Showing posts with label linguistics schools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label linguistics schools. Show all posts
Sebagaimana yang diungkapkan oleh Sarwini S.Pd dalam SOLOPOS 19/3/2009 berjudul “Penyingkatan Bahasa di Pasar” bahwa bahasa merupakan alat yang sangat penting bagi manusia untuk mengadakan interaksi dan bahasa bersifat arbirtrary atau manasuka. Bukan hanya demikian saja, tetapi bahasa dimanapun ia berada selalu berkembang dinamis mengikuti laju perkembangan zaman .Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya daya kreatif manusia seperti yang diungkapkan Noam Chomsky, pakar Linguistik Amerika, bahwa tiap manusia memiliki kemampuan bawaansejak lahir (innate competence) untuk secara kreatif mengorganisir, mengkoherensikan, menyesuaikan dan merangkai kata dan frasa agar menjadi ujaran yang dapat di mengerti. Kemampuan ini adalah kemampuan kognitif yang jauh melampai kemampuan linguistik struktural-tradisional ala Leonard Bloomfield yang hanya melihat bahasa dari bentuk (form) dan isi bahasa (contents) dan mengabaikan atau tidak memahami aspek konteks sosio-kultural yang melingkupi sebuah ujaran bahasa. Contoh ketidakmampuan lingustik tradisional dalam menjelaskan fakta kebahasaan tertentu ialah contoh cara linguistik tradisional menjelaskan ekspresi “Ngebut–Benjut” yang sering kita temui di gang-gang sempit di kampung-kampung daerah perkotaan di Solo. Kajian linguistik struktural hanya memahami tuturan “Ngebut –Benjut” dengan penjelasan atas kata ‘Ngebut” sebagai Verba yang artinya “lari kencangnya kendaraan” sedangkan kata “Benjut” sebagai adjektiva yang artinya “wajah atau badan yang memar”. Lalu apa hubungan antara kendaraan yang lari kencang dengan wajah memar? Hal ini hanya bisa dipahami secara linguistis saja tetapi dengan bantuan studi Pragmatik bahwa ada konteks pertuturan yang melingkari tuturan itu. Tanpa konteks ini maka fakta kebahasan ini tidak bisa dipahami. Menurut kajian Pragmatik tuturan “Ngebut –Benjut” bisa dianalisis sebagai berikut: penutur adalah warga kampung, mitra tutur adalah semua orang yang lewat jalan kampung dengan kendaraan. Maksud atau konteks tuturan ialah warga kampung memberitahu orang yang lewat dengan kendaraan agar jangan suka ngebut karena banyak kejadian anak kecil tertabrak kendaraan yang ugal-ugalan. Jika sudah membaca tuturan “Ngebut-Benjut” masih saja memaksakan keinginan maka jika terjadi lagi kecelakaan maka yang terjadi akan jadi “benjut” wajah dan badan memar karena massa akan bertindak di luar hukum untuk menghakimi si pelanggar aturan masyarakat. Lalu kenapa peringatan ini diwujudkan dalam bentuk tulisan? Secara Sosiolinguistik fakta kebahasaan ini juga bisa dijelaskan dengan adanya collective mind (tata nilai, norma dan sistem sosial yang dimiliki bersama) masyarakat Jawa yang meskipun anti konflik tetapi lebih suka menyampaikan sesuatu secara tidak langsung atau tidak terus terang. Hal ini karena halusnya perasaan orang Jawa yang cenderung tidak mau mengingatkan dan menyalahkan orang yang dianggap bersalah di depan orang banyak. Tetapi kalau sudah kebangetan yang tetap akan mendapatkan hukuman sosial.
Who is leonard Bloomfield?
Leonard Bloomfield (April 1, 1887 – April 18, 1949) was an American linguist who led the development of structural linguistics in the United States during the 1930s and the 1940s. His influential textbook Language presented a comprehensive description of American structural linguistics.[1] He made significant contributions to Indo-European historical linguistics, the description of Austronesian languages, and description of languages of the Algonquian family.
