The Norm Establishment in WhatsApp Group Conversations


Norwanto, N., & Risdianto, F. (2022). The Norm Establishment in WhatsApp Group Conversations. Journal of Language and Literature, 22(2), 504-517. doi:



Atmojo, A., & Nugroho, A. (2020). EFL Classes Must Go Online! Teaching Activities and Challenges during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. Register Journal, 13(1), 49-76. doi:

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Iqbal, Z., Aslam, M., Aslam, T., Ashraf, R., Kashif, M., & Nasir, H. (2020). Persuasive power concerning COVID-19 employed by Premier Imran Khan: A socio-political discourse analysis. Register Journal, 13(1), 208-230. doi:

Mardiana, H. (2020). Lecturers’ Attitudes towards Online Teaching in the Learning Process. Register Journal, 13(1), 77-98. doi:

Miftah, M. (2018). Utilization of Edmodo as an Online Tool in EFL Writing Class to Increase Students’ Writing Ability. Register Journal, 11(1), 37-58. doi:

Boulahnane, S., & Abramova, V. (2019). Exploring the Potential of online English Websites In Teaching English To Non-Linguistic Major Students: BreakingNewsEnglish As Example. Register Journal, 12(1), 1-12. doi:

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Mustikasari, D. (2017). Developing Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) : Need Analysis of Teaching Materials for Madrasah English Teachers. Register Journal, 10(2), 170-184. doi:

Fauzi, I. (2018). The Effectiveness of Skimming and Scanning Strategies in Improving Comprehension and Reading Speed Rates to Students of English Study Programme. Register Journal, 11(1), 101-120. doi:



PASSIVE VOICE AND RELATIVE CLAUSE - ppt download: Passive Voice A final feature to consider in verb groups is that of voice. Voice refers to whether a sentence or utterance is in the ACTIVE and PASSIVE. All our examples so far have been active. The majority of sentences and utterances are in the active and so this feature is not overtly on a tree diagram.

Media Inggris Soroti Tragedi di Stadion Kanjuruhan

Berikut deretan media Inggris yang ikut menyoroti tragedi maut di Stadion Kanjuruhan yang menewaskan 127 orang meninggal dunia:

Mirror Football

Reports from Indonesia now state that 127 deaths have been confirmed following the incident at the Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang

— Mirror Football (@MirrorFootball) October 1, 2022

The Guardian

More than 120 people reportedly killed in riot at Indonesian football match 

— The Guardian (@guardian) October 1, 2022

Helen Keller Full Movie - The Miracle Worker Subtitle Indonesia




Several definition of Taliban and I feel the atmosphere of islamophobia on cyberspace

I feel the atmosphere of Islamophobia on several definition of the word Taliban on google search result. specially this one : The Taliban is a brutal, fundamentalist religious group that held power over most of Afghanistan during the late 1990s.

 1. The Taliban (/ˈtælɪbæn, ˈtɑːlɪbɑːn/; Pashto: طالبان, romanized: ṭālibān, lit. 'students' or 'seekers'), which also refers to itself by the name of its state, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan,[82][83][a] is a Deobandi Islamic fundamentalist, militant Islamist, and jihadist political movement in Afghanistan.[86][5][7] It ruled approximately three-quarters of the country from 1996–2001, before being overthrown following the United States invasion.

2. The Taliban is a Sunni Islamist nationalist and pro-Pashtun movement founded in the early 1990s that ruled most of Afghanistan from 1996 until October 2001. The movement’s founding nucleus—the word “Taliban” is Pashto for “students”—was composed of peasant farmers and men studying Islam in Afghan and Pakistani madrasas, or religious schools. The Taliban found a foothold and consolidated their strength in southern Afghanistan.

3. The Taliban is a brutal, fundamentalist religious group that held power over most of Afghanistan during the late 1990s.

The word Taliban comes from tālib, "student" in Arabic, as the group was started by Pakistani religious school students in the mid-1990s. The Taliban has been condemned around the world for the support it's given to terrorist groups and the brutality with which it's treated many people, particularly Muslim women. Over its brief existence, the Taliban has denied food aid to starving people, massacred Afghan citizens, and run human trafficking operations, among many other atrocities.

4. Definition of Taliban: a fundamentalist Islamic militia in Afghanistan

5. The Taliban retook control of Afghanistan in 2021, two decades after being removed from power by a US-led military coalition.

The hardline Islamist group advanced rapidly across the country, seizing province after province before taking the capital Kabul on 15 August last year, as the Afghan military collapsed.

6. Taliban, Pashto Ṭālebān (“Students”), also spelled Taleban, ultraconservative political and religious faction that emerged in Afghanistan in the mid-1990s following the withdrawal of Soviet troops, the collapse of Afghanistan’s communist regime, and the subsequent breakdown in civil order. It began as a small force of Afghan religious students and scholars seeking to confront crime and corruption; the faction owes its name, Taliban (Pashto: Ṭālebān, “Students”), to this initial membership.

7. The Taliban in Afghanistan

The Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan in 2021, twenty years after their ouster by U.S. troops. Under their harsh rule, they have cracked down on women’s rights and neglected basic services.

8. Are the Taliban ideologues?

Most of the Afghan people are illiterate. They don’t have political education as we understand it. So they are not, in the modern sense of the term, “ideologues,” but they do have values. Traditional Pashtun values include protecting the honor of women, dressing modestly, and other conservative Muslim customs.

Many westerners interpret the Taliban’s lack of sophisticated ideological discourse as a lack of commitment. The fighters are basically farmers. Most of them are very young. Their world view is not very complex, but they certainly have one. It is a narrative of morality, justice, religion, and freedom from foreign forces. These values resonate deeply. The Pashtuns may be inarticulate in explaining it, but their way of life is still very much there.

They know what they stand for, and they view the foreigners as a threat to their families and their values.

Majalah Panjebar Semangat Versi Digital

Naik HargaTerhitung bulan September ada kenaikan harga di Majalah Panjebar Semangat secara offline begitu juga dengan yang online, berikut harga terbaru per september 2022 1 bulan = semula Rp. 25.000,- menjadi Rp. 40.000,- 6 bulan = semula Rp. 125.000,- menjadi Rp. 200.000,- 1 tahun = semula Rp. 225.000,- menjadi Rp. 360.000,- 1 tahun all akses = semula Rp. 350.000,- menjadi Rp. 560.000,- Demikian kenaikan harga harap maklum dan mulai efektif per 1 September 2022




Students task: IC Analysis on sentences

1. The children put the toy in the box.

2. the structure is very easy.

3. the robot repairs a spaceship.

4. Fabian blows up a blue balloon.

5. the king of France had an unhappy life. 

6. I shot an elephant in my pajamas.

7. I am looking at that dog with one eye.

8. The child found the puppy.

9. The girl was chased by the dog.

10. I miss you and I’m still expecting you.

indonesian English translation exercise 1


Dear Students, 

Translate these sentences from Indonesian into English:

1. Bahasa yang kamu gunakan bukan Bahasa Indonesia.

2. Rumah-rumah di Jakarta kelihatan bagus-bagus.

3. Saya kurang mengerti setiap kata yang anda ucapkan.

4. Apakah saya bicara kepada anda terlalu cepat?

5. Ini sudah jam sembilan lebih seperempat. 

6. Jam berapa pesawat berangkat?

7. Jam berapa pertunjukan musik itu dimulai?

8. dimanakah masjid yang terdekat dari rumah kamu?

9. Banyak anak di Benua Afrika yang kekurangan gizi.

10. Gadis-gadis di kota ini cantik-cantik tapi kakinya besar-besar.


Indonesian Everyday Phrases -

Chapter_1_Indonesian_Beginners_ILC.pdf (

Bahasa Indonesian language resources – Language Links Database (

Learning Bahasa Indonesia, the National Language of Indonesia (

Indonesian Grammar Exercise - Formula - Example -

The pragmatics and Semiotics Analysis of Vinyl Record Cover Art They Fell From The Sky's Album DECADE

 The pragmatics and Semiotics Analysis of Vinyl Record Cover Art They Fell From The Sky's Album DECADE

Sigied Himawan Yudhanto, Faizal Risdianto


In this study, the researchers focus on the meaning of the DECADE album cover from They Fell From The Sky music band. This was chosen because the artwork used is quite attractive and has This study uses qualitative research with a descriptive method. The analysis was carried out using the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes and the pragmatics theory of John Searle. This study aimed to determine the meaning contained in the cover design of the DECADE album. This research shows that between context signs and visible signs, there is a relationship where the two synergize in the title. The band, namely "They Fell From The Sky," by using a skull image that uses an astronaut costume in an iconic, denotative, and connotative symbolizing "death," a form of death because "falling from the sky" so the message to be conveyed is to publish the Decade album which for ten years or "a decade" like struggling until astronauts in outer space experience death as if falling from the sky. The Astronaut's skull artwork entitled in Indonesian "Binasa" ("Perish" in English) which is the basis of the DECADE album cover design, also strengthens this interpretation.