Bibliography of Jim MartinLINK URL source: http://www.isfla.org/Systemics/Print/MartinPapers/
A - Books:1. Crazy Talk: a study of the discourse of schizophrenic speakers. (S Rochester & J R Martin) New York: Plenum (Cognition and Language: a series in psycholinguistics) 1979. 229 pp. 2. Factual Writing: exploring and challenging social reality. Geelong, Vic.: Deakin University Press (ECS806 Sociocultural Aspects of Language and Education) 1985. 101 pp. [republished by Oxford University Press, 1989] 3. Teaching Critical Social Literacy: a project of national significance on the preservice preparation of teachers for teaching English literacy. (F Christie, B Devlin, P Freebody, A Luke, J R Martin, T Threadgold & C Walton). Canberra, DEET. 1991. 720 pp. 4. English Text: system and structure. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1992. 622 pp. [reprinted Peking University Press. 2004. ISBN 7-301-06883-2/H.0962 - for distribution in the Peoples Republic of China only] 5. Writing Science: literacy and discursive power. (M A K Halliday & J R Martin) London: Falmer (Critical perspectives on literacy and education) & Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press. (Pittsburg Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture). 1993. 283 pp. [Greek translation Athens: Metaixmio 2004] 6. Working with Functional Grammar (J R Martin, C M I M Matthiessen & C Painter) London: Arnold. 1997. 306 pp. 7. Å Skape Mening Med Språk: en samling artikler av M A K Halliday, R Hasan og J R Martin (presentery og redigert av K L Berge, P Coppock & E Maagero) Oslo: Landslaget for Norskundervisning (LNU) og Cappelen Akademisk Forlag. 1998. ['Making Meaning with Language'; M A K Halliday, R Hasan & J R Martin; ISBN 82-456-0070-9; 422 pp] 8. Working with Discourse: meaning beyond the clause (J R Martin & David Rose) London: Continuum. 2003. 293pp. [reprinted by Peking University Press 2007; 2nd edition in press. 360pp?; Spanish translation in preparation] 9. The Language of Evaluation: appraisal in English. (J R Martin & P R R White) London: Palgrave. 2005. 278pp. [Chinese translation in preparation; Peking University Press]. 10. Shidonii Gakuha no SFL: Haridei Gengo Riron no Tenkai. [previously published papers translated by Hiro Tsukada]. Tokyo. 2005. 11. Genre relations: mapping culture. (J R Martin & David Rose). London: Equinox. in press for 2007. 12. Learning to write/reading to learn: scaffolding democracy in literacy classrooms. (David Rose & J R Martin). London: Equinox. in preparation for 2008. B - Edited books:1. Readings in Systemic Linguistics. (Ed. M A K Halliday & J R Martin) London: Batsford. 1981. 361pp. 2. Writing to Mean: teaching genres across the curriculum. (Ed. C Painter & J R Martin) Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (Occasional Papers 9) 1986. 236 pp. 3. Language Development: learning language, learning culture. (Ed. R Hasan & J R Martin) Norwood, N.J.: Ablex (Advances in Discourse Processes 27 - Meaning and Choice in Language: studies for Michael Halliday). 1989. 397pp. 4. Genre and Institutions: social processes in the workplace and school. (Ed. F Christie & J R Martin). London: Cassell (Open Linguistics Series). 1997. 270pp. 5. Reading Science: critical and functional perspectives on discourses of science (Ed. J R Martin & R Veel). London: Routledge. 1998. 368 pp. 6. Negotiating heteroglossia: social perspectives on evaluation. (Special Issue of Text 23.2, Ed. J R Martin & M Macken-Horarik). 2003. 155 pp. 7. Re/reading the past: critical and functional perspectives on discourses of history (Ed. J R Martin & R Wodak) Amsterdam: Benjamins (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture). 2003. 275 pp. 8. Interpreting Tragedy: the language of September 11th, , 2001 (Special Double Issue of Discourse & Society 15.2/3, Ed. John Edwards & J R Martin). 2004. 212pp. 9. Language typology: a functional perspective . (Ed. A Caffarel, J R Martin & C M I M Matthiessen). Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2004. 700pp. [to be reprinted by Peking University Press 2006] 10. Language, Knowledge and Pedagogy: functional linguistic and sociological perspectives (Ed. F Christie & J R Martin). London: Continuum. 2007. 270pp. C - School Teaching Materials:1. An Approach to Writing K-12: Vol. 1 Introduction. (M Macken, G Kress, M Kalantzis, J R Martin, J Rothery, W Cope) Sydney: Literacy and Education Research Network & Directorate of Studies, NSW Department of Education. 1989a. 54pp. 2. An Approach to Writing K-12: Vol 2 Factual Writing: a teaching unit based on reports about sea mammals. . (M Macken, G Kress, M Kalantzis, J R Martin, J Rothery, W Cope) Sydney: Literacy and Education Research Network & Directorate of Studies, NSW Department of Education. 1989b. 100pp. 3. An Approach to Writing K-12: Vol 3 Story Writing: a teaching unit based on narratives, news stories and fairy tales. . (M Macken, G Kress, M Kalantzis, J R Martin, J Rothery, W Cope) Sydney: Literacy and Education Research Network & Directorate of Studies, NSW Department of Education. 