Trend in research on Islamic economics


Trend in research on Islamic economics
Research on Islamic economics has been conducted in various areas, including Islamic social finance, Islamic economic growth, and Islamic FinTech. Here are some trends in research on Islamic economics based on the search results:
  1. Islamic social finance: There has been a bibliometric study of the literature in Islamic social finance, which found that researchers in the field closely link Islamic social finance with sustainability and sustainable development concepts
  2. Islamic economic growth: There has been a study on methodological trends in studies on Islamic economics in Turkey, which found that foreign direct investment (FDI) has no significant relationship with Islamic economic growth
  3. Core topics of Islamic economics and finance: A comprehensive structuring of research on Islamic economics and finance into the core topics of the area has been provided for the period 1979 to 2018
  4. Islamic FinTech: There has been a systematic literature review on business trends and challenges in Islamic FinTech, which highlights the emergence of financial technology as a new trend in the financial and banking industry, especially in Islamic finance

CALL FOR PAPERS VOL 1 NO.2 December 2023


International Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication

E-ISSN: On-Going of the process of application

CALL FOR PAPERS VOL 1 NO.2 December 2023

The journal is particularly interested in research whose impact crosses disciplinary and sub-field borders because it aims to provide a public venue for language, culture, and communication scholarship.


AUTHOR GUIDELINES: Submission> Author Guidelines

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Contact: (Faizal)

Free Download eBook Morphology


The Major Grammatical Morphemes


Major grammatical morphemes, also known as functional or inflectional morphemes, are linguistic units that carry grammatical meaning and play a crucial role in sentence formation and word modification. Here are some characteristics of major grammatical morphemes:

  1. Function: Major grammatical morphemes serve various grammatical functions, such as indicating tense, number, case, person, mood, and so on. They help convey the syntactic and semantic relationships within a sentence.

  2. Bound Form: Major grammatical morphemes are typically bound morphemes, which means they cannot stand alone as independent words. They are attached to a root or base morpheme to modify or indicate grammatical features.

  3. Productivity: Major grammatical morphemes are productive, meaning they can be applied to different words and sentences to convey grammatical information. For example, the plural morpheme "-s" can be added to various nouns like "dogs," "cats," "houses," etc.

  4. Regularity: Major grammatical morphemes often follow regular patterns and rules within a given language. For instance, in English, the past tense morpheme "-ed" is commonly added to verbs, and the plural morpheme "-s" is added to nouns. However, irregular forms exist as well, such as "went" for the past tense of "go."

  5. Multifunctionality: Major grammatical morphemes can have multiple functions depending on the context. For example, the English "-s" morpheme can indicate plural nouns ("books"), possessive nouns ("John's book"), and third-person singular present tense verbs ("he walks").

  6. Agreement: Major grammatical morphemes often participate in agreement phenomena, where they match specific features (such as number, person, gender, or case) with other elements in a sentence. For instance, in languages with gender agreement, adjectives must agree with the gender of the noun they modify.

  7. Position: Major grammatical morphemes have specific positions within a word or sentence. For example, tense markers typically occur before the verb in English ("I walked"), while plural markers usually follow the noun ("dogs").

  8. Cross-linguistic Variation: The characteristics of major grammatical morphemes can vary across different languages. The specific morphemes used, their form, and their functions can differ from one language to another.

It's important to note that the term "major grammatical morphemes" is not universally used, and different linguistic theories may have variations in terminology. Nonetheless, the above characteristics generally apply to the functional or inflectional morphemes that contribute to grammatical structure in language.

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia Country origin authors are the most frequently published in REGISTER JOURNAL

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia are the most frequently published in REGISTER JOURNAL

Vol. 16 No. 1 (2023) REGISTER JOURNAL  
Author geographical coverage: China, Iran, Malaysia & Indonesia (4 Countries).

Vol 15, No 2 (2022) REGISTER JOURNAL

Author geographical coverage: Cambodia, Iraq, China & Indonesia  (4 Countries).

Vol 15, No 1 (2022) REGISTER JOURNAL
Author geographical coverage: Cyprus, Ukraine, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia & Indonesia (5 Countries).

Vol 14, No 2 (2021) REGISTER JOURNAL
Author geographical coverage: Pakistan, Malaysia & Indonesia ( 3 Countries).

Vol 14, No 1 (2021) REGISTER JOURNAL
Author geographical coverage: Pakistan, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt & Indonesia (5 Countries).

Vol 13, No 2 (2020) REGISTER JOURNAL
Author geographical coverage: Saudi Arabia, Pakistan & Indonesia ( 3 Countries).

Vol 13, No 1 (2020) REGISTER JOURNAL
Author geographical coverage: Pakistan, Turkey, Malaysia & Indonesia (4 Countries).

Vol 12, No 2 (2019) REGISTER JOURNAL
Author geographical coverage: Iran, Nigeria & Indonesia (3 Countries).

Author geographical coverage: Morrocco & Indonesia (2 Countries).

Vol 11, No 2 (2018) REGISTER JOURNAL

Author geographical coverage:  South Africa & Indonesia (2 Countries).

