What are the aspects or dimension of English Syntax?


English syntax has different aspects or dimensions that help us understand how sentences are constructed and how they convey meaning. Here are some of the aspects or dimensions of English syntax: 

History of grammatical theory: This aspect deals with the evolution of grammatical theory over time and how it has influenced the study of syntax. It includes the development of transformational generative grammar (TGG) by Noam Chomsky in the 1950s and its reformulation in his book "Aspects of the Theory of Syntax"
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Synchronic aspects: This aspect deals with the study of syntax at a particular point in time, focusing on the structure of sentences and how they function in communication. It includes the study of word order, sentence structure, and the relationships between words and phrases
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Horizontal dimension: This aspect deals with the relationships between words and phrases within a sentence. It includes the study of subject-verb agreement, tense, and aspect
Vertical dimension: This aspect deals with the relationships between sentences in a discourse. It includes the study of cohesion and coherence, which are important for creating a coherent and meaningful text
Serial dimension: This aspect deals with the relationships between clauses within a sentence. It includes the study of subordination and coordination, which are important for creating complex sentences
. In summary, the aspects or dimensions of English syntax include the history of grammatical theory, synchronic aspects, horizontal dimension, vertical dimension, and serial dimension. Understanding these aspects can help us analyze and interpret sentences and texts in English.
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English syntax, like the syntax of any language, is a complex system that governs how words are structured and arranged to create meaningful sentences. There are several key aspects or dimensions of English syntax:

  1. Word Order: English is considered a subject-verb-object (SVO) language, which means that the typical word order in a declarative sentence is subject-verb-object, as in "She (subject) reads (verb) a book (object)." However, English does allow for some flexibility in word order, especially in questions and sentences with certain emphasis.

  2. Parts of Speech: English words are categorized into various parts of speech, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Understanding how these different parts of speech function in sentences is crucial to English syntax.

  3. Phrases: Sentences are composed of phrases, which are groups of words that function as a single unit. Common types of phrases include noun phrases (e.g., "the big dog"), verb phrases (e.g., "will eat breakfast"), and prepositional phrases (e.g., "in the park").

  4. Clauses: Clauses are larger syntactic units that contain both a subject and a predicate. There are two main types of clauses in English: independent clauses (can stand alone as complete sentences) and dependent clauses (cannot stand alone and function as part of a larger sentence).

  5. Sentence Types: English sentences can be classified into different types, including declarative (statements), interrogative (questions), imperative (commands), and exclamatory (expressing strong emotion). The syntax of a sentence often depends on its type.

  6. Agreement: English has subject-verb agreement, meaning that the form of the verb must match the number and person of the subject. For example, "He sings" (singular) vs. "They sing" (plural).

  7. Tense and Aspect: English verbs can convey information about when an action took place (tense) and how it relates to the flow of time (aspect). Common tenses include past, present, and future, while aspects include simple, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous.

  8. Modifiers: Adjectives and adverbs are used to modify nouns and verbs, respectively, providing additional information and details in a sentence.

  9. Conjunctions: Conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence. Common conjunctions in English include "and," "but," "or," "if," and "because."

  10. Voice: English sentences can be in either active or passive voice. Active voice emphasizes the doer of the action, while passive voice emphasizes the receiver of the action.

  11. Sentence Structure: English sentences can be simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex, depending on their structure and the number of independent and dependent clauses they contain.

  12. Ellipsis: Ellipsis is the omission of words or phrases that can be inferred from context. This is common in English to avoid redundancy, especially in conversational or informal writing.

These aspects and dimensions of English syntax interact to create the structure and meaning of sentences in the language. Mastery of English syntax is essential for effective communication and writing in English.





Pak Faizal Digital ID

Faizal Risdianto Mail
(Scopus Author ID: 57213518975), English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Salatiga, Salatiga, ELITE Association, Indonesia

Assoc. Prof. Faizal Risdianto is faculty member at the English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Salatiga, Indonesia. He is pursuing a Ph.D at Universitas Negeri Surakarta, Indonesia. His research interests include Descriptive Linguistics, Literature Study, Pragmatics, and English Teaching.

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1767-6915

SINTA ID: 14181

ResearchGate profile

Google Scholar profile

Academia.edu profile




Beda antara Life Partner vs SPOUSE: Hati-hati menuliskan kata Dear My Partner di Skripsimu

Life Partner vs. Spouse: What's the Difference? (brides.com)

“Tidak ada definisi tunggal atau pasti tentang "LIFE PARTNER",” kata Fozouni. “Sebaliknya, istilah ini biasanya mengacu pada individu yang tinggal bersama orang lain dalam hubungan romantis, seolah-olah mereka adalah pasangan suami istri tetapi tidak menikah secara sah.”