1989c. 100pp. 4. An Approach to Writing K-12: Vol 4 The Theory and Practice of Genre-Based Writing. . (M Macken, G Kress, M Kalantzis, J R Martin, J Rothery, W Cope)) Sydney: Literacy and Education Research Network & Directorate of Studies, NSW Department of Education. 1989d. 100pp. 5. Exploring Reports about Reptiles - student book: level 1 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990a. 60pp. 6. Exploring Reports about Machines - student book: level 2 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990b. 52pp. 7. Exploring Reports about Bears - student book: level (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990c. 68pp. 8. Exploring Reports about Countries - student book: level 4 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990d. 60pp. 9. Exploring Reports: teachers book: levels 1-4(F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990e. 182pp. 10. Exploring Procedures about Magic: level 1 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990f. 38pp. 11. Exploring Procedures about Cooking: level 2 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990g. 38pp. 12. Exploring Procedures about Paper Making: level 3 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990h. 34pp. 13. Exploring Procedures about Experiments: level (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery)) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990i. 46pp. 14. Exploring Procedures: teachers book: levels 1-(F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990j. 118pp. 15. Literacy for a Lifetime - teachers' notes. (J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Film Australia. 1990. 69pp. 16. Exploring Explanations about Life Cycles: level 1 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1992a. 32 pp. 17. Exploring Explanations about Natural Disasters: level (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1992b. 36 pp. 18. Exploring Explanations about Electricity: level (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1992c. 58 pp. 19. Exploring Explanations about Astronomy: level (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1992d. 58 pp. 20. Exploring Explanations: teachers book: levels 1-(F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1992e. 232 pp. D - Journal articles:1. Thought process disorder in schizophrenia: the listener's task. (S Rochester, J R Martin & S Thurston) Brain and Language 4. 1977. 94-114. 2. Participant identification in English, Tagalog and Kate. Australian Journal of Linguistics 3.1. 1983. 45-74. 3. Pre-writing: oral models for written text. Prospect: The Journal of the Adult Migrant Education Program 3.1. 1987. 75-90. 4. Social processes in education. (F Christie, J R Martin & J Rothery) The Teaching of English: Journal of the English Teachers' Association of New South Wales 53. 1987. 3-22 5. Genres make meaning: another reply to Sawyer and Watson. (F Christie, J R Martin & J Rothery) English in Australia 90. 1989. 43-59. 6. The discourse of geography: ordering and explaining the experiential world. (P Wignell, J R Martin & S Eggins) Linguistics and Education 1.4. 1990. 359-392 [republished in Halliday & Martin 1993. 136-165.] 7. Interpersonal grammatization: mood and modality in Tagalog. Philippine Journal of Linguistics 21.1 (Special Issue on the Silver Anniversary of the Language Study Centre of Philippine Normal College 1964-1989 - Part 2). 1990. 2-51. 8. Intrinsic functionality: implications for contextual theory. Social Semiotics 1.1. 1991. 99-162. 9. Critical literacy: the role of a functional model of language. Australian Journal of Reading 14.2. 1991. 117-132. [Focus Issue on Literacy Research in Australia edited by Peter Freebody & Bruce Shortland-Jones] 10. Genre and literacy - modelling context in educational linguistics. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 13. 1993. 141-172. [reprinted in D Wray [Ed.] Literacy: major themes in education. London: Routledge. 2004.] 11. Making new meanings: literary and linguistic perspectives on the function of genre in textual practice. (Anne Cranny-Francis & J R Martin). English in Australia 105. 1993. 30-44. 12. Technology, bureaucracy and schooling: discursive resources and control. Cultural Dynamics 6.1. 1993. 84-130. 13. In/visible education: class, gender and pedagogy in Educating Rita and Dead Poets Society. (Anne Cranny-Francis & J R Martin). Interpretations: Journal of the English Teachers' Association of Western Australia. 27.1. 1994. 28-57. 14. Reading positions/positioning readers: judgement in English. Prospect: a journal of Australian TESOL 10.2. 1995. 27-37. 15. Text and clause: fractal resonance. Text 15.1. 1995. 5-42. 16. Interpersonal meaning, persuasion and public discourse: packing
semiotic punch. Australian Journal of Linguistics 15.1. 1995. 33-67. [part1]
