different words, up to date words. (d) Onomatopoeic means that slang language has imitation words.

First of all, it is suggested to other researchers and the students of English Department who are interested in similar researches, to discuss about slang language more deeply. Secondly, it is also suggested that the other researchers can discuss the message in lyrics which maybe have hidden meaning or not which directly stated in the lyrics. The last, it is also suggested to analyze the slang language not only in the slang lyrics but also in the poem or other works.


This  chapter  discusses  the  background  of  the  study,  statement  of  the problem, purpose of the study, significant of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of the key terms.

Background of the Study

Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to society. Sociolinguistics  is  also  the  study  of  effects  of  various  all  aspects  to  society, including cultural, norms and contexts on the language is used (Hudson,1980). People  are  belonging  to  the  same  social  group-of  the  same  trade,  profession, hobby,  age, or social  position-tend  to behave  in the same way. This  behavior influences  not only the clothes they wear, but also the language they use. The language of a social group, particularly its slang, is one of the several forms of behavior that keeps the ground distinct from other groups. Language is a system of sound used by a group to communicate  and carry on their normal activities. There are some of the language variations which are created by people in specific community. The purposes are to express something using language. Yawkey (1984:268) in Supriyanto (1991:1) states that language is arbitrary system of articulated sound made of by a group of human as a means of carrying on their society. Iswahyuni (1998:1) states language is medium to express idea, opinion, and feeling in the science and education world. English language can be divided into two categories,  non-standard  and Standard English (Crimmson,  1967:170).

Non Standard English is a dialect spoken by large section of non middle class and often heard to be ugly, corrupted or lazy. Most college-education people who fill position of social, financial, and professional that influence in the community use Standard English. According to Crimmon (1967:175), Standard English has two variants, formal and informal English. Formal English is usually used for formal condition,  such as research,  business,  application  letter, papers, thesis, seminar and so on. On the other hand, informal English is called colloquialism because it is often used in daily communication.

The  study  of  effects  of  various  aspects  to  society,  including cultural, norms and contexts. Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to  society.  (Hudson,  1980).  When  colloquial  becomes  extremely  informal,  it shades over slang. Slang is the particular language for particular group. Webster (1980) states  that slang is language  of particular  group, trade or pursuit  or an informal, non-standard vocabulary changed words and extravagant, forced or facetious figures of speech. Slang usually has a short life, because it is invented to fit  a  particular  situation  at  a  given  moment  (Lerner,  1960:5).  Such  words  as “wetback” and “flop”, since they are descriptive of events or actions for which the standard  language  or  precise  words  seem  inadequate,  tend  to  remain  in  the colloquial language and to be admitted into dictionaries lerner (from Brown and yule, 1938:35).

Slang  language  is  not  an  official  language  or  it  is  informal  language, although it is widely used for oral communication  in many purposes,  as many words  quickly  become  outdated  and  obsolete  because  of  trends.  There is  not formal classification in slang language, except perhaps that it is a subclass of the language.

The following are some examples:



We found ourns this evening                     

We found ours this evening



We knowed he could do it                             

We knew he could do it

We is, you is, they is                                      

We are, you are, they are

Can’t get on                                                    

Can’t get any

Being that l am ill                                         

Because l am ill


Slang language is mainly spoken form, which is used in social milieus and in popular media, and to certain extent it is used in song lyrics and publications, such as teen magazines or pop culture magazines. One can deduce that Indonesian slang  language  is  the  primary  language  for  oral  communication  spoken  by everybody in daily life, except for formal speeches. It would be very unusual to communicate orally to people using the formal Indonesian.Slang words cannot be distinguished from other words by sound or meaning indeed, all slang words, as mentioned  above,  were  once  cant,  jargon,  argot,  or  taboo.  For  example,  the American slang “neck” (to kiss and caress) was originally student cant; flattop (an aircraft  carrier),  was  originally  navy  jargon;  and  pineapple  (a  bomb  or  hand grenade) was originally criminal argot ( Such words, such as “blizzards,  mob,  movie,  phone,  gas”,  and  others  did  not  change  in  sound  or meaning when they become informal or standard.

