DA VS CDA, analisis wacana vs AWK

 Discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis (CDA) are related but distinct methodologies in the study of language and communication. Here are the key differences:

UNDERSTANDING CDA IN SHORT/IN SUMMARY:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1h82FkR-DSoQ6Y_4w5ihmLqBgFe-_5YKB/edit#slide=id.p1

*1. Focus*

   - *Discourse Analysis*: This broader category encompasses various methods focused primarily on analyzing linguistic phenomena across different types of communication. It explores how language is structured and used in various contexts without necessarily focusing on power dynamics or ideological implications[1][2].

   - *Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)*: Specifically designed to examine how language functions within political, social, and cultural contexts to shape ideologies, power structures, and social relations. CDA seeks to unveil the underlying power dynamics and ideological constructs that influence these discourses[1][2].

*2. Analytical Approach*

   - *Discourse Analysis*: Typically involves detailed examination of textual data using various analytical techniques. It may look at structural aspects, pragmatic uses, and contextual factors influencing communication.

   - *Critical Discourse Analysis*: Goes deeper by connecting linguistic features to social issues. It operates at multiple levels—description, explanation, and interpretation—to understand how language contributes to maintaining or challenging existing power structures and ideologies[1][3].

*3. Contextual Consideration*

   - *Discourse Analysis*: May consider the immediate context of communication but often stops short of exploring broader social implications.

   - *Critical Discourse Analysis*: Examines the context thoroughly, including who communicates with whom, why they communicate, and the impact on various stakeholders. It looks at background information, situational factors, and the roles played by different parties in shaping discourse[2][3].

*4. Power Dynamics*

   - *Discourse Analysis*: Does not inherently address power dynamics unless specifically framed around those themes.

   - *Critical Discourse Analysis*: Emphasizes the role of power in shaping discourse. It analyzes how language constructs and reinforces social hierarchies, inequalities, and biases, aiming to expose hidden mechanisms of oppression[1][3].

*5. Methodological Depth*

    Both methods involve deep analysis, but CDA typically engages in more nuanced examinations involving theoretical frameworks like Marxism and social cognitive processes to dissect complex power relations embedded in language usage[3]. 

In summary, while traditional discourse analysis focuses on the formal properties and practical applications of language, critical discourse analysis delves deeper into the social and political dimensions of language use, seeking to uncover and critique the ways in which language influences and reflects power dynamics and ideologies.


[1] https://typeset.io/questions/what-is-the-difference-betewenn-discourse-analysis-and-2rc4iu5xm7

[2] http://download.garuda.kemdikbud.go.id/article.php?article=2578119&title=COMPARISON+BETWEEN+DISCOURSE+ANALYSIS+AND+CRITICAL+DISCOURSE+ANALYSIS+FROM+LINGUISTICS+VIEW&val=24177

[3] https://media.neliti.com/media/publications/288876-comparison-between-discourse-analysis-an-6e43bd01.pdf

[4] https://journal.iaingorontalo.ac.id/index.php/al/article/view/317

[5] https://www.neliti.com/publications/288876/comparison-between-discourse-analysis-and-critical-discourse-analysis-from-lingu

[6] https://www.researchgate.net/post/What_is_technical_difference_between_Discourse_Analysis_and_Critical_Discourse_Analysis

[7] https://www.researchgate.net/post/How-different-is-critical-analysis-of-discourse-cDA-compared-to-critical-discourse-analysis-ie-CDA

1 comment:

  1. UNDERSTANDING CDA IN SHORT/IN SUMMARY:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1h82FkR-DSoQ6Y_4w5ihmLqBgFe-_5YKB/edit#slide=id.p1


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