[part2] 17. Writings/readings: how to know a genre. (Anne Cranny-Francis & J R Martin) Interpretations: Journal of the English Teachers' Association of Western Australia. 28.3. 1995. 1-32. 18. Logical meaning, interdependency and the linking particle {-ng/na } in Tagalog. Functions of Language. 2.2. 1995. 189-228. 19. Waves of abstraction: organising exposition. The Journal of TESOL France 2.2: Functional Approaches to Written Text: classroom applications. Vol. 2. (Guest edited by T Miller). Paris: TESOL France & U.S. Information Service. 1996. 87-104. [republished in Functional Approaches to Written Text: classroom applications. Washington: United States Information Service (English Language Programs) 1997. 244-259] 20. Construing experience: some story genres (J R Martin & G Plum) Journal of Narrative and Life History 7.1-4. (Special Issue: Oral Versions of Personal Experience: three decades of narrative analysis; M Bamberg Guest Editor). 1997. 299-308. 21. Linguistics and the consumer: theory in practice. Linguistics and Education 9.4. 1997. 409-446. 22. Grace: the logogenesis of freedom. Discourse Studies 1.1. 1999. 31-58. [reprinted in T van Dijk [Ed.] Discourse Studies. London: Sage (Benchmarks in Discourse Studies) 2007. xx-xx] 23. Design and practice: enacting functional linguistics in Australia. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 20 (20th Anniversary Volume ‘Applied Linguistics as an Emerging DisciplineÂ’). 2000. 116-126. 24. Sin and grace: nought for naughts? Text 20.2. 2000. 227-238. 25. Grammar meets genre – reflections on the ‘Sydney SchoolÂ’. Arts: the journal of the Sydney University Arts Association 22. 2000. 47-95. [reprinted in Educational Research on Foreign Languages & Arts Sun Yat Sen University, Guangzhou (Special issue on Functional Linguistics & Applied Linguistics) 2. 2006. 28-54. 26. Mapping meaning: profiling with integrity in a post-modern world. (J R Martin & R McCormack). Applied Language Studies 1(1) 2001. 6-18. 27. Meaning beyond the clause: SFL perspectives. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 22. 2002. 52-74. 28. Introduction Text 23.2 ('Negotiating heteroglossia: social perspectives on evaluation'). 2003. 1-11. 29. El contexto como género: una perspectiva lingüÃstica functional [Context as genre: a functional linguistics perspective] (S Eggins & J R Martin). Revista Signos: estudios de lengua y literature 36.54. 2003. 185-205. 30. Mourning – how we get aligned. Discourse & Society 15.2/3 (Special Issue on 'Discourse around 9/11'). 2004. 321-344. 31. Prosodic 'structure': grammar for negotiation. Ilha do Desterro: A Journal of English Language, Literatures in English and Cultural Studies 46 (Special Issue on Systemic-functional Linguistics in Action). 2004. 41-82. 32. Positive discourse analysis: solidarity and change. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses. 49 (Special Issue on Discourse Analysis at Work: Recent Perspectives in the Study of Language and Social Practice). 2004. 179-200. [reprinted in The Journal of English Studies (Special Issue on Discourse Analysis). Guest Editor: HUANG Guowen). Vol.4.14. 21-35. Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China. 2006] 33. Vernacular deconstruction: undermining spin. DELTA - Documentação de Estudos em Linguistica Teorica e Aplicada 22.1. 2006. 177-203. 34. What kind of structure? - interpersonal meaning and prosodic realisation across strata. Word (Special Issue on 'The realization of interpersonal meaning' edited by K Davidse & A-M Simon-Vandenbergen). in press. 35. Genres and language learning: a social semiotic perspective. Linguistics and Education (Special Edition on 'Foreign/second language acquisition as meaning-making: a systemic-functional approach' Edited by H Byrnes). to appear. 36. Negotiating values: narrative and exposition. accepted for Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. 37. Genre, ideology and intertextuality: a systemic functional perspective. accepted for Human Communication (Special Issue on Genre edited by J Bateman). 38. Interacting with text: the role of dialogue in learning to read and write. Foreign Languages in China. to appear. E - Book Chapters:1. The art of referring: the speaker's use of noun phrases to instruct the listener. (S Rochester & J R Martin) R O Freedle [Ed.] Discourse Comprehension and Production. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex (Advances in Discourse Processes 1) 1977. 245-269. 2. Conjunction and continuity in Tagalog. M A K Halliday & J R Martin [Eds.] Readings in Systemic Linguistics. London: Batsford. 1981. 310-336. 3. The development of register. R O Freedle & J Fine [Eds.] Developmental Issues in Discourse. Norwood, N J: Ablex (Advances in Discourse Processes 10) 1983. 1-40. 4. Conjunction: the logic of English text. J S Petöfi & E Sözer [Eds.] Micro and Macro Connexity of Texts. Hamburg: Helmut Buske (Papers in Textlinguistics 45) 1983. 1-72. 5. Language, register and genre. F Christie [Ed.] Children Writing: reader. Geelong, Vic.: Deakin University Press (ECT Language Studies: children writing) 1984. 