“Slang might be called a novelty language, and like most novelties, slang expression is rather likely to be in doubtful taste at the beginning, and extremely likely grow tiresome by too many repetitions.  It is impossible to estimate how many them flicker and die out before the general public even becomes aware of them”.Even  those that sweep the country usually last only a short time. A few years  after  their  vogue  they  may  be  completely  unknown  to  the  younger generation, and pathetic over to those who remember them. Yet many of them are so effective that much of the sparkle would die out of the language if all slang should come to an end” (Encyclopedia Americana, 1989:16-17).There  are many ways to express something and one of this ways is singing. By singing the song the singer can express their idea, feelings, and make it more attractive to listener (Frederik, 1988:144). Someone can express their ideas through songs to tell what he or she feels to listener.

 However, everyone  has different  ability  for to say something or speaking language and understanding others. The use of slang varies from region to region and from generation to generation. According to Abraham (1985:66)  not only  criminal  group  but  also  the  younger  that  is various  social background  and educational  use it. They may use it for communication to one others in making friendship that heard from their friends and song lyrics. Winusubroto (1989:58) states that slang is non-standard words which are known and used by certain  group,  instances,  youngster  group,  student  group, amateur radio organization group, player and jazz music lover and so forth. Slang language in the lyrics of song is also used in communication.

There are some various kinds of music, one of them is “Rap”. “Rap” is a kind of music that comes from black people, especially American, who have particular ways of  speech.  The Rap is developing  and  very popular  for black people and white teenagers. Setyowati (2001:3) states that Rap is the music of necessity of finding poetry in the colloquial, beauty in anger, and lyricism oven in violence. The language that used in Rap song is slang language. The rapper tends to use slang language to create the lyrics in Rap song. Therefore, it is assumed that Eminem’s song lyrics use slang language or not, so the writer needs to be done in the later discuss.

Nurjanah  (2000) wrote  a  research  entitled  “An  Analysis  of  Slang Language Related to Race, Drugs, and Violence in D12 Rap Songs Lyrics”. She used the theory of Language Varieties by Holmes , theory of race and violence by Kernerman, and theory of slang by Menchen. This research were to describe the slang words and slang meanings used in D12 song’s lyrics related to race, drugs, and violence. She found out that that based on the result of the research, the terms, such  as  “white,  fags”  have  slang  meanings  as  the  terms  related  to  race. Meanwhile,  the  terms,  such  as  “crack,  weed,  pop  and  squeeze”  have  a  slang meaning related to drugs and violence.

Practically,  it can  be used as a reference  by the readers  especially  the students at English Letters and Language Department, Faculty of Humanities and Culture The State Islamic University of Maliki Malang who want to analyze slang language as object in thesis writing, and interested in study slangs in song lyrics.


In conducting the research, the writer has to collect and review the related review the literature related to the research. Literature is needed to give theoretical explanation.  There  are  some  related  literatures  that  will  be  explained  in  this chapter.

2.1 Sociolinguistics

Language emerged because of the human’s need of each other. Besides, as means of communication, language also takes an important role to establish and maintain  the  relationship  between  people  and  the  society.  Language  is  the foundation of society, allowing people to live, work, and play together. By using language, people can also show their characteristics, their background, even their personal identity.

Because  language  and  society  are  related  each  other  and  it cannot  be understood without each other, was considered to be important to study about the two phenomena (language and society). Then, another branch of linguistics that study  about  the  relation  of  language  and  society,  called  sociolinguistics  was created.

Sociolinguistics is the study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectation, and context, on the way language is used. According to Chaika, (1982:2) “sociolinguistics is the study of ways people use language in social interaction” while Trudgill (1983:32) defines sociolinguistics as  the  part  of  linguistics  which  is concerned  with  language  as  social  cultural phenomena.

According to Wardaugh, sociolinguistics investigates the relationships between  language  and  society  with  the  goal  of  a  better  understanding  of  the structure of language function. It means that in sociolinguistics people will learn about the way of social structures influences how people talk and how language varieties and pattern of use correlate with social attributes such as class, sex, and age.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that sociolinguistics is the branch of linguistic which studies the relation between language and society, and it  is  also  the  study  of  the  ways  people  use  language  in  social  interaction. Moreover, sociolinguistics is a study of languge in relation to society.