Bloomfield's approach to linguistics was characterized by its emphasis on the scientific basis of linguistics, adherence to behaviorism especially in his later work, and emphasis on formal procedures for the analysis of language data. The influence of Bloomfieldian structural linguistics declined in the late 1950s and 1960s as the theory of Generative Grammar developed by Noam Chomsky came to predominate.
Indo-European linguistics
Bloomfield's earliest work was in historical Germanic studies, beginning with his dissertation, and continuing with a number of papers on Indo-European and Germanic phonology and morphology.[20][21] His post-doctoral studies in Germany further strengthened his expertise in the Neogrammarian tradition, which still dominated Indo-European historical studies.[22] Bloomfield throughout his career, but particularly during his early career, emphasized the Neogrammarian principle of regular sound change as a foundational concept in historical linguistics.[23][24]
Although Bloomfield's original work in Indo-European beyond his dissertation was limited to an article on palatal consonants in Sanskrit,[25] and one article on the Sanskrit grammatical tradition associated with Pāṇini,[26] in addition to a number of book reviews, he made extensive use of Indo-European materials to explain historical and comparative principles in both of his textbooks, An introduction to language (1914), and his seminal Language (1933).[27] In his textbooks he selected Indo-European examples that supported the key Neogrammarian hypothesis of the regularity of sound change, and emphasized a sequence of steps essential to success in comparative work: (a) appropriate data in the form of texts which must be studied intensively and analysed; (b) application of the comparative method; (c) reconstruction of proto-forms.[28] He further emphasized the importance of dialect studies where appropriate, and noted the significance of sociological factors such as prestige, and the impact of meaning.[29] In addition to regular change, Bloomfield also allowed for borrowing and analogy as forms of linguistic change.[30]
It is argued that Bloomfield's Indo-European work had two broad implications:(a) "He stated clearly the theoretical bases for Indo-European linguistics..."; (b) "...he established the study of Indo-European languages firmly within general linguistics...."
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Bloomfield's approach to linguistics was characterized by its emphasis on the scientific basis of linguistics, adherence to behaviorism especially in his later work, and emphasis on formal procedures for the analysis of language data. The influence of Bloomfieldian structural linguistics declined in the late 1950s and 1960s as the theory of Generative Grammar developed by Noam Chomsky came to predominate.
Indo-European linguistics
Bloomfield's earliest work was in historical Germanic studies, beginning with his dissertation, and continuing with a number of papers on Indo-European and Germanic phonology and morphology.[20][21] His post-doctoral studies in Germany further strengthened his expertise in the Neogrammarian tradition, which still dominated Indo-European historical studies.[22] Bloomfield throughout his career, but particularly during his early career, emphasized the Neogrammarian principle of regular sound change as a foundational concept in historical linguistics.[23][24]
Although Bloomfield's original work in Indo-European beyond his dissertation was limited to an article on palatal consonants in Sanskrit,[25] and one article on the Sanskrit grammatical tradition associated with Pāṇini,[26] in addition to a number of book reviews, he made extensive use of Indo-European materials to explain historical and comparative principles in both of his textbooks, An introduction to language (1914), and his seminal Language (1933).[27] In his textbooks he selected Indo-European examples that supported the key Neogrammarian hypothesis of the regularity of sound change, and emphasized a sequence of steps essential to success in comparative work: (a) appropriate data in the form of texts which must be studied intensively and analysed; (b) application of the comparative method; (c) reconstruction of proto-forms.[28] He further emphasized the importance of dialect studies where appropriate, and noted the significance of sociological factors such as prestige, and the impact of meaning.[29] In addition to regular change, Bloomfield also allowed for borrowing and analogy as forms of linguistic change.[30]
It is argued that Bloomfield's Indo-European work had two broad implications:(a) "He stated clearly the theoretical bases for Indo-European linguistics..."; (b) "...he established the study of Indo-European languages firmly within general linguistics...."
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