21-30. [revised for A Burns & C Coffin [Eds.]Analysing English in a Global Context: a reader. Clevedon: Routledge (Teaching English Language Worldwide) 2001. 149-166] [Japanese translation by Hiro Tsukada published in Shidonii Gakuha no SFL: Haridei Gengo Riron no Tenkai. Toktyo: Liber Press. 2005. 149-166] 6. Process and text: two aspects of human semiosis. J D Benson & W S Greaves [Eds.] Systemic Perspectives on Discourse: selected theoretical papers from the 9th International Systemic Workshop. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex (Advances in Discourse processes 15) 1985. 248-274. 7. On the analysis of exposition. (J R martin & P Peters) R Hasan [Ed.] Discourse on Discourse: workshop reports from the Macquarie Workshop on Discourse Analysis. Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (Occasional Papers 7) 1985. 61-92. 8. Exposition: literary criticism. Reading 2 in J R Martin Factual Writing: exploring and challenging social reality. Geelong, Vic.: Deakin University Press (ECS806 Sociocultural Aspects of Language and Education) 1985. 83-99. [republished by Oxford University Press, 1989] 9. Introduction. (C Painter & J R Martin) C Painter & J R Martin [Eds.] Writing to Mean: teaching genres across the curriculum. Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (Occasional Papers 9) 1986. 1-10. 10. Grammaticalising ecology: the politics of baby seals and kangaroos. T Threadgold, E A Grosz, G Kress & M A K Halliday [Eds.] Semiotics, Ideology, Language. Sydney: Sydney Association for Studies in Society and Culture (Sydney Studies in Society and Culture 3) 1986. 225-268. 11. What a functional approach to writing can show teachers about 'good writing'. (with J Rothery) B Couture [Ed.] Functional Approaches to Writing Research. London: Pinter. 1986. 241-265. 12. Pre-writing: oral models for written text. R D Walshe, P March & D Jensen [Eds.] Writing and Learning in Australia. Melbourne: Dellasta Books. 1986. 138-142. [unabridged version published in Prospect: The Journal of the Adult Migrant Education Program 3.1. 1987. 75-90.] 13. Intervening in the process of writing development. Painter, C & J R Martin [Eds.] Writing to Mean: teaching genres across the curriculum. Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (Occasional Papers 9) 1986. 11-43. 14. Social processes in education. (F Christie, J R Martin & J Rothery) I Reid [Ed.] The Place of Genre in Learning. Geelong, Vic.: Centre for Studies in Literary Education, Deakin University (Typereader Publications 1). 1987. 58-82. [unabridged version published in The Teaching of English: Journal of the English Teachers' Association of New South Wales 53. 1987. 3-22] 15. The meaning of features in systemic linguistics. R Fawcett & M A K Halliday [Eds.] New Developments in Systemic Linguistics Vol. 1. Theory and Description. London: Pinter. 1987. 14-40. 16. Hypotactic recursive systems in English: towards a functional interpretation. J D Benson & W S Greaves [Eds.] Systemic Functional Approaches to Discourse. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex (Advances in Discourse Processes 26) 1988. 240-270. 17. Grammatical conspiracies in Tagalog: family, face and fate - with reference to Benjamin Lee Whorf. J D Benson, M J Cummings & W S Greaves [Eds.] Linguistics in a Systemic Perspective. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1988. 243-300. 18. Secret English: discourse technology in a junior secondary school. (with P Wignell, S Eggins & J Rothery) L Gerot, J Oldenberg & T Van Leeuwen [Eds.] Language and Socialisation: home and school. Sydney: School of English and Linguistics, Macquarie University (Report of the 1986 Working Conference on Language in Education) 1988. 143-173. [republished in B Cope & M Kalantzis [Eds.] Genre Approaches to Literacy: theories and practices (Papers from the 1991 LERN Conference, University of Technology, Sydney, 23-24 November 1991). Sydney: Common Ground. 1993. 43-76.] 19. Introduction. (R Hasan & J R Martin) Hasan, R & J R Martin [Eds.] Language Development: learning language, learning culture. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex (Advances in Discourse Processes 27: Meaning and Choice in Language: studies for Michael Halliday). 1989. 1-9. 20. Technicality and abstraction: language for the creation of specialised texts. F Christie [Ed.] Writing in Schools: reader. Geelong, Vic.: Deakin University Press. 1989. 36-44. [republished in M A K Halliday & J R Martin Writing Science: literacy and discursive power. London: Falmer (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education. 1993. 203-220; revised for A Burns & C Coffin [Eds.]Analysing English in a Global Context: a reader. Clevedon: Routledge (Teaching English Language Worldwide) 2001. 211-228] 21. Literacy in science: learning to handle text as technology. F Christie [Ed.] Literacy for a Changing World. Melbourne: Australian Council for Educational Research (Fresh Look at the Basics). 1990. 