The latest publication of REGISTER JOURNAL Vol 16 no.1 June 2023

 Dear All,

This is the latest publication of REGISTER JOURNAL Vol 16 no.1 June 2023

Author geographical coverage: China, Islamic Republic of Iran, Malaysia & Indonesia  (4 Countries).

Published: 2023-04-26


1. Proposing A Web-Based Interactive Module for Education for Sustainable Development in English for Computer Science

Dewi Sari Wahyuni, Yenni Rozimela , Havid Ardi , Mukhaiyar Mukhaiyar , T. Sy. Eiva Fatdha


 2. Marriage, Conflict, and Communication: Pragmatic Inquiry into Impoliteness in the Marital Relationship

Shan Shan Li, Ying Qi Wu


 3. Thematic Structure in Students’ Writings: Implications on their Ideas Organization and Development

Zefki Okta, Ashadi Ashadi, Sulis Triyono, Dwiyanto Djoko Pranowo


 4. Teachers’ Intercultural Communicative Competence and Intercultural Sensitivity: An Investigation of Emergency Online Classes in Higher Education

Amir Ghajarieh, Samaneh Safiyar


 5. Exploring Qualities that Prevent EFL Teachers from Redundancy

I Dewa Gede Rat Dwiyana Putra, Sayit Abdul Karim, Iswandany Kaslan


 6. Intercultural Communicative Competence Model Using English Literature: A Case Study at Some Islamic Universities in Indonesia

Juliastuti, Magfirah Thayyib, Haerazi Haerazi


 7. Ten Years after Sutton (2012): Quo Vadis Feedback Literacy? (A Bibliometric Study)

Imelda Gozali, Abdul Syahid, Nunung Suryati



8. Mobile-assisted English language learning for young learners during COVID-19 distance learning: Teachers’ experiences and voices

Misdi, Anisa Andiani Ramadina, Nor Syamimi Iliani Che Hassan, Kardi Nurhadi


The Implementation of Hybrid Computer Mediated Collaborative Learning (HCMCL) for Promoting Students' Critical Thinking

The Implementation of Hybrid Computer Mediated Collaborative Learning (HCMCL) for Promoting Students' Critical Thinking at IAIN Salatiga, Indonesia

Umami, M (Umami, Mashlihatul) ; Saleh, M (Saleh, Mursid) ; Mujiyanto, J (Mujiyanto, Januarius) ; Fitriati, SW (Fitriati, Sri Wuli)



Special IssueSI


PublishedJUL 2018


Document TypeArticle


This article stresses on answering the questions on how HCMCL implemented for promoting students' critical thinking, and how the students' potentials of critical thinking in the aspects of communication, reasoning, and self-reflection promoted in the class. The ethnographic-case study was undertaken in writing skills. Descriptive- Qualitative is used to analyze the findings. The data gathered from in-depth interview, field notes, questionnaires and students' documents. The finding reveals that the lecturer considered the four key dimensions of time, fidelity, space, and humanness in its implementation. The data also reveals that HCMCL can promote students potentials of critical thinking in communication, reasoning, and self reflection. However, some points needed to be improved by the learners in the first aspect especially related with linguistics conventions. HCMCL provides the chances for the learners to communicate with their peers and other members of group to complete the tasks. This process demand the students to work in a group which requires another set of complex skills; students needed to manage interdependence with others and to reconcile differences for mutual benefit.


Author KeywordsHybrid Computer Mediated Collaborative Learning (HCMCL)students' critical thinkingcommunicationreasoning and self reflection

1 IAIN Salatiga, English Educ Dept, Fac Educ, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
2 Univ Negeri Semarang, English Educ Dept, Fac Language Educ, Semarang, Indonesia

Categories/ Classification

Research AreasLinguistics

Citation Topics6 Social Scienceschevron_right6.69 Language & Linguisticschevron_right6.69.342 Language Policy

Web of Science CategoriesLanguage & Linguistics

Document Information


Accession NumberWOS:000550205200013



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15 Quotes about Happiness and Life

REGISTER JOURNAL is indexed in the list of recommended web journals by Pakistan's Higher Education Commission

HEC or Higher Education Commission aka Pakistan's Ristekdikti has included the REGISTER JOURNAL, UIN Salatiga, as a recommended journal for international publications.

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ESCI Web of Science, Pakistani HEC HJRS Index & SINTA 2 Indexed Journal
APC: 150 USD
•SCOPE: Applied Linguistics & English Language Teaching (ELT)
English Education Department, UIN Salatiga
1979-8903 (Print) and 2503-040X : (Online)

CALL FOR PAPERS VOL 16 NO. 2 December 2023

•Submission Deadline: September 1, 2023
Author Guidelines:
WA Contact: +6285642019501 (Admin)


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 Per Juni 2023, di situs, tercatat lebih dari 1.569 naskah dan buku langka telah dikatalogkan yang selanjutnya dikemas dan dipajang menjadi 2.495 koleksi digital. Tersua 34 sumber kamus (bausastra), sinonim (dasanama), hingga glosari lain, yang padanya 216.328 entri leksikon berhasil dihimpun. Ada pula 23.358 citra yang dibundel dalam 432 galeri. Dari seluruh koleksi tersebut, kini, sekitar 23,3 juta kata dapat dibaca dan ditelusuri di situs ini.