2.2  Language Variation

Some facts about languages are that they are always changing over time, different between one another, and have a lot of varieties. The language variation exist because of   the use of single language which is different within a single community, such as men do not speak like women, and older people do not speak like younger people. Trudgill (1983:100) stated “Language, in other words, varies not only according to social characteristics of the speaker (such as his social class, ethnic  group,  age,  and  sex).  The  same  speaker  uses  the  different  linguistics varieties in different situation and different purposes”.

According to Hudson (1980:24), variety of language is a set of linguistics item with similar social distribution. Ferguson defined language variation as any speech pattern that is sufficiently homogeneous to be analyzed by available techniques of synchronic description and which has a sufficiently large repertory of elements and their arrangement or process with broad enough semantic scope to function in all normal context of communication.

2.2.1  Dialect

Dialect  is  one  variety  of  language.  According  to  Trudgill  (1983:17). dialect  is defined as the differences  between  kinds of language  in vocabulary, grammar,  and  pronunciation.  “Dialect  refers  to  all  the  differences  between varieties of language, those in pronunciation,  word usage, and syntax” (Chaika,1982:132).  On the level of vocabulary  or word  usage,  for example,  American English called the underground railway as “subway” while British English use the term “underground”. And “corn” which means “maize” in the U.S., Cannada, and Australia, “wheat” in England, and “oats” in Scotland. Even though dialects of the same language are different, it still has common point of features.

2.2.2    Register

Different professional and different group may develop distinctive vocabularies. Ferguson in Wardhaugh, (2002:51) says that people participating in recurrent communication situations tend to develop similar vocabularies, similar features of intonation, and characteristic bits of syntax and phonology that they use in this situation.

Wardhaugh (2002:51) defines the term register as sets of language items related with discrete occupational or social group. By using register, people can express their identity at a specific time or place.

2.2.3 Jargon

Jargon is special or technical words used by a particular group or people. What “Jargon” then appears to mean is: it is technical, in-group language as seen by non-technical out-group members. One person’s jargon seems to be another person’s technical vocabulary.

Many jargon terms pass into standard language. Jargon, like slang, spreads from  narrow  group  until  it  is  used  and  understood  by  large  segment  of  the population.


2.2.4  Style

People speak in different ways, formally or informally, according to the situation  and  the  circumstances.   Ceremonial   occasions   require  very  formal speech, public lectures somewhat less formal, casual conversation quite informal, and conversation between friends may be extremely informal and casual. Speech varies with the situation; different situation require different style of speech.

Style refers to the selection of linguistics forms to convey social or artistic effects.  Style  is  also  as  set  of  instructions.  The  message  it  conveys  are  not normally conveyed in words (Chaika, 1982:29).

2.2.5 Slang

Slang is nonstandard  use of word in a language  of a part social group. Slang terms are often particular to a certain subculture, such as: musicians, skate boarders and drugs users. Another theory of slang by Menchen (1936: 481) slang is expressions that do not belong to Standard English. For example: “what’s up?” is an example of term for asking about people or greeting a person. The articles by Kelly fox “Some Thoughts on Slang”, she described some statements or people thoughts of term “slang”. Definition of Slang

People  speak  differently  in  formal  contexts  and  in  formal  contexts, especially  when  speaking  informally,  people  often  use  slang:  an  informal  but colorful words and expressions.

Slang is an unconventional words or phrases that express something new or something old in a new way. Slang words sometimes flippant, impolite, and improper.  Since  slang is a wide concept  and it is used  in different  and rather confusing ways, there is not fixed definition about it. Lighter (1994:xi) defined slang as informal,  non-standard,  non-technical  vocabulary  composed  chiefly of novel sounding synonyms for standard word and phrases.

Slang is the non-standard or non-dialectal use of words in a language of a particular social group, and sometimes the creation of a new words or importation of words from another language. (http://www.Slang

When an individual applies language in a new way to express hostility, or ridicule, he may be creating slang, but the new expression will vanish unless it is used by another. A new slang term is usually widely used in a subculture before it appears in the dominant culture.

