25 Istilah Psikologi yang Harus Kamu Ketahui


Seperti yang kita ketahui, ilmu Psikologi memiliki tiga fungsi. Salah satunya adalah Menjelaskan. Maksudnya adalah, ilmu psikologi mampu menjelaskan apa, bagaimana, dan mengapa suatu tingkah laku bisa terjadi. Hasilnya penjelasan berupa deskripsi atau bahasan yang bersifat deskriptif.

Nah, berdasarkan fungsi ilmu psikologi tersebut muncul istilah-istilah dari ilmu psikologi yang menjelaskan tentang apa, bagaimana dan mengapa suatu tingkah laku bisa terjadi. Berikut beberapa istilah diantaranya :

Amimism adalah istilah untuk menyebut kesalahan logika yang terjadi pada anak-anak, menganggap benda mati memiliki perasaan dan motif.

Arctophile adalah istilah untuk seseorang yang memiliki kesukaan/mengkoleksi pada boneka beruang (Teddy Bears).

Avoidant adalah istilah untuk menyebut perasaan tidak percaya diri dan sangat sensitif terhadap hal-hal yang negatif, takut dinilai, dikritik dan dipermalukan.

Cellanoma adalah dorongan untuk mengambil ponsel kamu setiap kali orang lain melakukan hal itu.

Cotard's Syndrome adalah keadaan gangguan jiwa dimana si penderita mempercayai bahwa dia sudah mati

Cyber-Love adalah Pola kedekatan yang terjalin dari hubungan yang tercipta dalam sosial media atau interaksi cyber lainnya.
    Dysania adalah keadaan di mana seseorang sulit meninggalkan tempat tidurnya saat pagi hari.

    Eccedentesiast adalah istilah untuk seseorang yang menyembunyikan rasa sakit mereka di balik senyumnya

    Hipotimia adalah keadaan seseorang yang selalu murung dan sedih, selalu mengeluh dan tak punya semangat.

    Librocubicularist adalah sebutan untuk seseorang yang suka membaca di tempat tidur.
      Lychnobite adalah sebutan untuk orang yang bekerja di malam hari dan tidur di siang hari.

      Mondegreen adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan ketika kamu salah dengar lirik lagu.

      Munchausen adalah gangguan yg menggambarkan seseorang yang berpura-pura menjadi sedih/sakit utk mendapatkan perhatian dari orang lain

      Mythomania adalah penyakit bohong yang dilakukan secara terus-menerus tapi penderitanya tidak mempunyai rasa bersalah apapun.

      Nyctophilia adalah sebutan untuk seseorang yang menyukai kegelapan atau saat malam hari.

      Proprioception (kesadaran tubuh) adalah kemampuan otak untuk mengetahui letak bagian tubuh kita tanpa perlu melihatnya.

      Retrouvailles adalah istilah untuk menyebut perasaan bahagia seseorang ketika akhirnya bertemu kembali dengan seseorang setelah sekian lama.

      Rhotascim adalah istilah medis untuk orang yang kesulitan mengucapkan huruf 'R' (cadel)

      Sindrom Narcolepsy merupakan serangan tidur mendadak tanpa tanda-tanda mengantuk.

      Sleep Related Eating Disorder adalah istilah untuk orang yang kerap terjaga tengah malam untuk makan makanan kecil/ringan (snack) lalu tidur kembali.
        Sleepwalking atau disebut somnambulisme adalah yang kita kenal dengan tidur sambil berjalan. Penyebabnya bisa gen, lingkungan atau medis.

        Somniloquy adalah istilah untuk orang yang memiliki kebiasaan berbicara saat tertidur.

        Spotlight Effect adalah ketika kamu merasa seseorang sedang memerhatikan kamu.

        Patah hati ternyata bisa menjadi penyebab orang meninggal lho... Nama penyakitnya atau istilah untuk keadaan tersebut adalah Stress Cardiomyopathy.

        Textiety adalah rasa resah dan tidak tenang ketika kamu tidak menerima atau mengirim pesan singkat atau SMS

        Itulah 25 istilah dalam ilmu psikologi yang harus kamu ketahui... yang mungkin, baru kamu ketahui saat membaca tulisan ini, hehhehe... Semoga bisa menambah pengetahuan kamu yaa... Ingin menambahkan istilah-istilah Psikologi lainnya? Silahkan tulis di kotak komentar.

          Wassalamualaikum... Wr.Wb 

          Apa bahasa Inggris dari "NKRI harga mati"?