79-117. [republished in M A K Halliday & J R Martin Writing Science: literacy and discursive power. London: Falmer (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education. 1993. 166-202][Norwegian translation in Ã… Skape Mening Med SprÃ¥k: en samling artikler av M A K Halliday, R Hasan og J R Martin (presentery og redigert av K L Berge, P Coppock & E Maagero) Oslo: Landslaget for norskundervisning (LNU) og Cappelen Akademisk Forlag. 1998.] 22. Language and control: fighting with words. C Walton & W Eggington [Eds.] Language: maintenance, power and education in Australian Aboriginal contexts. Darwin, N.T.: Northern Territory University Press. 1990. 12-43. 23. Nominalisation in science and humanities: distilling knowledge and scaffolding text. E Ventola [Ed.] Functional and Systemic Linguistics: approaches and uses Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics: studies and monographs 55). 1991. 307-338. 24. Teaching functional grammar (F Christie, J R Martin & J Rothery). Teaching Critical Social Literacy: a project of national significance on the preservice preparation of teachers for teaching English literacy - Vol. 2: Papers (with F Christie, B Devlin, P Freebody, A Luke, J R Martin, T Threadgold & C Walton). Canberra, DEET. 1991. 88-125. 25. Literacy in secondary subjects other than English. Teaching Critical Social Literacy: a project of national significance on the preservice preparation of teachers for teaching English literacy - Vol.1. (with F Christie, B Devlin, P Freebody, A Luke, J R Martin, T Threadgold & C Walton). Canberra, DEET. 1991. 199-231. 26. Contratextuality: the poetics of subversion. (A Cranny-Francis & J R Martin) F Christie [Ed.] Literacy in Social Processes: papers from the inaugural Australian Systemic Linguistics Conference, held at Deakin University, January 1990. Darwin: Centre for Studies in Language in Education, Northern Territory University. 1991. 286-344. 27. Systemic typology and topology. (J R Martin & C Matthiessen) F Christie [Ed.] Literacy in Social Processes: papers from the inaugural Australian Systemic Linguistics Conference, held at Deakin University, January 1990. Darwin: Centre for Studies in Language in Education, Northern Territory University. 1991. 345-383. 28. Danger - shark: assessment and evaluation of a student text. (A Cranny-Francis, A Lee, J R Martin & R McCormack) F Christie [Eds.] Literacy in Social Processes: papers from the inaugural Australian Systemic Linguistics Conference, held at Deakin University, January 1990. Darwin: Centre for Studies in Language in Education, Northern Territory University. 1991. 245-285. 29. Systemic grammar. W Bright [Ed.] The Oxford International 3Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Vol IV. London: Oxford University Press. 1991. 120-122. [revised 2003] 30. Macro-proposals: meaning by degree. W C Mann & S Thompson [Eds.] Discourse Description: diverse analyses of a fund raising text. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1992. 359-395. 31. Life as a noun. M A K Halliday & J R Martin. Writing Science: literacy as discursive power. London: Falmer (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education) 1993. 221-267. [Norwegian translation in Ã… Skape Mening Med SprÃ¥k: en samling artikler av M A K Halliday, R Hasan og J R Martin (presentery og redigert av K L Berge, P Coppock & E Maagero) Oslo: Landslaget for norskundervisning (LNU) og Cappelen Akademisk Forlag. 1998.] 32. The model. M A K Halliday & J R Martin. Writing Science: literacy as discursive power. London: Falmer. 1993. 22-50. 33. A contextual theory of language. W Cope & M Kalantzis [Eds.] The Powers of Literacy: a genre approach to teaching literacy. London: Falmer (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education) & Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press (Pittsburg Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture)1993. 116-136. 34. Grammar: making meaning in writing. (J R Martin & J Rothery) W Cope & M Kalantzis [Eds.] The Powers of Literacy: a genre approach to teaching literacy. London: Falmer (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education) & Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press (Pittsburg Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture).1993. 137-153. 35. Bibliographical essay: a foundation for effective learning in the school context. (Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis, Gunther Kress, J R Martin & Lorraine Murphy) W Cope & M Kalantzis [Eds.] The Powers of Literacy: a genre approach to teaching literacy. London: Falmer (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education) & Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press (Pittsburg Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture). 1993. 231-247. 36. The discourse of history: distancing the recoverable past (S Eggins, J R Martin & P Wignell). M Ghadessy [Ed.] Register Analysis: theory and practice. London: Pinter (Open Linguistics Series). 1993. 75-109. 