Summary of SFL Appraisal and Ideology Realization in News Text Reportage on Indonesia's New Capital Relocation

 ### Summary of SFL Appraisal and Ideology Realization in News Text Reportage on Indonesia's New Capital Relocation

Hendrastuti, Retno. (2022). Foreign Media Focusing on Indonesia’s New Capital Relocation: An Attitude Analysis Using Appraisal Approach. 10.2991/978-2-494069-91-6_73. 

#### Abstract

The study analyzes foreign media coverage on Indonesia's new capital relocation using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and Appraisal Theory. The goal is to understand the attitudes conveyed through linguistic features in news texts from ABC, BBC, and VOA. The analysis reveals a prevalence of negative evaluations, indicating skepticism about the new capital's readiness and the old capital's suitability. However, positive evaluations toward the new capital suggest a tendency to support the relocation.

#### Introduction

The announcement of Indonesia's new capital (INC) in East Kalimantan sparked widespread media coverage and public reaction. Media portrayals can influence public opinion, making it essential to analyze the language used in news texts. The study applies SFL's Appraisal Theory, which categorizes attitudes into affect, judgment, and appreciation, to assess the media's stance.

#### Method

The research is a descriptive qualitative study, analyzing news texts from three major foreign media outlets. The texts were examined for attitudinal lexis, phrases, and metaphors reflecting affect, judgment, and appreciation.

#### Findings and Discussion

- **Affect**: Evaluations of feelings about the relocation were expressed through verbal, nominal, and adjective phrases. Dominant expressions included concern, criticism, and hope. Most affective evaluations were direct, with few metaphorical expressions.


- **Judgment**: Normative evaluations of behavior were reflected in verbal phrases like "take some of the pressure" and "forcing." The evaluations often indicated problems with the relocation process, including ethical and legal concerns.


- **Appreciation**: Evaluations of the quality of the relocation plan showed a balance of positive and negative attitudes. Both direct and implied evaluations were used, though direct expressions were more common.

#### Target Mapping

Evaluations targeted INC and Jakarta, revealing differing attitudes toward the two locations. Positive evaluations generally favored INC, while negative evaluations were more evenly distributed. The data suggested a media tendency to support the relocation, though VOA appeared more balanced than BBC and ABC.

#### Conclusion

The study underscores the importance of balanced reporting in mass media. The findings indicate a nuanced portrayal of Indonesia's capital relocation, with varying degrees of support and criticism among different media outlets. This analysis contributes to understanding how language in news texts can shape public perception of significant national developments.

### SFL Appraisal and Ideology Realization in News Text Reportage
Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika, Mangatur Nababan

Cahyono, S., Santosa, R., Djatmika, D., & Nababan, M. (2024). Biographer’s Appraisal in Joko Widodo Biography “Man of Contradiction and the Struggle to Remake Indonesia”. World Journal of English Language, 14(3), p98. doi:


This study explores the biographer’s appraisal towards Jokowi’s contradiction and struggle to remake Indonesia. The data were obtained purposively from the chapter five of the biography “Man of Contradiction: Joko Widodo and the Struggle to Remake Indonesia” (2020) and were analyzed by applying Martin and Rose’s appraisal framework (2007). The findings reveal that positive judgments were used to assess Jokowi's actions when he became his company CEO, business association chairman, Surakarta mayor, Jakarta governor, and Indonesia president; and negative judgments to criticize his leadership style and his administration’s weaknesses and strengths. The positive appreciation was given to Jokowi’s efforts on his decision to build infrastructures throughout Indonesia, while negative appreciation on Jokowi's administration that was deemed to have covered up cases of deaths and victims of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, to indicate his feelings towards Jokowi, the biographer uses affect that covers the desires, self-confidence, worry, fear, happiness, sadness, security, insecurity, and unhappiness Jokowi experienced during his presidential administration.

#### Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) Appraisal
The Appraisal framework within SFL focuses on how language expresses attitudes and opinions, influencing how readers perceive the text. Developed by Martin and White (2005), the Appraisal system is divided into three main categories:

1. **Attitude**: This deals with feelings, including emotional responses (affect), judgments of behavior (judgment), and evaluations of things (appreciation). For example, words that express emotions directly, such as "joy" or "hatred," are part of the affect system.

2. **Graduation**: This category refers to the intensity or degree of evaluation, such as strengthening or weakening the attitude expressed. For instance, modifiers like "very" or "slightly" adjust the strength of the expressed sentiment.

3. **Engagement**: This involves how the writer positions themselves concerning other voices and viewpoints in the text, often using modal verbs or adverbs to signal different levels of certainty and alignment with other perspectives.

The use of these systems in news text reportage can reveal underlying biases or stances by examining how journalists choose to express attitudes, scale their evaluations, and engage with different perspectives【12:0†source】【12:3†source】【12:4†source】.

#### Ideology Realization in News Texts
Ideology in news texts is conveyed through language that reflects underlying values, beliefs, and power structures. Van Dijk (2006) explains that ideology is expressed, enacted, and reproduced by discourse, often serving to legitimize power or articulate resistance.

1. **Synoptic Ideology**: This views ideology as a product, represented by the variety of languages used by certain groups. For instance, certain lexical choices and thematic focuses in news articles can reveal the ideological leanings of a publication.

2. **Dynamic Ideology**: This sees ideology as a process, reflected in how language is used to oppose or support particular social norms and power structures. This involves analyzing the interaction of language choices with social contexts and power dynamics【12:0†source】【12:3†source】.

In the context of the article on Indonesia’s new capital, the language used by foreign media can shape public opinion by emphasizing certain aspects over others. For example, evaluative language that critiques the expedited legislative process or environmental concerns reflects an ideological stance on governance and environmental responsibility. 

By applying the SFL Appraisal framework, one can analyze how the text constructs attitudes towards the new capital project, judges the actions of involved parties, and appreciates the project's implications. This analysis can reveal how ideological positions are subtly conveyed through language choices, shaping readers' perceptions and reinforcing certain values【12:5†source】.

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