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IJoLCC CALL FOR PAPER 2023 (For June 2023 Publication)

  IJoLCC CALL FOR PAPER 2023 (For June 2023 Publication)

International Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication
E-ISSN:  On-Going of the process of application

The journal is particularly interested in research whose impact crosses disciplinary and sub-field borders because it aims to provide a public venue for language, culture, and communication scholarship.
April 15, 2023
Submission> Author Guidelines
Article template:
Contact: (Faizal) +6285642019501

All about Perception



Definition of Perception


Perception is a system in which human beings can make the system of watching something; this is complicated in responding to something, and the statistics round through the usage of our five senses so that we're capable of knowing, recognizing, and comprehending something. Perception is a phase that pursues gathering and system the concept data (Démuth, 2013: 23). 


According to Mulyana (2000:168), Perception is the essential part of communication, and interpretation is the most critical part of Perception. In the communication process, this is the same as back-encoding. Subsequent opinion, Mulyana expresses that Perception determines the selection of a message and ignores other messages.


Grace (2005) revealed that Perception is the experience of things, events, or relationships that comes from summarizing information and figuring out what it means. Perception gives meaning to sensory stimuli. 


Sugihartono(2007) expresses that Perception is the ability or process of the senses to translate stimuli that enter the sensory organs of humans. People have different ways of perceiving whether something is good or bad. Both positive and negative perceptions can affect how people act, whether visible or not. Budiman & Apriani (2019) states that the term perception could be a preparation of a person's exercises in providing impressions, judgments, conclusions, feelings, and elucidations of something based on information shown from other sources.


Aspects of Perception

According to Woodworth and Marquis in Walgito (2003), Perception is divided into three aspects:


a. Cognitive Aspects

The cognitive aspect is the attitude part, which has a belief that varies from person to person. This person thinks that way because of what they have seen and learned. But the cognitive aspect is made up of things like knowledge, views, expectations, ways of thinking or getting information, past experiences, and everything a person learns from how they see things.


 b. Affective Aspects

The affective aspect is more about how the stimulus makes the person feel, which means that the stimulus can be concerned or realized. Also, the affective element is part of a person's state that has to do with how they feel about something, and an inadequate evaluation is always based on how someone feels.


c. Conative Aspects

The conative aspect is how a person's view of a situation affects his motivation, attitude, behavior, or actions. It was further explained that a person's beliefs and feelings largely influence that person's attitude or behavior.

Based on the above statement, several aspects usually occur based on individual attitudes, impressions, and motivational activities or behaviors that typically happen in learning activities.

Types of Perception

Irwanto (2002) states that there are two sorts of perceptions. They are positive and negative perceptions, and both of those recognition will be clarified in the taking after description:


a. Positive Perception

Positive discernment is discernment that expresses all of the data positively. In addition, positive Perception is a good translation that implicates humans judging something around them. In this case, if somebody has positive recognition, they will acknowledge and back the observed question.


b. Negative Perception

The negative Perception is discernment that express data adversely or are not satisfied with the question that's watched. Moreover, negative Perception is negative elucidations that ensnare humans to judge something around them. In this case, in case somebody has a negative perception, they will refuse and deny each exertion that's watched.






OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra or Journal of Languages and Literature http://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/okara

LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching https://e-journal.usd.ac.id/index.php/LLT/index

JOLL- Journal of Language and Literature https://e-journal.usd.ac.id/index.php/JOLL/index



Education and Human Development Journal https://journal2.unusa.ac.id/index.php/EHDJ/about

Rainbow : Journal of Literature, Linguistics and Culture Studies


Acuity: Journal of English Language Pedagogy, Literature, and  Culture https://jurnal.unai.edu/index.php/acuity

International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS) https://e-journal.usd.ac.id/index.php/IJHS



Pedagogy : Journal of English Language Teaching https://e-journal.metrouniv.ac.id/index.php/pedagogy/about

Journal of English Language and Culture (JELC)https://journal.ubm.ac.id/index.php/english-language-culture/index

IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching)http://jurnalftk.uinsby.ac.id/index.php/IJET/index

LET: LINGUISTICS, LITERATURE AND ENGLISH TEACHING JOURNAL https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/let/index

LITE: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya http://publikasi.dinus.ac.id/index.php/lite/index


JET (Journal of English Teaching) Adi Buana https://jurnal.unipasby.ac.id/index.php/jet/index



International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics

Systemic-centered Journals
The following journals are directly directed at Systemic Linguistics:

Language, context and text: The social semiotics forum. (Benjamins). "an international, refereed journal with a focus on the use, critique and development of social semiotics as originally proposed by the British linguist M.A.K. Halliday. It is dedicated to new theoretical and empirical work in Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) concerning any language. Additionally, there is a deep interest in studies of other modalities that use a social semiotic approach and are directly related to SFL. Social semiotic studies of inter-modal relations between language and other meaning systems are of particular interest, as are transdisciplinary studies in which language use plays a key role."