37. More than what the message is about: English Theme. M Ghadessy [Ed.] Thematic Development in English Texts. London: Pinter (Open Linguistics Series). 1995. 223-258. 38. Transitivity in Tagalog: a functional interpretation of case. M Berry, C Butler, R Fawcett & G Huang [Eds.] Meaning and Form: systemic functional interpretations. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex (Meaning and Choice in Language: studies for Michael Halliday). 1996. 229-296. 39. Evaluating disruption: symbolising theme in junior secondary narrative. R Hasan & G Williams [Eds.] Literacy in Society. London: Longman (Applied Linguistics and Language Study).1996. 124-171. 40. Metalinguistic diversity: the case from case. R Hasan, C Cloran & D Butt [Eds] Functional Descriptions: theory in practice. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory). 1996. 323-372. 41. Types of structure: deconstructing notions of constituency in clause and text. E H Hovy & D R Scott [Ed.] Computational and Conversational Discourse: burning issues - an interdisciplinary account. Heidelberg: Springer (NATO Advanced Science Institute Series F - Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 151). 1996. 39-66. 42. Genres and registers of discourse. (S Eggins & J R Martin) T A van Dijk [Ed.] Discourse as Structure and Process. London: Sage (Discourse Studies: a multidisciplinary introduction. Volume 1). 1997. 230-256. 43. Analysing genre: functional parameters. F Christie & J R Martin [Eds.] Genre and Institutions: social processes in the workplace and school. London: Cassell. 1997. 3-39. [Japanese translation by Hiro Tsukada published in Shidonii Gakuha no SFL: Haridei Gengo Riron no Tenkai. Toktyo: Liber Press. 2005. 3-39] 44. Register and genre: modelling social context in functional linguistics - narrative genres. E R Pedro [Ed.] Discourse Analysis:Proceedings of First International Conference on Discourse Analysis. Lisbon: Colibri/Portuguese Linguistics Association. 1997. 305-344 . 45. Interpersonal meaning: some notes on realisation. V Prakasam & K V Tirumalesh [Ed.] Issues in English Grammar. Vol. 1. Hyderabad: Central Institute for English and Foreign Languages. 1997. 31-49. 46. Discourses of science: genesis, intertextuality and hegemony. J R Martin & R Veel [Eds.] Reading Science: critical and functional perspectives on discourses of science . London: Routledge. 1998. 3-14. 47. Practice into theory: catalysing change. S Hunston [Ed.] Language at work. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters (British Studies in Applied Linguistics 13 [BAAL 13]). 1998. ISBN 1-85359-427-X. 151-167. 48. Mentoring semogenesis: 'genre-based' literacy pedagogy. F Christie [Ed.] Pedagogy and the Shaping of Consciousness: linguistic and social processes. London: Cassell (Open Linguistics Series). 1999. 123-155. 49. Modelling context: the crooked path of progress in contextual linguistics (Sydney SFL). M Ghadessy [Ed.] Text and Context in Functional Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins (CILT Series IV). 1999. 25-61. 50. Beyond exchange: appraisal systems in English. S Hunston & G Thompson [Eds.] Evaluation in Text: authorial stance and the construction of discourse. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2000. 142-175. 51. Close reading: functional linguistics as a tool for critical analysis. L Unsworth [Ed.] Researching Language in Schools and Communities: functional linguistics approaches. London: Cassell. 2000. 275-303. 52. Factoring out exchange: types of structure. M Coulthard, J Cotterill & F Rock [Eds.] Working with Dialogue. Tubingen: Niemeyer. 2000. 19-40. 53. A context for genre: modelling social processes in functional linguistics. J Devilliers & R Stainton [Eds.] Communication in Linguistics: papers in honour of Michael Gregory. Toronto: GREF (Theoria Series 10). 2001. 287-328. 54. Giving the game away: explicitness, diversity and genre-based literacy in Australia. R de Cilla, H Krumm & R Wodak et al. [Eds.] Loss of Communication in he Information Age. Vienna: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akadamie der Wissenschaften. 2001. 155-174. 55. Cohesion and texture. D Schiffrin, D Tannen & H Hamilton [Eds.] Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell. 2001. 35-53. 56. Fair trade: negotiating meaning in multimodal texts Patrick Coppock [Ed] The Semiotics of Writing: transdisciplinary perspectives on the technology of writing. Brepols (Semiotic & Cognitive Studies X). 2001. 311-338. 57. From little things big things grow: ecogenesis in school geography. R Coe, L Lingard & T Teslenko [Eds.] The Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre: strategies for stability and change. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press. 2002. 243-271. 58. Writing history: construing time and value in discourses of the past. C Colombi & M Schleppegrell [Eds.] Developing Advanced Literacy in First and Second Languages. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum. 2002. 87-118. 59. Blessed are the peacemakers: reconciliation and evaluation. C Candlin [Ed.] Research and Practice in Professional Discourse. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. 2002. 187-227. 60. A universe of meaning - how many practices? in A M Johns [Ed.] Genre in the Classroom: multiple perspectives. Mahwah, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum. 2002. 269-278. 61. Voicing the 'other': reading and writing Indigenous Australians. G Weiss & R Wodak [Eds.] Critical Discourse Analysis: theory and interdisciplinarity. London. Palgrave. 2003. 199-219. 62. Introduction (J R Martin & R Wodak) J R Martin & R Wodak [Eds.] Re/reading the past: critical and functional perspectives on time and value. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2003. 1-15. 63. Making history: grammar for explanation. J R Martin & R Wodak [Eds.] Re/reading the past: critical and functional perspectives on time and value. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2003. 19-57. 64. Sense and sensibility: texturing evaluation. J Foley [Ed] Language, Education and Discourse: functional approaches. London: Continuum. 2004. 270-304. 65. Grammatical structure: what do we mean? C Coffin, A Hewings & K O'Halloran [Eds] Applying English Grammar: functional and corpus approaches. London: Arnold. 2004. 57-76. 66. Negotiating
difference: ideology and reconciliation. M
Pütz, J N van Aertselaer & T A van Dijk (Eds.)
Communicating Ideologies: Language, Discourse and Social Practice.
Frankfurt: Peter Lang (Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and
Culture). 2004. 85-177. 66.5. Introduction: Systemic Functional Typology. (A Caffarel, J R Martin & C M I M Matthiessen). A Caffarel, J R Martin & C M I M Matthiessen (eds.) Language typology: a functional perspective . Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2004. 67. Metafunctional profile: Tagalog. A Caffarel, J R Martin & C M I M Matthiessen [Eds.] Language typology: a functional perspective . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory). 2004. 255-304. 68. Maps of meaning: functional language typology. (J R Martin & C MI M Matthiessen) A Caffarel, J R Martin & C M I M Matthiessen [Eds.] Language typology: a functional perspective . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory). 2004. 1-76. 69. Functional sociolinguistics (J R Martin & G Williams). U Ammon, N Dittmar, K Mattheier & P Trudgill [Eds.] Sociolinguistics: an international handbook of the science of language and society. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2004. 120-129. 70. Designing literacy pedagogy: scaffolding asymmetries (J R Martin & D Rose). R Hasan, C M I M Matthiessen & J Webster [Eds.] Continuing Discourse on Language. London: Equinox. 2005. 251-280. 71. Materialising reconciliation: negotiating difference in a post-colonial exhibition (J R Martin & M Stenglin) T Royce & W. Bowcher. Eds. New Directions in the Analysis of Multimodal Discourse. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2006. 215-238. 72. Invoking attitude: the play of graduation in appraising discourse (S Hood & J R Martin). R Hasan, C M I M Matthiessen & J Webster [Eds.] Continuing Discourse on Language. London: Equinox. 2006. 737-762. [Spanish translation 'Invocación de actitudes: El juego de la gradación de la valoración en el discurso.' Revista Signos 2005 38.58. 195-220] 73. Metadiscourse: designing interaction in genre-based literacy programs. R Whittaker, M O'Donnell & A McCabe [Eds.] Language and Literacy: functional approaches. London: Continuum. 2006. 95-122. 74. Construing knowledge: a functional linguistic perspective. F Christie & J R Martin [Eds.] Language, Knowledge & Pedagogy: functional linguistic and sociological perspectives. London: Continuum. 2007. 34-64. 75. Taking stock: future directions in research in knowledge structure F Christie, J R Martin, K Maton & J Muller). F Christie & J R Martin [Eds.] Language, Knowledge and Pedagogy: functional linguistic and sociological perspectives. London: Continuum. 2007. 239-257. 76. Genre and Field: social processes and knowledge structures in systemic functional semiotics.. L Barbara & T Berber Sardinha [Eds.] Proceedings of the 33rd International Systemic Functional Congress. São Paulo: PUCSP. Online publication available at http://www.pucsp.br/isfc. ISBN 85-283-0342-X. 2007. 77. Boomer dreaming: the texture of recolonisation in a lifestyle magazine. G Forey & G Thompson [Eds.] Text-type and Texture. London: Equinox. in press for 2007. 78. Ways of feeling: how to tell a tale. Keding Zhang, Zhenhua Wang & Chaojin Yang [Eds.] System, Function and Appraisal. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 79. Discourse studies. J Webster [Ed.] A Companion for Systemic Functional Linguistics. London: Continuum. in press. 80. Encounters with genre: apprehending cultural frontiers. (J R
Martin & D Rose) B Baker, R Gardner & I Muhsin [Eds.] Language
and Identity in Traditional Communities (Festschrift for Michael
Walsh). to appear.