Anderson  and Trudgill  (1983) in Bad Language  mention  the typical  of slang, some of them are:

·         Slang Is Typical of Informal Situation

The formality of language is tied to the situation: in formal situation people expect formal language and in formal situation they expect informal language. Slang will be the last choice for anyone attempting to use language for formal, persuasive  or  business  purposes  since  they  will  be  considered  as  a  rude people. More slang words will be found in the conversation between friends if compared with the conversation between employer and employee.

·         Slang is typical of spoken language

Since the situation in which we write are more formal than the situations in which we talk, as stated above that slang is typical of formal situation, automatically slang belong to typical of spoken language. The example is like when go and watch soccer, they will hear a lot of slang from the crowd but the next morning when people read about the match in the newspaper, there will be far less slang in the paper’s coverage of the game.

·         Slang is found in words, not in grammar

Every language contains vocabulary and grammar. Since there is not grammar of slang, slang cannot be considered as language. That is way, when people talk about slang it is referred to words not grammar or pronunciation.



·         Slang is not swearing

Swearing is type of language use in which the expression refers to something that taboo in cultural and usually express strong emotions and attitudes. That is definitely different with slang. Even though slang terms may contain some taboo words, but it is used for fun and the important thing is that slang words used without emotion.

·         Slang is not register

Register  is  a  specialized  vocabulary  owned  by  specific  occupation  and activity. Registers are different with slang, but may contain slang, as long as the specialized  vocabulary is informal.  In the medicine terms, for example, when a patient leaves a tissue sample of examination, the doctor may say that THEY ARE SENDING SOME MEAT to the laboratory. These words are learned and used in practice and none of those words are written in the books of medicine. MOST OF REGISTER ASSOCIATED WITH UNOFFICIAL, OR ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES MAY CONSIST A LOT OF SLANG.  Like  the narcotic  business,  industries  that involve  very many people and lies on the fringes often find its way out of this register and into general slang vocabulary. Words such as HIGH, STONED, FREAKED OUT, TURNED ON, which related to the effects of drug abuse, shifted their way into slang words.

·         Slang is not cant, argot or jargon

For the first time, the term slang was used by British criminal to refer to their own special language. Cant, a private language of the underworld (criminal) which still used as a term for language of criminals. Thus, slang has moved a long way from its origin. Argot is a name for the language criminals which origin is French and has been used for several centuries with this meaning. Jargon refers to special or technical words used by particular group of people.

·         Slang is creative

Creativity took an important part in the invention of many slang words. The point  of  slang  words  is  often  to  be  starling,  amusing  or  shocking.  Slang expressions- for example, the apple of one’s eye (one favorite), square heads (stupid person), for the first time they are used they are truly creative. Those words attract other people’s attention but when it is used over and over again, its freshness is lost and it turns into rather ordinary lexical items. This then creates a need for few expression and new expression and new metaphors. Since slang is another way to express either something new or something old in a new way, there is constant desire to create new and dramatic expression. Slang words changed continually, it is very unusual for slang words to live on the language for thousand years. By those reasons, creativity is very important in the development of slang words.

·         Slang is short-lived

As stated before that is unusual for slang words to stay on the language for thousand years. Most of slang words are accepted into neutral style or else die out rather quickly. Many slang words, such as phone, bike, bus, pub, etc, have become standard or neutral language. There are also many slang words which have been lost.

Slang changes through time. What is slang for one person, generation or situation may not be slang for another. This change is directly connected with the creativity of slang. The enormous  number of new slang words may trigger the replacement of the old ones. The Characteristic of Slang

Slang began to creep into English literature  although  many writers and schools were fiercely against it, saying that it was vulgar, corrupted, uncultured, secret and false, the dialect of the rabble, of beggars, of gypsies and of thieves.

Today any writer may use slang freely, especially in fiction, song lyrics and drama (slang of the dukes http://www.Slang

The following is the characteristics of slang language:


Creativity/Creativity means  that  slang  language  has  cleverness,  imagination, productivity, and talent.