"LIFE PARTNER" mungkin disalahartikan sebagai pasangan yang berada dalam hubungan yang serius dan berkomitmen dan telah memilih untuk menggabungkan kehidupan mereka bersama-sama—tetapi mereka tidak mengambil langkah lebih lanjut untuk menikah secara sah. "LIFE PARTNER" biasanya lebih dari sekadar 'pacar', yang menunjukkan hubungan jangka panjang dengan tujuan permanen, tetapi tanpa pengakuan resmi atas pernikahan,” tambah Fozouni. "LIFE PARTNER" hidup mungkin memilih atau tidak memilih untuk memiliki anak bersama.”

Apa Itu "SPOUSE"(Pasangan Suami Istri)?

"SPOUSE" sedikit lebih mudah untuk didefinisikan. "SPOUSE"(Pasangan Suami Istri) adalah orang perseorangan yang sah menikah dengan orang lain,” kata Fozouni. Setiap negara bagian memiliki persyaratan berbeda untuk pasangan yang ingin menikah. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, kedua orang tersebut harus membuktikan bahwa mereka belum menikah, memiliki kapasitas mental yang sah untuk menikah, dan menyetujui untuk menikah serta berusia pada usia tertentu. “Di luar persyaratan hukum dasar tersebut, tidak banyak hal lain yang benar-benar diperlukan,” kata Fozouni. Mereka dapat memilih untuk hidup bersama atau terpisah. Mereka dapat menggabungkan keuangan mereka atau memisahkannya. Hubungan mereka bisa bersifat romantis atau platonis. Mereka dapat memilih untuk memiliki anak atau tidak bersama.”

Persamaan Antara LIFE PARTNER dan "SPOUSE"(Pasangan Suami Istri)

“Kedua jenis hubungan tersebut biasanya melibatkan pihak-pihak yang menjalin hubungan romantis, meskipun hal itu bukan merupakan persyaratan hukum,” kata Fozouni. “Dalam kedua jenis hubungan tersebut, para pihak dapat memilih untuk hidup bersama, menggabungkan keuangan mereka, dan secara umum mempertahankan diri. sebagai mitra jangka panjang.”


Perbedaan antara LIFE PARTNER dan SPOUSE sebagian besar bersifat hukum, kata Fozouni: "SPOUSE"(Pasangan Suami Istri) memiliki lebih banyak hak hukum dan wewenang pengambilan keputusan dibandingkan LIFE PARTNER.”. Misalnya, jika seseorang meninggal dunia, maka SPOUSE-nya otomatis mempunyai hak waris, sedangkan LIFE PARTNER tidak mendapatkannya . "SPOUSE"(Pasangan Suami Istri) mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengambil keputusan mengenai perawatan kesehatan bagi pasangannya. SPOUSE tersebut juga dapat mengajukan pajak pendapatan negara bagian dan federal bersama-sama, yang memiliki keuntungan finansial. Ada juga manfaat sosial dari pernikahan. “Perkawinan masih lebih diterima secara sosial dibandingkan LIFE PARTNER, meskipun hal ini tampaknya sudah berubah,” kata Fozouni.

Life Partner vs. Spouse: What's the Difference? (brides.com)

The pros and cons of partner

For some, the word partner is seen as secondary to husband or wife and as slightly too transactional to adequately describe a meaningful relationship. While it can and does connote a romantic partnership, the world partner also means “a person who shares or is associated with another in some action or endeavor; sharer; associate.”

For others, the word partner is viewed as something even deeper than simply being a “husband” or a “wife.” Partnership implies “a supportive connection built on trust, admiration, and mutual respect.” Some see partner as the best way to describe a serious, longterm relationship in a way that does not call to mind traditional gender roles. Others prefer partner, particularly during interactions with people they don’t know well, because it is inclusive language that avoids the assumption of heterosexuality. It also allows people the option of not revealing their partner’s gender or their own sexual orientations in instances in which they don’t want to share that information.

The Use of REAP (Read Encode Annotate Ponder) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension

Yuningsih, Afrilda
Date: 2018-04-03

This study aims to determine the use of REAP strategy to improve students’ reading comprehension. This study was conducted at SMP Asuhan Jaya Medan on Jalan Kayu Putih, Tanjung Mulia. The sample was taken based on the teaching practising program (PPL). The number of sample were 36 students. The method of research applied classroom action research. It was applied to figure out the student s activity during the use of REAP strategy to improve students’ reading comprehension. The instruments of this research were observation sheet ,questionnaire, portofolio and a reading comprehension test which consisted of 10 multiple choices. The researcher conducted two cycles in this research, there were two meetings in each cycle. This study uses qualitative and quantitative data to obtained the data and analysis through studies reflective. The quantitative data showed that the mean score in cycle I were 73.61, the mean score in cycle II were 88.88; the students who got score more than 75 in cycle I were 19 students and the percentage were 52.77%, the students who got score more than 75 in cycle II were 36 students and the percentage were 100%. The qualitative data got from observation sheet in every cycle showed that the improvement of teacher and students’ behaviour, from the questionnaire on the cycle II knows that there were improvement of the students during teaching and learning process.Based on the results from quantitative and qualitative data proved that REAP stratgey improved the students’ reading comprehension.

REAP Method

REAP (Eanet and Manzo, 1976) cited in Afrilda 2018 was among the earliest strategies develop to stress the using of writing as ameans of improving thinking and reading. Reap does by teaching students a number of ways to annotate, or write short critiques of, what they have read. The  various annotations serve as alternative perspectives to consider  and evaluate information and ideas. The use of this strategy will cause the  students to revisit the text during each stage of the REAP process. REAP  develops independent reading skills by encouraging the reader to put the  main idea of the passage into his/her own words, both orally and in written form. It can be employed as a study technique, thereby assisting long-term memory. 

The students also learn to represent the main ideas and the author‟s  message in their own words. After that, they do the ponder strategy. They should connect with the text through analysis and synthesis of their reading.  The purpose of REAP strategy is to develop students to a greater understanding of writers ‟s roles in writing and improve their reading comprehension. REAP strategy will help the students connect a  text and their words to enable them to communicate their understanding of  the text. 

By using Read, Encode, Annotate, and Ponder (REAP) Strategy, is  expected that the students can improve their reading comprehension. It was  assumed that Read, encoding, annotating, and Pondering (REAP) was appropriate to overcome the problem of the students. Every step in REAP  strategy had some advantages to help students understand a text. Based on those explanations, the researcher concluded that REAP  strategy is a strategy that can expand students‟ critical thinking trough the  ponder activity that can be done by thinking, talking, and discussing the new  short composition of the text with other members of the group. Then, it can  encourage the students‟ ability to work in a group. 

As Manzo (1990, p.221) implies that there are four steps in REAP  strategy: 

R: Read to discern the writer‘s message 

E: Encode the message by translating it into the reader's language 

A: Annotate the text by giving comments, critiques, and notes from the text 

P: Ponder, or reflect, on what you have read and written, first introspectively  and then by sharing and discussing it with others and as a study aid in test  preparation.

REAP (Read-Encode-Annotaet-Ponder) Strategy Read-Encode-Annotate-Ponder or REAP (Eanet and Manzo, 1976) was among the earliest strategies develop to stress the using of writing as ameans of 19 improving thinking and reading. Reap does by teaching students several ways to annotate, or write short critiques of, what they have read. The various annotations serve as alternative perspectives for evaluating information and ideas. Annotation writing involves the reader in examining the writer’s intention and possinle motivations as well as the literal and inferential interpretations of the message.the reader also explores his or her own views and feelings (Manzo, 1985). 

This meaningful reprocessing material helps readers shape the “inchoate lump of meaning” gleaned from reading into a concise and coherent addition to their knowledge and general schema funds. Research on writing suggests that efforts to develop annotation skill concurrently with reading and content result in enriched factual knowledge, conceptual development, and vocabulary acquisition (Eanet and Manzo. 1976). 

 REAP is a two-level strategy: once students have learned the annotation forms, they can use REAP independently as a “study formula” to guide thoughtful reading, or the teacher can use it as an instructional activity. Steps in students' use of REAP are follows, Read to discern the writer’s message, after Encode the message by translating it into your own language. Then Annotate by cogently writing the message in notes for yourself or in a thought book to share with others,  and the last, Ponder or reflect on what you have read and written, first introspectively and then by sharing and discussing it with others. 

The Procedures of REAP According to Allen (2004), using this strategy will cause the students to revisit the text during each stage of the REAP process. 

The procedures of REAP are as follows : 

 Table of Procedures of REAP Strategy The procedures of REAP 

 R : Read Read the text 

 E : Encode Encode the text by putting the main ideas in your own words/language. 

 A : Annotate the text by writing a statement summarizing the important points.

 P : Ponder the text by thinking and talking about what they learned. 

The Advantages of REAP Strategy 

 The advantages REAP strategy as follow: 

 a. By using R.E.A.P. strategy the students can comprehend the new innovation in reading, not just by answering question like before. 21 

 b. In R.E.A.P strategy the students can understand the text without trying hard to understand the meaning of each word in that text. 

 c. In this strategy the students can develop their ability in encoding a text in their own language in Encode phase. 

 d. In this strategy the student also can develop their skill in writing the annotation in annotate phase. 

 e. By using REAP. strategy the student can share friend in group about the content of text in Ponder activity. 

 The Disadvantages of REAP Strategy 

 In this strategy students must be guided in learning process, because if does not guided then the learning process becomes not effective.

the age range of young learners


The term "young learners" typically refers to children in the early stages of their education and learning foundational skills. The age range for young learners can vary depending on the educational context and the specific terminology used in different countries. However, in general, young learners are typically considered to be between the ages of 3 to 12 years old. Here's a breakdown of the age ranges for different stages within this range:

  1. Preschoolers/Toddlers: Ages 3 to 5

    • These are children who are not yet of school age but may be attending preschool or nursery programs.
  2. Kindergarten and Early Elementary: Ages 5 to 8

    • Kindergarten typically starts around age 5 or 6, and the early elementary years cover grades 1 to 3.
  3. Late Elementary: Ages 9 to 12

    • This age group includes students in grades 4 to 6 or 7, depending on the educational system.

It's important to note that the developmental and educational needs of young learners can vary greatly within this age range. As a result, teaching strategies, content, and activities should be tailored to the specific age and developmental level of the children being taught.

The challenge and solution of teaching English for young learners


Teaching English to young learners comes with its own set of challenges and requires tailored solutions to ensure effective language acquisition and a positive learning experience. Here are some common challenges and potential solutions:


  1. Limited Attention Span: Young learners often have shorter attention spans and may struggle to stay engaged in longer lessons.

  2. Varying Language Proficiency: Students may enter the classroom with varying levels of English proficiency, making it challenging to cater to individual needs.

  3. Developmental Differences: Young learners span a wide range of developmental stages, which can affect their cognitive and linguistic abilities.

  4. Limited Vocabulary: Building a robust English vocabulary can be challenging for young learners, who are still developing their native language vocabulary as well.

  5. Fear of Speaking: Some young learners may be hesitant to speak in a new language due to fear of making mistakes or being embarrassed.

  6. Cultural Differences: Cultural backgrounds can influence how young learners approach language learning and classroom interactions.


  1. Interactive and Short Activities: Break lessons into shorter segments with interactive activities like games, songs, and movement to maintain engagement and cater to attention spans.

  2. Differentiated Instruction: Assess students' language proficiency levels and group them accordingly. Offer activities and tasks that target various proficiency levels, providing support or challenge as needed.

  3. Multisensory Learning: Utilize a variety of sensory experiences like visual aids, audio materials, and hands-on activities to accommodate different developmental stages and learning styles.

  4. Contextual Learning: Teach English through meaningful contexts and real-life situations to help young learners grasp new vocabulary and concepts more easily.

  5. Positive Environment for Speaking: Foster a supportive atmosphere where making mistakes is seen as part of the learning process. Encourage speaking through group activities, pair work, and low-pressure speaking opportunities.

  6. Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware of and respectful toward students' cultural backgrounds. Incorporate diverse perspectives and materials into the lessons to make all students feel valued.

  7. Repetition and Review: Young learners benefit from repetition and review. Incorporate regular revision of previously learned material to reinforce vocabulary and concepts.

  8. Storytelling and Visualization: Use storytelling, pictures, and visual aids to help young learners understand and remember new words and concepts.

  9. Incorporate Technology: Utilize age-appropriate technology, such as educational apps and interactive online resources, to make learning engaging and interactive.

  10. Parental Involvement: Engage parents in the learning process by providing information about what their children are learning and suggesting ways they can support language development at home.

  11. Progress Celebrations: Celebrate small milestones and achievements to boost young learners' confidence and motivation.

  12. Adaptability: Be flexible and open to adjusting your teaching methods based on the needs and reactions of the young learners. Pay attention to what works best for your specific group.

Remember that teaching English to young learners requires patience, creativity, and a willingness to adapt. The goal is to create a positive and engaging learning environment that nurtures their language skills while considering their unique developmental characteristics and learning preferences.