Bagaimana saya harus menyusun Discussion dalam pola IMRAD?


Keluhan Umum yang khas  pada Editor, Reviewer jurnal dan juga dosen pembimbing Skripsi/thesis/Disertasi:

Bagian Discussion atau Pembahasan gagal mengaitkan temuan dan pengamatan dengan studi lain yang relevan, dan tampaknya tidak ada diskusi tentang implikasi dan keterbatasan temuan ini.

Hasil utama/Results atau Findings dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa P=Q. Namun, tidak ada penjelasan lengkap yang diberikan. Penulis hanya membatasi Pembahasan tentang P dengan melaporkan temuan sebelumnya yang sudah didokumentasikan dalam beberapa makalah. Saya menemukan Diskusi semacam ini terlalu spekulatif dan terbatas. Penulis mengklaim peningkatan efisiensi dan pengelolaan yang mudah. Namun, dia tidak memasukkan hasil percobaan yang menunjukkan seberapa cepat sistem baru akan bekerja (dalam hal kinerja) dibandingkan dengan metode tradisional. Jika penulis tidak memilih untuk menyertakan implementasi yang sebenarnya, cacat ini dapat ditunjukkan di bagian batasan/pekerjaan mendatang sebagai subbagian di bagian Pembahasan.

Bagaimana saya harus menyusun Diskusi?

Diskusi harus menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut, mungkin dalam urutan berikut. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat menggunakan jawaban untuk menyusun Diskusi Anda. Ini memberi Anda template yang relatif mudah diikuti.

1. Apakah data saya mendukung apa yang ingin saya tunjukkan di awal makalah?

2. Bagaimana temuan saya dibandingkan dengan temuan orang lain? Seberapa konsisten mereka?

3. Apa interpretasi pribadi saya atas temuan saya?

4. Apa kemungkinan interpretasi lain yang ada?

5. Apa keterbatasan studi saya? Faktor lain apa yang dapat memengaruhi temuan saya? Sudahkah saya melaporkan semua yang dapat membuat temuan saya tidak valid?

6. Apakah interpretasi mengungkapkan kemungkinan cacat (yaitu, cacat, kesalahan) dalam percobaan saya?

7. Apakah interpretasi saya menyumbangkan pemahaman baru tentang masalah yang telah saya selidiki? Dalam hal apa mereka menyarankan kekurangan, atau kemajuan, karya orang lain?

8. Validitas eksternal apa yang dimiliki temuan saya? Bagaimana temuan saya dapat digeneralisasikan ke area lain?

9. Apa kemungkinan implikasi atau penerapan temuan saya? Dukungan apa yang dapat saya berikan untuk implikasi seperti itu?

10. Penelitian lebih lanjut apa yang diperlukan untuk menjelaskan masalah yang diangkat oleh temuan saya? Apakah saya akan melakukan penelitian ini, atau apakah saya ingin membukanya untuk masyarakat?

Apa pun disiplin Anda, Anda harus menjawab semua pertanyaan di atas, kecuali pertanyaan 8 (temuan Anda mungkin hanya sangat awal).

Apakah Anda menjawab pertanyaan 8–10 bergantung pada apakah Anda memiliki bagian Kesimpulan yang terpisah; jika demikian, Kesimpulan mungkin lebih tepat. Mungkin masuk akal bagi Anda untuk mengatur Diskusi Anda mengikuti urutan yang sama seperti saat Anda mempresentasikan temuan Anda di bagian Hasil. Dalam hal ini, Anda mendiskusikan setiap survei, studi, atau eksperimen dan menafsirkannya dalam keseluruhan skenario masalah.

How to elaborate the Discussion section on IMRAD manuscript

Typical complaints of Referees

The Discussion fails to relate the findings and observations to other relevant studies, and there appears to be no discussion on the implications and limitations of these findings.

The main result of this study was that P=Q. However, no exhaustive explanations are given. The authors simply limit the Discussion on P by reporting previous findings already documented in several papers. I find this kind of Discussion too speculative and limited. The author claims improved efficiency and easy management. However, he did not include any experimental results showing how fast the new system would work (in terms of performance) compared to the traditional method. If the author does not choose to include the actual implementation, this defect can be pointed out in the limitation/future work section as a subsection in the Discussion section.

17.1 How should I structure the Discussion?

The Discussion should answer the following questions, possibly in the following order. You can thus use the answers to structure your Discussion. This gives you a relatively easy template to follow.

1. Do my data support what I set out to demonstrate at the beginning of the paper?

2. How do my findings compare with what others have found? How consistent are they?

3. What is my personal interpretation of my findings?

4. What other possible interpretations are there?

5. What are the limitations of my study? What other factors could have influenced my findings? Have I reported everything that could make my findings invalid?