 Flippant/Flippant  means  that  slang  language  has  irrelevant  word  of  the  contexts. Example; FOR THESE GAMES AND STUPID TRICKS, THESE BITCHES ON MY DICK, FROM THESE BITCHES ON OUR DICKS, FUCKING CHICKEN WITH NO RIBS.


 Fresh/Fresh means that slang language has familiar words, different words, up to date words. Example: DIME means SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY


 Onomatopoeic/Onomatopoeic means that slang language has imitation words. Example: Buzz likes wind./One use of slang is a simple  way of circumventing  social  taboos.  The mainstream language tends to shy away from explicitly evoking certain realities. Slang, and also the informal forms of language, permits one to talk about these realities  in  a  special  language  stripped  of  a  usual  connotation  in  the  normal register.  Slang vocabularies  are particularly  rich in a certain  domains,  such as sexuality, violence, crime, and drugs.


Originally, certain slang designated the speech of people involve in the criminal   underworld,    hooligans,   bandits,   criminals,   etc.   therefore,   their vocabulary  carried  very  vulgar  connotations,  and  was  strictly  rejected  by  the speakers of “proper” language. Other groups, generally those on the margins of mainstream society who were excluded or rejected by it, developed their own slangs. Slang is a language based off of shortened words; something like a contraction but used to shorten speech in a hasty manner.

4.3 Discussion of Finding

Based on the result of the data about slang language in Eminem slang lyrics on the previous page, the writer arrives on discussing the result of analysis.

After looking more closely at the song and reviewing them once or twice or more times and recreate in the mind. It is showed that there are the slang words, the meaning and the characteristics used in Eminem song lyrics as in the following:

1)  The slang word Hood means that he is involved in criminal because of his action.

Its characteristic is categorized as creativity because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word./2)  The slang word Nigga means black people and categorized as fresh characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying neggro or black people as nigga./3) The slang word Grinding means studying hard and categorized as creativity characteristic, because it consist of imagination and cleverness in creating the word./4)  The slang word ho's means annoying person from the word hoes and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying hoes.

5) The slang word Gotta means have to and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying have to be gotta./6)  The slang word Ain't  means am not  as rejected meaning and categorized  as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying am not be ain’t./7) The slang word Gonna means going to and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying going  to be gonna

8)  The slang Homey means close friend and categorized as creativity characteristic, because it consist of imagination and cleverness in creating the word.

9)  The slang word Chase  cheese means  sympathy  and categorized as creativity characteristic, because it consist of imagination and cleverness in creating the word./10) The slang word Motherfucking mouth means bad or stupid mouth and categorized as flippant characteristic, because it has irrelevant of contextual meaning word of it./11) The  slang  word  Wanna  means  want  to  and  categorized  as  onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying want  to be to./12) The  slang  word  Morn  means  morning  and  categorized  as  onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying morn  be morning./13) The slang word Crack  means marijuana or cocaine and categorized  as fresh characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word./14) The slang word Snap means a moment and categorized as fresh characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word./15) The  slang  word  Bully  means  harass  of    someone  done  and  categorized  as creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word.

16) The slang word Cockamamey means stupid or foolish man and categorized as flippant characteristic, because it has irrelevant of contextual meaning word of it./17) The  slang  word  Zany  means  funny  and  categorized  as  fresh  characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word./18) The slang word Buzz means blowing a rumor and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word of action with sound itself.

19) The slang word Holla means worship of God and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word of action in worshiping God.

20) The   slang   word   The   shit   means   scoundrel   and   categorized   as   flippant characteristic, because it has irrelevant of contextual meaning word of it.

21) The slang word Hollering means shout loudly   and categorized as creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word.

22) The  slang  word  Witcha  means  ugly  and  categorized  as  fresh  characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word.

23) The slang word Shit means small problem in negative meaning and categorized as flippant characteristic, because it has irrelevant of contextual meaning word of it/24) The  slang  word  Storms  means  hard  problem    and  categorized  as  creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word./25) The slang word Kick up dust means disturbance and categorized as creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word/26) The slang word Punches means impact and categorized as fresh characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word./27) The  slang  word  Bunch  means  heaps  of  anything  and  categorized  as  fresh characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word.