          Wishnu Basuki ·

          TerkaitApa frasa bahasa Inggris yang tepat untuk menyatakan "NKRI Harga Mati"?

          Ini bisa frase atau kalimat. Saya beri petunjuk dengan menjabarkan frase "harga mati."

          "Harga mati" dapat berarti "tidak dapat ditawar lagi," "sudah pasti," "tidak dapat diganti," "tidak dapat diubah," "tidak dapat dihentikan," dll yang serupa sesuai konteksnya. Dalam bahasa Inggris, cukup banyak kata yang bisa digunakan, misalnya: inevitable, final, non-negotiable, irrevocable, atau inexorable, dll sesuai konteksnya.

          Masih banyak lagi frase atau kata yang bisa dipakai. Silakan disusun sendiri dalam bentuk frase atau kalimat. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.

          ꦤꦲꦸꦥ꦳ꦭ꧀ꦢꦶꦲꦤꦶꦤ꧀ꦢꦾꦥꦿꦠꦩ (Naufaldi Anindya Pratama) ·
          Tahu Bahasa Inggris3thn

          Non-negotiable Sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

          Terjemahan ini diterjemahkan oleh seorang dosen berkebangsaan Indonesia di Australia yang cukup terkenal, yaitu Ariel Heryanto.
          [1] Dia banyak mempublikasikan buku-buku yang mengenai Indonesia.

          Tapi ada juga terjemahan yang lain yaitu Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is Undisputed.
          [3] Kalau terjamahan yang satu ini dicetuskan oleh Salmah Wangdu pada tahun 2017 ketika ada foto viral mengenai kesalahan terjemahan NKRI Harga Mati yaitu “NKRI Price die”.

          Intinya kalian bisa memilih kedua terjemahan tersebut.

          Catatan Kaki
          Tensions in Papua and hyper-nationalism in Indonesia
          Nationalism: Poisoned chalice or panacea for Indonesia?
          Contoh RIP English Paling Kocak, Ketika Slogan NKRI Harga Mati Diterjemahkan, Kok Jadi Begini?

          Fikri Nur Alfarizi ·
          Belajar di SMK (Lulus 2014)2thn

          TerkaitApa frasa bahasa Inggris yang tepat untuk menyatakan "NKRI Harga Mati"?

          Saya belum pernah mendengar istilah Harga Mati dalam Bahasa Inggris. Mungkin bisa menggunakan kalimat "NKRI Sampai Mati" yang terjemahannya "The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia Till I Die"


          appraisal systemic functional linguistics Vs. pragmatics implicature


          Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and Pragmatics Implicature are two distinct frameworks in the field of linguistics that analyze language in different ways. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

          1. Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL):
            Systemic Functional Linguistics is a theory developed by Michael Halliday that focuses on the social functions of language and how meaning is constructed through language use. It views language as a resource for making meaning and emphasizes the relationship between language, context, and social structure. SFL analyzes the various levels of language, including phonology, grammar, and semantics, and examines how these levels work together to convey meaning. Key concepts in SFL include the notion of systemic choices, which refers to the choices made by speakers and writers in selecting specific linguistic features to achieve their communicative goals.

          SFL provides a comprehensive framework for analyzing language in a wide range of contexts, from everyday conversation to specialized domains such as science or law. It offers a valuable tool for understanding how language functions to represent and negotiate social roles, power relations, and ideologies within a given context.

          1. Pragmatics and Implicature:
            Pragmatics is a subfield of linguistics that investigates how context influences the interpretation and use of language. It focuses on the study of meaning beyond the literal level and examines how speakers convey implied meanings, intentions, and speaker meaning. Implicature is a specific concept within pragmatics proposed by philosopher H.P. Grice. It refers to the process by which speakers convey additional meaning indirectly, beyond what is explicitly stated.

          According to Grice's Cooperative Principle, speakers and listeners engage in conversation with the assumption that their contributions will be informative, truthful, relevant, and clear. Conversational implicatures arise when a speaker intentionally flouts these expectations, leading the listener to infer an implied meaning. For example, if someone says, "It's quite warm in here," when the temperature is actually very low, the implicature is that the speaker wants the listener to adjust the heating.

          Pragmatics and implicature are concerned with the study of how context, shared knowledge, and the intentions of speakers affect the interpretation of utterances. They explore the pragmatic aspects of language use and shed light on how speakers convey meaning beyond the literal content of their words.