6. Do any interpretations reveal a possible flaw (i.e., defect, error) in my experiment?

7. Do my interpretations contribute some new understanding of the problem I have investigated? In which case do they suggest a shortcoming in, or an advance on, the work of others?

8. What external validity do my findings have? How could my findings be generalized to other areas?

9. What possible implications or applications do my findings have? What support can I give for such implications?

10. What further research would be needed to explain the issues raised by my findings? Will I do this research, or do I want to open it to the community?

Whatever your discipline, you will need to answer all the questions above, except question 8 (your findings may only be very preliminary). 

Whether you answer questions 8–10 depends on whether you have a separate Conclusions section; if so, the Conclusions may be more appropriate. It may make sense for you to organize your Discussion following the same sequence as your present your findings in the Results section. In this case, you discuss each survey, study or experiment and interpret it within the overall scenario of the problem.

English for Writing Research Papers (

English for Writing Research Papers by Adrian Wallwork (auth.) - PDF Drive

adrian wallwork english for writing research papers

English for Writing Research Papers (

English for Writing Research Papers by Adrian Wallwork (auth.) - PDF Drive

REGISTER JOURNAL is indexed in the list of recommended web journals by Pakistan's HEC

REGISTER JOURNAL is indexed in the list of recommended web journals by Pakistan's HEC

HEC or Higher Education Commission aka Pakistan's Ristekdikti has included the REGISTER JOURNAL, UIN Salatiga, as a recommended journal for international publications.
REGISTER JOURNAL inclusion data at HJRS or HEC Journal Recognition System can be traced at the following URL link:

The HEC Journal Recognition System is a collection of research journals categorized into three distinct categories – W, X, and Y – in their respective fields of knowledge based on many benchmarked and internationally recognized parameters that measure journal quality. The relative position and category of each journal is calculated by a proprietary algorithm designed to promote quality research across multiple disciplines.

INTERLINGUAL ERROR & Intralingual Error



Interferensi, transfer bahasa, dan interferensi lintas bahasa juga dikenal sebagai kesalahan antarbahasa. Corder (1981) menyatakan bahwa jenis kesalahan ini terjadi ketika kebiasaan pembelajar (pola, sistem, atau aturan) mengganggu atau mencegahnya, sampai batas tertentu, dari memperoleh pola dan aturan bahasa kedua.

Lado (1964) mengatakan Interferensi (transfer negatif) adalah pengaruh negatif bahasa ibu (L1) terhadap kinerja bahasa sasaran (L2). Chelli (2013) mendefinisikan bahwa kesalahan antarbahasa sebagai akibat dari transfer bahasa, yang disebabkan oleh bahasa pertama pembelajar.

Richard (1974: 173) menyatakan jika pembelajar bahasa asing melakukan kesalahan dalam bahasa sasaran karena pengaruh bahasa ibunya yang disebut sebagai interlingual. Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Brown (1980: 160), sebagian besar kesalahan pembelajar dalam bahasa kedua disebabkan oleh asumsi pembelajar bahwa bentuk bahasa kedua mirip dengan bahasa ibu.

Menurut Allen dan Corder (1974), kesalahan interlingual disebabkan oleh kesalahan transfer. Touchie (1986) mengemukakan bahwa kesalahan interlingual terutama disebabkan oleh interferensi bahasa ibu . Peneliti lainnya adalah Al-Khresheh (2010), ia mengemukakan bahwa kesalahan interlingual dilakukan oleh penerjemahan literal.

1) Transfer Error: kesalahan yang disebabkan oleh interferensi bahasa ibu. Seorang siswa yang belum mengetahui kaidah-kaidah bahasa sasaran akan menggunakan kaidah-kaidah yang sama seperti yang diperolehnya dalam bahasa ibunya.

2) Interferensi bahasa ibu: kesalahan dihasilkan dalam upaya pembelajar untuk menemukan struktur bahasa target daripada mentransfer model bahasa pertama mereka.

3) Terjemahan Literal: kesalahan terjadi karena seorang siswa menerjemahkan kalimat bahasa pertamanya atau ungkapan idiomatik ke dalam bahasa target kata demi kata.


Interferensi dari bahasa siswa sendiri bukanlah satu-satunya alasan untuk melakukan kesalahan. Siswa dapat membuat kesalahan dalam bahasa target, karena mereka tidak tahu bahasa target dengan baik, mereka mengalami kesulitan dalam menggunakannya. Richard (1974: 6) menyatakan, interferensi intralingual mengacu pada item yang dihasilkan oleh pembelajar, yang mencerminkan bukan struktur bahasa ibu, tetapi generalisasi berdasarkan paparan parsial bahasa sasaran. Brown (1980: 162) mengatakan bahwa telah ditemukan bahwa tahap-tahap awal pembelajaran bahasa dicirikan oleh dominasi transfer antarbahasa, tetapi begitu pembelajar mulai memperoleh bagian-bagian dari sistem baru, semakin banyak transfer generalisasi dalam target. bahasa dimanifestasikan. Richard (1974: 120) mengklasifikasikan kesalahan intralingual menjadi empat kategori termasuk generalisasi berlebihan, ketidaktahuan pembatasan aturan, tidak lengkap penerapan aturan, dan konsep yang salah di-hipotesis-kan atau kesalahan semantik.