28) The  slang  word  blackballed  means  disturbance  and  categorized  as  creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word.

29) The slang word Suck means very bad and categorized as creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word./30) The slang word Piss means urine and categorized as fresh characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word./31) The   slang   word   Tryin   means   trying   and   categorized   as   onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word./32) The slang word Fuck up means break in negative meaning and categorized as flippant characteristic, because it has irrelevant of contextual meaning word of it.

33) The slang  word  Motherfucker  means  scoundrel  in  negative  meaning  and categorized as flippant characteristic, because it has irrelevant of contextual meaning word of it.

34) The slang word Feelins means feelings and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying feelins  to be feeling.

35) The   slang   word   Yull   means   you   all   and   categorized   as   onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying all of you  be yull.

36) The   slang   word   Yo   means   come   on   and   categorized   as   onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying invitation  be yo.

37) The slang word Bitches Up means mess up in negative meaning and categorized as flippant characteristic, because it has irrelevant of contextual meaning word of it.

38) The  slang  word  Dummy  means  stupid  man  and  categorized  as  creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word./39) The  slang  word  Lamens  means  lament  and  categorized  as  onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying laments  be lamens./40) The slang word F**Kin Sissy means hermaphrodite in negative meaning and categorized as flippant characteristic, because it has irrelevant of contextual meaning word of it./41) The slang word Watchin means watching or look means you all and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying watching be watchin.

42) The slang word Sick means nauseated and categorized as fresh characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word./43) The slang word Faggot means coward in negative meaning and categorized as flippant characteristic, because it has irrelevant of contextual meaning word of it.

44) The slang word Y'all means you all and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying all of you be y’all./45) The slang word Split means leave and categorized as fresh characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word.

46) The slang word Diss means dis and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying dis  be diss./47) The slang word Bitchin means malicious and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying bitching be bitchin.

48) The slang word Goin' means go and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying going be goin./49) The slang word Fuckin' burn means suffer in negative meaning and categorized as flippant characteristic, because it has irrelevant of contextual meaning word of it./50) The   slang   word   Missin   means   miss   and   categorized   as   onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying missing be missin.

51) The slang word Cock means shot and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word with the sound of act./52) The  slang  word  Dime  means  money  and  categorized  as  fresh  characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word.

53) The slang word Dude means their friend and categorized as fresh characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word./54) The  slang  word  Walkin  means  walking  and  categorized  as  onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying walksing be walkin.

55) The slang word Cos means cause or because and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying cause be cos./56) The  slang  word  Gangsters  means  group  of  bad  people  and  categorized  as creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word./57) The slang word Nuts means insnity and categorized as creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word.

58) The slang word Big ball of shit means say nonsense and categorized as creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word.

59) The  slang  word  Jetted  means  go  in  rush   and  categorized  as  creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word./60) The slang word Sick sick bastard means insane man in negative meaning and categorized as flippant characteristic, because it has irrelevant of contextual meaning word of it./61) The   slang   word   sellout   means   so   many   and   categorized   as   creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word.

62) The slang word Stuck means pointing and categorized as fresh characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word./63) The slang word The slang word Pissed means angry and categorized as fresh characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word.

64) The slang  word  Goddamit  means  accursing  and  categorized  as  creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word.

65) The slang word Shot means loose and categorized as fresh characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word./66) The   slang   word   Pops   means   father   and   categorized   as   onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in calling her father.

67) The   slang   word   Dame   Means   annoying   girl   and   categorized   as   fresh characteristic, because it is kind of familiar word in saying the word.

68) The slang word ol' means all and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying all be ol’./69) The slang word Mack means mackintosh and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying mackintosh be mack.

70) The  slang  word  Damn  Gun  means  weapon  and  categorized  as  creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word.

71) The slang word Em means them and categorized as onomatopoeic characteristic, because it consists of imitation word in saying them be em./72) The   slang   word   Devil   means   dangerous   and   categorized   as   creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word.

73) The  slang  word  Hoist  means  take  a  brave  and  categorized  as  creativity characteristic, because it consists of imagination and cleverness in creating the word.




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