Appraisal and Ideology Realization in Indonesia State Capital Relocation News Texts

 Appraisal and Ideology Realization in Indonesia State Capital Relocation News Texts

The dissertation by Faizal Risdianto investigates the use of the Appraisal system and ideological constructions in online news texts about relocating Indonesia's capital city (IKN). It analyzes how evaluative language (Attitude, Graduation, and Engagement) is used to convey ideologies in news from **Kompas**, **Republika**, **Media Indonesia**, and **Jawa Pos** (March 2021–March 2022). Using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and a descriptive-qualitative approach, the study uncovers biases in the representation of the IKN project.

### Key Findings:

1. **Media Bias and Support**: 

   - *Kompas* and *Media Indonesia* strongly support the IKN project.

   - *Republika* presents a balanced view, including criticism.

   - *Jawa Pos* adopts a supportive but more balanced and comprehensive stance.

2. **Language Analysis**:

   - **Graduation**: Journalists intensify evaluations through strong language (e.g., "force") to subtly support or critique the project while maintaining objectivity.

   - **Engagement**: Predominantly uses heterogloss (multiple viewpoints) to appear objective. However, monogloss (single perspective) is used selectively to criticize IKN opponents and amplify government support.

3. **Genre and Ideology**:

   - Hard news embeds subtle ideological agendas, contrasting with the overt ideologies in editorials.

   - Most media favor the IKN project, often portraying critics negatively and marginalizing alternative views.

4. **Ideological Stances**:

   - **Kompas**, *Republika*, and *Media Indonesia*: Right-wing antagonists favoring the status quo, suppressing critical voices.

   - *Jawa Pos*: Right-wing protagonist offering more open and balanced reporting.

5. **Geographical and Contextual Influences**:

   - *Jawa Pos* emphasizes local impacts on Java, while national media adopt a broader perspective influenced by ideological and political dynamics.

### Implications:

The study highlights the role of evaluative language and ideological framing in shaping public perceptions of government policies. It emphasizes the need for critical media literacy and transparent journalism to mitigate biases. Future research is recommended to explore longitudinal effects, comparative media studies, and audience reception.

### Conclusion:

The dissertation underscores the subtle manipulation of public opinion in online news through linguistic and ideological strategies, emphasizing the influential role of media in public trust and policy reception.

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