1) Overgeneralization: itu terjadi ketika seorang pembelajar menciptakan struktur yang menyimpang berdasarkan pengalamannya tentang struktur lain dalam bahasa target. Littlewood (1984) mengutip contoh pembentukan jamak dengan menambahkan “s” pada bentuk jamak yang tidak beraturan, juga menggeneralisasikan bentuk lampau “-ed”.

2) Ignorance of Rule Restrictions: James (1998:63) bahwa ketidaktahuan bersifat spesifik dalam arti bahwa seseorang biasanya dikatakan tidak mengetahui struktur; pembelajar bahasa kedua tidak mematuhi struktur bahasa sasaran. Dalam jenis kesalahan ini, pembelajar gagal mengamati batasan struktur yang ada. Beberapa kesalahan pembatasan aturan dapat dijelaskan dalam bentuk analogi dan dapat dihasilkan dari pembelajaran peran aturan.

3) Penerapan Aturan yang Tidak Lengkap: kesalahan ini dapat terjadi ketika pembelajar gagal menerapkan aturan secara lengkap karena kalimat stimulus.

4) Konsep yang Salah Dihipotesiskan: pemahaman siswa yang salah tentang perbedaan item bahasa target mengarah ke konseptualisasi yang salah. Peserta didik salah pemahaman tentang perbedaan item bahasa target mengarah ke konsep yang salah dihipotesiskan.


Interference, language transfer, and cross-linguistic interference are also known as interlingual errors. Corder (1981) states that these kinds of errors occur when the learner's habits (patterns, systems, or rules) interfere or prevent him or her, to some extent, from acquiring the patterns and rules of the second language.

Lado (1964) says Interference (negative transfer) is negative influence of the mother tongue (L1) on the performance of the target language (L2). Chelli (2013) defines that interlingual errors as being the result of language transfer, which is caused by learner's first language. Richard (1974: 173) states if the learners of a foreign language make mistake in the target language by effect of his mother tongue that is called as interlingual.

As stated by Brown (1980: 160), most of the learners‟ errors in the second language result primarily from the learner‟s assumption that the second language forms are similar to the native language.

According to Allen and Corder (1974), Interlingual errors caused of transfer error. Touchie (1986) suggested that interlingual errors caused mainly by mother tongue interference. Another researcher is Al-Khresheh (2010), he suggested that interlingual errors committed by literal translation.

1) Transfer Error: error caused by interference from mother tongue. A student who has not known the rules of target language will use the same rules as he

obtained in his native language.

2) Mother tongue Interference: errors are produced in the learners‟ attempt to discover the structure of the target language rather than transferring models of

their first language.

3) Literal Translation: errors happen because a student translates his first language sentence or idiomatic expression in to the target language word by


Intralingual Error

Interference from the student‟s own language is not the only reason for committing errors. Students may make mistake in the target language, since they do not know the target language very well, they have difficulties in using it. Richard (1974: 6) states, intralingual interference refers to items produced by

learner, which reflect not the structure of mother tongue, but generalization based on partial exposure of the target language.  Brown (1980: 162) says that it has been found that the early stages of language learning are characterized by a predominance of interlingual transfer, but

once that learner has begun to acquire parts of the new system, more and more transfer generalization within the target language is manifested. Richard (1974: 120) classifies the intralingual errors into four categories including over generalization, ignorance of rule restrictions, incomplete application of the rules, and false concept hypothesized or semantic errors.

1) Overgeneralization: it happens when a learner creates a deviant structure on the basis of his experience of other structure in the target language. Littlewood

(1984) cites the example of forming plural by adding “s” to even irregular plurals, also generalizing the “-ed” past form.

2) Ignorance of Rule Restrictions: James (1998: 63) that ignorance is specific in the sense that one is normally said to be ignorant of structure; the learner of the

second language does not obey the structure of the target language. In this type of error, the learner fails to observe the restrictions of existing structures. Some

rule restriction errors may be accounted for in terms of analogy and may result from the role learning of rules.

3) Incomplete Application of the Rules: this error may occur when learner fails to apply the rules completely due to the stimulus sentence.

