Kompilasi video 1-24 webinar pragmatics discussion forum Indonesia

Berikut daftar video PDF online discussion series yang telah terselenggara dan diupload di PDF Official Youtube Channel:

1. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #1

Waktu: 13 Juni 2020
Presenter: Dr. Drs. Jumanto Jumanto, M.Hum.
Tema: "Pragmatik: Dunia linguistik tak selebar daun kelor"
Link Video: https://youtu.be/m3WZ1KY4VmY

2. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #2

Waktu: 21 Juni 2020
Presenter: N. Norwanto, Ph.D.
Tema: "Perkembangan Teoris Ke(tidak)sopanan"
Link Video: https://youtu.be/QT4H-5P_iKI

3. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #3

Waktu: Sabtu, 27 Juni 2020
Dr. Budi Purnomo, M.Hum.
Dr. Anak Agung Ayu Dian Andriayani, M.Hum.
Tema: "Register dan Kesantunan dalam Industri Pariwisata"
Link Video: https://youtu.be/wywzUpcgcfM

4. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #4

Waktu: 26 Juli 2020
Presenter: Hanafi, S.S., M.App.Ling., Ph.D.
Tema: "Interlanguage Pragmatics: Antara Linguistik Terapan dan Pragmatics"
Link Video: https://youtu.be/XTSu3K3y8GA

5. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #5

Waktu: Sabtu 29 Agustus 2020
Presenter (Panel):
Dr. Drs. Jumanto Jumanto, M.Hum.
Hanafi, S.S., M.App.Ling., Ph.D.
Dr. Budi Purnomo, M.Hum.
Tema: "Pragmatics 5W+1H"
Link Video: https://youtu.be/kxD2LWm1yzo

6. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #6

Waktu: Sabtu, 26 September 2020
Presenter (Panel):
Prof. Fatchul Mu'in, M.Hum.
Dr. Drs. Jumanto Jumanto, M.Hum.
Dr. Sugeng Purwanto, M.A.
Tema: "Polemik tuturan 'anjay' dalam konteks humaniora"
Link Video:

7. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #7

Waktu: Sabtu, 13 Februari 2021
Presenter: Dr. R. Kunjana Rahardi, M.Hum.
Tema: "Virtual external context in Cyberpragmatics"
Link Video: https://youtu.be/WVJESJT7Se0

8. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #8

Waktu: Sabtu, 13 Maret 2021
Presenter: Prof. Dr. I Dewa Putu Wijana, M.A.
Tema: "Rura Basa dalam bahasa Jawa"
Link Video: https://youtu.be/NIzoFvZiWlw

9. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #9

Waktu: Sabtu, 24 April 2021
Presenter: Dr. FX Rahyono, S.S., M.Hum.
Tema: "Kondisi Kesahihan pragmatis wacana ke-takarif-an: Sepercik sumbangan terhadap linguistik forensik”
Link Video: https://youtu.be/YXFsDqEdGv8

10. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #10

Waktu: 29 Mei 2021
Presenter: Dr. Kundharu Saddhono, M.Hum.
Tema: "Pragmatics as an interdisciplinary study"
Link Video: https://youtu.be/CyX86gp30D0

11. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #11

Waktu: 22 Januari 2022
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Drs. Jumanto Jumanto, M.Hum.
Tema: "Character language: A pragmatic social verbal project"
Link Video: https://youtu.be/UYksa1ZLEjk

12. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #12

Waktu: 26 Februari 2022

Presenter: Prof. Dr. I Dewa Putu Wijana, M.A.

Tema: "On Javanese Riddles"
Link Video: https://youtu.be/G7dC5NFyqlQ

13. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #13

Waktu: 26 Maret 2022
Presenter: Dr. FX Rahyono, S.S., M.Hum.
Tema: "Ancangan pragmatis dalam penelitian komunikasi multimodalitas"
Link Video: https://youtu.be/hbeL0s3b-ic

14. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #14

Waktu: 23 April 2022
Presenter: Hanafi, S.S., M.App.Ling., Ph.D.
Tema: "Kompetensi Interaksi dalam Urutan Negosiasi pada Percakapan: Kajian Pragmatik Diskursif"
Link Video: https://youtu.be/5qV4aaR5EFU

15. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #15

Waktu: 28 Mei 2022
Presenter: Dr. Drs. Sugeng Purwanto, M.A.
Tema: "Pragmatik dalam analisis wacana kritis: Perspektif metodologis"
Link Video: https://youtu.be/7_fmU_CDha8

16. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #16

Waktu: Juni 2022
Dr. I Ketut Suardana, S.S., M.Hum
Universitas Bali Dwipa
Tema: "SFL and Pragmatics of non-verbal form within context "
Materi PPT: Materi PDF#16: https://tinyurl.com/materiPDF16
Link Video: https://youtu.be/a7oqp9oUMMU

17. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #17

Waktu: Hari Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2022
Dr. Bayu Aryanto S.S., M.Hum.,
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Tema: "Pragmatics in Japanese language & Culture "
Materi PPT: Materi PDF#17: https://tinyurl.com/materiPDF17
Link Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y4HO1wS8_g

18. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #18

Waktu: Hari Sabtu, 26 November 2022
Presenter: Dr. Ita Fitriana, S.S., M.A.

Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Tema: "Implikatur dalam Kajian Pragmatik"
Materi PPT: Materi PDF#18: https://tinyurl.com/materiPDF18
Link Video: (1) PDF Discussion Series #18 - Implikatur dalam Kajian Pragmatik - YouTube

19. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #19

Waktu: Hari Sabtu, 17 Desember 2022
Yanti Sri Rezeki, M.Ed, PhD
Universitas Tanjungpura
Tema: "Pragmatic Competence and Pedagogy"
Materi PPT: materi PDF19 https://tinyurl.com/materiPDF19
Link Video: (1) PDF Discussion Series #19 - Pragmatic Competence and Pedagogy - YouTube

20. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #20

Waktu: Hari Sabtu, 28 Januari 2022
Dr. Drs. Edy Jauhari. M.Hum., Universitas Airlangga
Dr. Miftah Nugroho, M.Hum., Universitas Sebelas Maret
"Refusal of Request: Studi Empiris terhadap Penolakan Ekspresi Perasaan Cinta di Kalangan Remaja Jawa"
Materi PPT: link materi PDF#20: https://tinyurl.com/materiPDF20
Link Video: https://youtu.be/wbnyu4nSVX0

21. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #21

Waktu: Hari Sabtu, 25 Februari 2022
Presenter:Prof. Dr. Dra. I Gusti Ayu Gde Sosiowati, M.A
Universitas Udayana, Bali

Tema:  Pragmatics and Linguistics: The intersection

Materi PPT: 

22. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #22

Waktu: Hari Sabtu, 25 Maret 2023,
Presenter:  Prof. Dr. Bambang Wibisono, M.Pd , Universitas Jember 

Tema:Perilaku Berbahasa Masyarakat di Era Disrupsi dalam  Perspektif Pragmatik

23. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #23

Waktu: 10 Juni 2023
Presenter:Dr. Yuli Widiana, M.Hum, UNIKA Widya Mandala Surabaya

Tema:“Tindak Tutur dan Realisasi Kesantunan dalam Perspektif Cyberpragmatics”

 24. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #24


Topic: Teacher Talk in English Language Teaching: A Pragmatics & ELT Perspective

Prof. Joseph Ernest Mambu, S.Pd., M.A., Ph.D, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga

Materi PPT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s3UQqp33jH0RKczYPWfFjoVekXpcI-3C/view?usp=sharing
Link Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLJKbSLgwBQ

Morphology by Francis Katamba

Morphology by Francis Katamba (Author)

An introduction to contemporary morphological theory and analysis in generative grammar, this book contains in-text exercises which involve the reader in "doing morphology" by analyzing data from English and other languages. The book is divided into three parts. Part one surveys traditional notions of word-structure which remain fundamental to morphological investigations. Part two explores the relationship between morphology and phonology in current generative grammar, while part three highlights issues in the interaction between morphology and syntax. Francis Katamba has also written "An Introduction to Phonology".


13 best references of morphology books

 Brown, Dunstan (December 2012) [2010]. "Morphological Typology" (PDF). In Jae Jung Song (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Typology. pp. 487–503. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199281251.013.0023.

2.       Beard, Robert (1995). Lexeme-Morpheme Base Morphology: A General Theory of Inflection and Word Formation. Albany: NY: State University of New York Press. pp. 2, 3. ISBN 0-7914-2471-5.

3.       Plag, Ingo (2003). "Word Formation in English" (PDF). Library of Congress. Cambridge. Retrieved 2016-11-30.

4.       Haspelmath, Martin; Sims, Andrea D. (2002). Understanding Morphology. London: Arnold. ISBN 0-340-76026-5.

5.        Bybee, Joan L. (1985). Morphology: A Study of the Relation Between Meaning and Form. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 11, 13.

6.       Aronoff, Mark (1993). Morphology by Itself. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ISBN 9780262510721.

7.       Bauer, Laurie (2003). Introducing linguistic morphology (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: SGeorgetown University Press. ISBN 0-87840-343-4.

8.       Bauer, Laurie (2004). A glossary of morphology. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

9.       Dixon, R. M. W.; Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y., eds. (2007). Word: A cross-linguistic typology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

10.   Hockett, Charles F. (1947). "Problems of morphemic analysis". Language. 23 (4): 321–343. doi:10.2307/410295. JSTOR 410295.

11.   Katamba, Francis (1993). Morphology. New York: St. Martin's Press. ISBN 0-312-10356-5.

12.   Matthews, Peter (1991). Morphology (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-42256-6.

13.   van Valin, Robert D.; LaPolla, Randy (1997). Syntax : Structure, Meaning And Function. Cambridge University Press.

what does it mean by scaffolding in language structural analysis?

 In language structural analysis, scaffolding refers to the supportive framework or guidance provided to learners as they develop their language skills. Just like the scaffolding used in construction to support workers as they build a structure, language scaffolding assists learners in acquiring new language abilities and understanding more complex language structures.

Scaffolding can take various forms depending on the context and the learners' needs. Here are some common examples:

  1. Contextual Support: Providing learners with relevant background information or context can help them understand the meaning and purpose of the language being studied. For example, introducing a new vocabulary word in the context of a story or real-life situation can make it more meaningful and memorable for the learners.

  2. Visual Aids: Using images, charts, graphs, or other visual representations can assist learners in comprehending complex language structures and concepts. Visual aids can make abstract ideas more tangible and accessible.

  3. Modeling: Teachers or more proficient language users can demonstrate how to use specific language structures or expressions correctly. By observing and imitating the models, learners can gain a better understanding of how to apply those structures themselves.

  4. Sentence Frames: Providing partially completed sentences or sentence frames allows learners to fill in the missing parts with appropriate words or phrases. This technique gives them a structured way to practice using language in context.

  5. Guided Practice: During language activities, instructors can guide learners through the process, offering feedback and assistance as needed. Gradually, learners gain independence as they become more proficient.

  6. Gradual Release of Responsibility: This approach involves gradually reducing the amount of support provided as learners become more competent. Initially, the instructor might provide extensive support, but over time, learners are encouraged to take on more responsibility for their language learning.

  7. Adapted Texts: Using simplified versions of texts or authentic materials with annotations and explanations can make complex language more accessible to learners at different proficiency levels.

The goal of scaffolding is to enable learners to engage with language structures and concepts that might be just beyond their current abilities. By providing appropriate support, learners can build their skills and confidence, eventually becoming more independent and proficient in using the language. As learners become more skilled, the scaffolding can be adjusted or removed to foster further growth.

Combining Functional Systemic Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis: Quo Vadis?

In a book entitled Systemic functional linguistics and critical discourse analysis: Studies in social change (Young, L., & Harrison, C. (Eds.) :( 2004), it stated that SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL) and CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS are two very different fields. SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL) is a functionally based theory developed in the past 45 years that examines the functioning of language as it develops in society. This view involves examining "real" language events to understand the purposes of language in various contexts and its functions. Wodak stated that the contribution of linguistic theory (including SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL)) was significant. Since linguistic theory is essential, Wodak and Weiss said that language is used to reveal social inequality. It is also through language that the purpose of CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS can be explained: "CDA aims to investigate critically social inequality as it is expressed, constituted, legitimized, and so on, by language use (or in a discourse) (Weiss & Wodak, 2007:15) in Wiratno, 2018:397).
In connection with CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS, linguists such as Roger Fowler, Gunther Kress, Robert Hodge, and Tony Trew, on the other hand, in line with the development of SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL) theory, developed CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS as a branch of discourse analysis in the 1970s in the East Anglia Region, England. 

Tuen A. Van Dijk (2001: 96) says CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS is "Analysis by determining attitudes," an analysis of different discursive events to explore the relationship between language and power and how language is used to produce, maintain and reproduce positions of power employing discursive tools. Kress (1995) says that the purpose of CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS is to shift the focus of linguistics to the relevance of the social and political realms to provide or present social criticism by documenting structures of injustice or inequality.
In further studies,
CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS cannot be equated with SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL) because CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS is only an approach or perspective that examines social problems that are realized discursively, so linguists say that CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS is not a methodology or theory of language. This has been discussed by Ruth Wodak, who, in her thoughts on Appraisal in CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS (2002:12), identifies the importance of operational theory that links linguistic dimensions to social matters.