Functional Linguistics: (Springer): An electronic journal. From the website: "The journal publishes scholarly articles and reviews in the broad area of functional studies, with a special focus on systemic functional linguistics".
Functions of Language: The FOL Home Page. There you will find links to the journal's statement of purpose, some notes for contributors, its style sheet, and the tables of contents of past and forthcoming issues.

Systemic-Friendly Journals
Other Journals favorable to Systemic Linguistics include:
Linguistics and the Human Sciences. Edited by Jonathan Webster.
Social Semiotics Transdiscinplinary in functional linguistics, semiotics and critical theory.
Word: Journal of the International Linguistics Association. Contact: ??.
Applied Linguistics: Editor: Michael McCarthy, Department of English Studies, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK.
Text and Talk: an interdisciplinary journal for the study of discourse. Editor: SRIKANT SARANGI. Publisher: Mouton de Gruyter
Linguistics in Education: Ablex, edited by David Bloom and Jay Lemke.
Language Sciences: If you are interested in submitting a paper to this journal visit: http://authors.elsevier.com/jnlnr/867.
Journal of Applied Linguistics, edited by Srikant Sarangi and Chris Candlin.
English for Specific Purposes, is a systemic friendly international journal for articles that address issues related to specialised texts, specific registers of English or education related issues.
DELTA - Documentação de estudos em linguistica Teorica e Aplicada. Editor; Leila Barbara. Associate editor: Kanavillil Rajagopalan. Papers accepted preferably in English or Portuguese, but Spanish or French accepted also . Contact : delta@lael.pucsp.br
Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, edited by Martin J. Ball, Nicole M�ller and Thomas W. Powell. They are interested in receiving submissions applying SFL to disordered speech and language, and have in the past published a special issue on SFL, with an introductory article by M.A.K. Halliday.

Chairperson: Siti Wachidah
Secretary: Ivan
Treasurer: Sri Sumarni
Communication: Pangesti

On 10 November, the SFL activists in Indonesia officially established the Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics of Indonesia.

The event was marked by:The first national SFL seminar, attended by more than 100 participants from different cities in Indonesia. There were around 30 parallel sessions and two plenary sessions. One plenary session was by Jim Martin.
The declaration of ASFLI by Jim Martin
Prior to the seminar, there were other seminars by Jim at Atmajaya University and Jakarta State University, all of which were greatly appreciated.
The event took place at Jakarta State University which is now our headquarter at least for 3 years. The headquarters will move to different a different university every 3 years. For practical reasons, the "Jakarta group" is now in charge of ASFLI (see above).

From the presentations and the panel sessions we learn that:SFL has been widely spread in Indonesia since some universities have been introducing SFL and other SFL related subjects in their universities.
Since SFL has become a major issue in some graduate schools, our graduates spread SFL further to the neighboring universities. In Central Java, for example, private universities have incorporated SFL in their curricula.
SFL is now the basis of our national English (communicative)competence standards.Schools are supposed to develop their own curricula based on these standards.
Genres and genre-based approach is now a widespread issue and many teachers are very enthusiastic about it.  Among the audience were graduate and doctorate students who are currently doing their research on SFL. This is the tip of an iceberg. There are alot more doing SFL studies in different cities. It looks like SFL has developed strong roots in the country and we have every reason to hope for further development.



Category/ Quartile:
WoS Core Citation Indexes:
ESCI - Emerging Sources Citation Index
Impact Factor (IF):
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI):
Gold Percentage Open Access:
89.13 % Fully Open Access. For more info, check it on DOAJ.ORG

Web of Science Journal Info: Impact factor, Quartile, Ranking (wos-journal.info)


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Beasiswa fully-funded PhD dari CRADLE Deakin University


Bagi bapak dan ibu yang memiliki concern penelitian perihal feedback dan assessment, ada peluang beasiswa fully-funded PhD dari CRADLE Deakin University: https://blogs.deakin.edu.au/cradle/2023/02/08/apply-for-a-2023-cradle-phd-scholarship-now/

Peristiwa Rejab: Pembebasan Baitul Maqdis di Zaman Saidina Umar R.a

Baitul Maqdis merupakan sebuah kota yang kaya dengan sejarah. Baitul Maqdis telah sekian lama menjadi rebutan antara umat islam, kristian dan yahudi. Tanah Baitul Maqdis dianggap suci oleh tiga agama ini. Antara sejarah penting bagi umat islam di Baitul Maqdis ialah pembukaan kota tersebut pada zaman Saidina Umar dan Salahuddin al ayubi. Di Baitul Maqdis juga terletaknya masjid al Aqsa, masjid yang ketiga tarafnya bagi umat islam selepas Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi, Masjid al Aqsa merupakan kiblat pertama bagi umat islam sebelum perintah Allah turun untuk menukar kiblat. Kisah ini ada diceritakan dalam surah al baqarah.

Creative Ways To Use The Internet To Benefit Your Life

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The internet has become an integral part of our lives, and it’s hard to imagine life without it. We use the internet for almost everything – from shopping to entertainment, from communication to research – and it’s easy to take for granted all the wonderful benefits it offers. 

The Internet is an invaluable resource that can help you make progress in many areas of your life. From finding job opportunities to connecting with friends, family and distant contacts, the Internet offers countless possibilities for self-improvement. Here are some creative ways to use the Internet to benefit your life: 

Learn a new skill or language: 

Websites like Coursera offer free courses on topics such as coding, business, art history, and more! You can also utilize websites such as Duolingo and Busuu to learn a new language quickly and easily. Alternatively, you can search the web for tutorials on whatever topic interests you most – there’s likely someone out there who has already posted step by step instructions on the subject. 

Network with professionals: 

Whether you’re looking for a job opportunity, trying to gain more insight into your chosen industry or just want to make new contacts, LinkedIn is the perfect platform to do this. You can join groups, follow influencers and connect with like-minded individuals who may be able to help you along in your endeavors. 

Connect with family/friends: 

Websites such as Skype, Zoom and WhatsApp offer free video calling services that make it easy to stay connected with loved ones no matter where they are in the world. Additionally, social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow us to see what our friends are up to on a daily basis so we never feel too far away. You can connect with new people through Chatville

Make money: 

There are countless ways to make money online – from becoming an influencer on YouTube or Instagram, to starting a blog, creating digital products and services (e-books, webinars etc.), taking surveys and more! The opportunities are endless if you’re willing to put in the work. 

Take advantage of streaming services: 

Netflix, Hulu and other streaming services offer access to thousands of movies, TV shows and documentaries that can help you stay informed about today’s world events, give you something entertaining to watch in between tasks or just be a great way for self-care when you need it most. 

However, the internet can be so much more than a source of entertainment or information. With a few creative uses, you can use the internet to benefit your life in a number of ways.

Automate Your Finance: 

With the right tools, you can use the internet to set up a budget, track your spending, and even get tips on how to improve your financial situation. 

Develop a Side Hustle

Whether you are good at writing, coding, designing or just have a great idea, the internet can be used to monetize your skills and make some extra money.

Improve Your Health

There are countless resources online that can help you make healthier dietary choices, get in shape, and even find the right support group for whatever health issue you might be facing. 

Find a Job: 

With the help of the internet, you can search for job opportunities, apply for positions, and get your resume seen by potential employers.

Get Educated: 

If you want to learn something new like English learning, the internet is a great place to do it. From online classes to podcasts and YouTube tutorials, the internet is full of educational resources.

Connect with Others: 

Building meaningful relationships online can help us stay connected to friends and family, as well as meet new people with similar interests. You can also find free online phone numbers.

Find Cheap Deals: 

The internet is a great place to find deals on items you need for less. Whether it’s a discounted flight ticket or a great deal on a product, the internet makes it easy to save money.

Save for Retirement: 

With the help of the internet, you can easily open and manage a retirement savings account online.

Organize Your Life: 

Whether it’s a calendar, to-do list, notes, or reminders, there are plenty of apps available to help you stay organized and on top of your tasks and goals.

Play Games: 

If you’re feeling bored, don’t worry, the internet can provide plenty of entertainment. From classic board games to first-person shooters, the internet is full of games to keep you busy.


These creative ways should prove helpful as you look for ways to make the most of the Internet. 

With so many opportunities available, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed but don’t forget that you have access to unlimited resources – all for free or at a very low cost! 

So don’t be afraid to explore and find creative ways to benefit your life with the help of the internet.

The internet is an incredibly powerful tool that can be used to benefit your life in countless ways. 

Whether it’s to save money, stay organized, or learn something new, the internet can be an invaluable resource. With a little creativity and savvy, you can use the internet to get the most out of life.