4) False Concept Hypothesized: learners‟ faulty understanding of distinctions of

target language items leads to false conceptualization. Learners‟ faulty understanding of distinctions of target language items leads to false concept


Copula construction

A. Copula construction


a. NP Copula AP Fiona is very happy. (COPULA, ASCRIPTIVE)

b. NP Copula NP Fiona is the best student. (COPULA, EQUATIVE)

c.NP Copula PP Fiona is in Auhtermuhty. (COPULA, LOCATIVE)

Ascriptive copula clauses are used to ascribe a property to an entity. In (11a), happiness is ascribed to Fiona. Equative copula clauses are used to state that one entity is identical to another entity. Speakers use (11b) to say, on the assumption that there are two entities Fiona and the best student, that these two entities are one and the same person. Fiona is equated to the best student the label (COPULA, LOCATIVE) is self-explanatory. These constructions are used in order to state where some entity is located.

Cara mencari Scopus id jika dokumen yang publish hanya satu Dokumen


Posted on January 31, 2019  No Comments ↓

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[Choiril Anwar, Kasubag Publikasi LPPM UNISSULA/Editor Jurnal *EduLite*

Several interesting abstracts of papers

Novia Fajar Masyitoh1, Noor Malihah1, Faizal Risdianto1 and Agung Guritno1

Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

1168 Total downloads


The aim of this research is to develop an educational multimedia in the form of video as one of media to teach speaking. Research and development design is used to produce an educational multimedia entitled Nginggris Narsis. Procedures of this research includes identification students and teachers need, planning and product design, product small scale tryout, validation of the expert, product revision, product large scale try out and revision, and dissemination. This video is used to teach the first grade students of Junior High School in Indonesia of which curriculum implemented is 2013 curriculum. The results show that NginggrisNarsis is an appropriate material to teach EFL learners in speaking, although there are still some weaknesses found within this video. Nginggris Narsis as educational media to teach speaking help both teachers and students in introducing English as a foreign language for Indonesian students.

Cara mencari scopus id jika dokumen yang terbit baru satu dokumen


Posted on January 31, 2019  No Comments ↓

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[Choiril Anwar, Kasubag Publikasi LPPM UNISSULA/Editor Jurnal *EduLite*

Bright words vs dark words


Tanpa sadar kata-kata itu seperti cat warna-warni di tembok. Ada bright dan dark color. Nasehat yang baik ibarat magic words yang menyemangatkan, inspiratif dan jadi pegangan dalam menjalani hidup.

Sebaliknya nasehat yang kasar, toxic dan tidak bijak hanya akan membuat orang lain merasa demotivated, insecure dan overthinking. Di era sekarang ini masih ada pendidik yang bergaya kolonial.

"Whatever you say you are just a student"

"This manuscript is rubbish"

"Jawaban kayak gitu hanya akan ditertawakan ayam"

"Saya nggak mau tahu sinyal kamu jelek.pokoknya kalo presentasi sinyal harus bagus"

"Kamu apa bisa ngerjain topik itu?"

Hanya generasi yang bermental baja yang bisa bertahan dan justru menjadi cambuk untuk moving forward sedangkan generasi kaleng-kaleng, alay dan  tiktokers merasa kena mental dan perlu healing ke Bali dan wajib  menyanyikan lagu Michael Jackson berjudul Heal the world.

Faizal Risdianto



This research explores the appraisal system in the news texts exposing the issue of Duo Bali Nine execution taken from The Sydney Morning Herald, The Guardian Australia, The Jakarta Globe, and The Jakarta Post websites. This is descriptive qualitative research using a criterion-based sampling technique. The primary data are from the interview and the sixteen analyzed texts.the secondary data are taken from all information about journalists and the news paper also all information about Duo Bali Nine execution. The objectives of the research are to find out the appraisal systems applied in those texts, to know the journalists position through their texts and the influences of appraisal systems toward the readers. The results show that each newspaper has their own appraisal systems patern. All types of attitudes are applied in the news texts both positive and negative. The engagement is mostly heterogloss and the mostly graduation is force- raise. Heterogloss engagement to make as if journalists in a neutral position and force raise graduation to make the effective news and reader not easily forget about the news.

UTS Assignment of Academic Writing 2022

 UTS Assignment of  Academic Writing 2022:  MINI RESEARCH PROPOSAL ASSIGNMENT

1. Title;. The use of .... To improve ../ the correlation between..../ Students/teachers' strategy.../students' perception of....

2. Background: two or three paragraphs

3. Problem statements: minimum two problem statements: for instance,
a. What is the profile of students' mastery..
b. What are teachers/students' strategy to develop...
c. What is the difference before and after the
implementation of..
d. What are the advantages and disadvantages

4. Method: qualitative/ quantitative/ mixed method

DEADLINE OF SUBMISSION : Friday, November 4th  11.59 PM.

link of URL for submission: UTS Submission form untuk kelas Academic writing: