SFL Appraisal "affect," "judgment," and "appreciation"

In Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), particularly within Appraisal Theory, the Attitude subsystem analyses emotions, ethics, and aesthetics in texts. Attitude is divided into three categories: Affect, Judgement, and Appreciation. Each serves a different function in expressing the speaker's feelings, attitudes, and evaluations. Here's a brief explanation of each, along with examples from news text reportage:

1. **Affect**:

   - **Definition**: Affect deals with expressing emotions and feelings. It conveys how people feel about something.

   - **Example**: "The residents were *devastated* by the sudden flood."

     - *Devastated* reflects the strong emotional response of the residents to the flood.

2. **Judgement**:

   - **Definition**: Judgement evaluates behavior according to social norms, assessing people’s actions as good or bad, moral or immoral, capable or incapable.

   - **Example**: "The mayor's *negligence* in addressing the flood risk has been widely criticized."

     - *Negligence* is a judgement about the mayor's behavior, implying irresponsibility or failure to act properly.

3. **Appreciation**:

   - **Definition**: Appreciation evaluates things, including products, processes, and states of affairs, in terms of their aesthetic value, or how they are valued socially or culturally.

   - **Example**: "The city's new flood defenses were *impressive*, preventing what could have been a major disaster."

     - *Impressive* evaluates the quality and effectiveness of the flood defenses.

### Examples in News Text Reportage


- "Local businesses are *worried* about the impact of the new regulations."

  - *Worried* conveys the emotional state of local businesses concerning the regulations.


- "The journalist was praised for her *bravery* in reporting from the conflict zone."

  - *Bravery* assesses the journalist’s actions as commendable.


- "The documentary received *critical acclaim* for its detailed and moving portrayal of the refugee crisis."

  - *Critical acclaim* appreciates the documentary’s value and impact.

By distinguishing between Affect, Judgement, and Appreciation, we can gain a deeper understanding of how language is used to convey emotions, evaluate actions, and express values in news texts.

The difference between "affect," "judgment," and "appreciation" in the context of Appraisal Theory can be summarized as follows:

1. **Affect**:

   - Concerned with values related to feelings and emotions.

   - Covers emotional reactions such as happiness, sadness, love, and anger.

   - Examples include expressions of joy, sorrow, or other emotional states.

2. **Judgment**:

   - Focuses on attitudes towards human behavior and actions.

   - Deals with social esteem and social sanction, evaluating behavior as good or bad.

   - Examples include praise or criticism of actions or behaviors.

3. **Appreciation**:

   - Concerned with reactions, composition, and valuation.

   - Involves evaluating things, such as objects, ideas, or events, in terms of their worth or significance.

   - Examples include expressions of gratitude, admiration, or recognition.

Here is a clear example in news text reportage:

**Headline:** "Local Artist's Exhibition Receives Praise and Criticism"


"Local artist, Jane Doe, recently showcased her latest exhibition at the city's art gallery. The event received a mixed response from attendees. While some praised her innovative use of colors and themes, others criticized the lack of depth in her work. The exhibition also sparked a lively discussion about the role of art in contemporary society. Overall, the event was a testament to the power of art to evoke strong emotions and inspire different perspectives."


- **Affect:** "The exhibition was met with a mix of emotions, from joy to disappointment."

- **Judgment:** "Critics praised her creativity but criticized the lack of depth in her work."

- **Appreciation:** "Attendees appreciated the opportunity to engage with local art and discuss its significance."

In this example:

- **Affect** refers to the emotional responses of attendees, such as joy and disappointment.

- **Judgment** involves evaluating the artistic work, with some praising creativity and others criticizing depth.

- **Appreciation** highlights the value and significance of the event, including the opportunity to engage with local art and discuss its impact.


[1] https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Definition-of-Appreciation-Affect-and-Judgment_tbl1_340940380

[2] https://www.grammatics.com/appraisal/appraisalguide/unframed/stage3-attitude-appreciation.htm

[3] https://osf.io/fgj8r/download

[4] https://www.grammatics.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi

[5] https://asianpublisher.id/journal/index.php/joladu/article/download/473/368

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