          In summary, while Systemic Functional Linguistics focuses on the social functions of language and the construction of meaning, pragmatics and implicature examine how context, speaker intentions, and shared knowledge influence the interpretation and use of language. Both frameworks contribute to our understanding of language as a dynamic and multifaceted communicative system.


          Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a linguistic framework that focuses on the functional aspects of language in social contexts. Appraisal theory is a concept within SFL that deals with the ways in which speakers or writers express their approval or disapproval of things, people, behavior, or ideas
          Implicature, on the other hand, is a concept in pragmatics that refers to the meaning conveyed by an utterance that goes beyond its literal meaning
          While there may be some overlap between the two concepts, they are not directly related. However, it is possible to use SFL to analyze the implicatures conveyed by language use in social contexts.
          For example, a speaker may use certain evaluative language choices to convey a particular attitude or stance towards a topic or person, which can in turn imply certain things about their beliefs or values. This type of analysis falls under the domain of appraisal theory within SFL
          Overall, while SFL and implicature are not directly related, they can be used together to analyze the functional and pragmatic aspects of language use in social contexts.

          what is morphemic cutting and immediate constituent analysis?


          Morphemic cutting and immediate constituent analysis are linguistic methods used to analyze the structure of words and sentences.

          Morphemic cutting, also known as morphological analysis, involves breaking down words into their constituent morphemes. A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of a word. By identifying and analyzing the morphemes within a word, linguists can understand the meaning and structure of the word. For example, the word "unhappiness" can be analyzed into three morphemes: "un-" (a prefix meaning "not"), "happy" (a root morpheme), and "-ness" (a suffix indicating a state or quality). Morphemic cutting is particularly useful for studying word formation, inflectional and derivational processes, and understanding the relationships between words in a language.

          Immediate constituent analysis (ICA), also known as phrase structure analysis or parsing, is a method used to analyze the structure of sentences. It involves breaking down sentences into their immediate constituents, which are smaller units that make up the sentence. These constituents are often noun phrases, verb phrases, and prepositional phrases. By identifying the immediate constituents, linguists can determine the hierarchical structure of a sentence and understand how words combine to form meaningful phrases and sentences. For example, in the sentence "The cat chased the mouse," ICA would identify "the cat" and "the mouse" as noun phrases, and "chased" as a verb phrase. ICA is essential in understanding the syntax and grammatical structure of a language.

          Both morphemic cutting and immediate constituent analysis are fundamental tools in linguistic analysis, allowing researchers to study the internal structure of words and sentences and gain insights into the organization of language.

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          The importance of journal publication in student academic life


          Journal publication plays a significant role in a student's academic life, offering several benefits and opportunities for growth. Here are some key reasons why journal publication is important:

          1. Knowledge dissemination: Publishing in a journal allows students to share their research findings, insights, and ideas with the academic community and the wider public. It enables them to contribute to the existing body of knowledge in their field and make an impact on their discipline.

          2. Academic recognition: Journal publications are considered a valuable measure of academic achievement. They demonstrate a student's ability to conduct rigorous research, analyze data, and communicate their findings effectively. Publishing in reputable journals can enhance their academic reputation and credibility among peers and future employers.

          3. Skill development: Engaging in research and preparing a manuscript for publication helps students develop a range of valuable skills. They learn to critically analyze literature, design experiments, collect and interpret data, write scientific papers, and communicate their work professionally. These skills are transferable and highly valuable in various career paths.

          4. Networking and collaboration: Publishing in journals often leads to networking opportunities and collaboration with other researchers in the field. Connecting with peers, experts, and potential mentors through conferences, workshops, and collaborative projects can foster intellectual growth, broaden perspectives, and open doors for future collaborations.

          5. Career advancement: Journal publications are crucial for students aspiring to pursue further academic endeavors, such as applying for graduate school, securing research funding, or pursuing a career in academia. Publications demonstrate a student's commitment to research, their ability to contribute meaningfully to their field, and their potential as a future scholar.

          6. Personal and professional growth: Going through the process of journal publication, including revisions based on peer feedback, strengthens a student's ability to handle criticism, respond to challenges, and improve their work. It fosters resilience, adaptability, and perseverance, qualities that are essential for success in academia and beyond.

          It's important to note that while journal publication holds significant value, it is not the sole indicator of a student's academic potential. Engaging in quality research, honing critical thinking skills, and learning from the research process are equally important aspects of a student's academic journey.

          Faizal. (2023, May 11). Workshop Kepenulisan Artikel Jurnal 2023. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7922777