F - Other: conference proceedings, working papers, interviews1. Aspects of Structure and Function in the Language of Elementary School Children. (with J Fine & C Adlersparre) Toronto: York University and the Board of Education for the Borough of North York. 1972. 65pp. 2. Cohesion and reference in schizophrenic speech. (with S Rochester) A Makkai & V B Makkai [Eds.] The First LACUS Forum. Columbia, S.C.: Hornbeam Press. 1975. 302-311. 3. Review of M A K Halliday Learning How to Mean. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 23:1-2. 1978. 187-194. 4. Coherence in student composition. M A K Halliday [Ed.] Working Conference on Language in Education: report to participants. Sydney: Sydney University Extension Programme and Department of Linguistics. 1979. 14-31. 5. Review of P Robinson Language Management in Education - the Australian context. English in Australia. 1980. 6. The ontogenesis of written genre. (with J Rothery) Working Papers in Linguistics 2: Writing Project - Report 1981. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. 1981. 1-59. 7. How many speech acts? University of East Anglia Papers in Linguistics 14-15. 1981. 52-77. 8. What is language? Commentary on Schwartz. The Behavioural and Brain Sciences 5.4. 1982. 607-608. 9. Review of G Sampson Schools of Linguistics. Australian Journal of Linguistics 2.1. 1982. 97-115. [republished in Network 13/14. 1990. 20-28] 10. Types of writing in infants and primary school. L Unsworth [Ed.] Reading, Writing, Spelling: proceedings of the fifth Macarthur Reading/Language Symposium. Sydney: Macarthur Institute of Higher Education. 1984. 34-55. [republished in W Cope [Ed.] 1991. Working with Genre: papers from the 1989 LERN conference, University of Technology, Sydney, 25-26 November 1989. Sydney: Common Ground. 33-44.] 11. Functional components in a grammar: a review of deployable recognition criteria. Nottingham Linguistic Circular 13. 1984. 35-70. 12. Systemic functional linguistics and an understanding of written text. B Bartlett & J Carr [Eds.] 1984 Language in Education Workshop: a report of proceedings. Brisbane: Centre for Research and Learning in Literacy, Brisbane CAE, Mr Gravatt Campus. 1984. 22-40. [republished in J R Martin & J Rothery Working Papers in Linguistics 5: Writing Project - report 1986. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. 91-110] 13. The language of madness: method or disorder? Language and the Inner Life. Canberra: Faculty of Military Studies, Duntroon (Department of English Occasional Papers 4) 1985. 4-35. 14. A response to Huddleston's review of Halliday's Introduction to Functional Grammar. (with CM I M Matthiessen) Occasional Papers in Systemic Linguistics 5. 1991. 5-74. [p3-8], [p9-10], [p11-34], [p36-74] (Huddleston's response to this article is available [here] 15. Theme, method of development and existentiality - the price of reply. Occasional Papers in Systemic Linguistics 6. 1992. 147-184. 16. A Brief Note on Huddleston's reply to Matthiessen and Martin's response to Huddleston's review of Halliday's Introduction to Functional grammar (with C M I M Matthiessen) Occasional Papers in Systemic Linguistics 6. 1992. 185-196. [p185-195] (Huddleston's response to this article is available [here] 17. Interview with M A K Halliday - Part 1 (with G Kress & R Hasan). Social Semiotics 2.1. 1992. 176-195. 18. Interview with M A K Halliday - Part 2 (with G Kress & R Hasan). Social Semiotics 2.2. 1992. 58-69. 19. Clitics. A Gonzalez [Ed.] Linguistics. Philippine Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Quezon City: Philippine Social Science Council 1993. 237-240. 20. Macro-genres: the ecology of the page. Network 21. 1994. 29-52. 21. Michael Gregory: the teacher. J S Cha [Ed.] Before and Towards Communication Linguistics: essays by Michael Gregory and associates. Seoul: Department of English Language and Literature, Sookmyung Women's University. 1995. xiv-xvi. 22. Further readings: a bibliography on functional grammar and language teaching. Interchange: Journal of the NSW AMES. 27. 1995. 50-56. Logical meaning, interdependency and the linking particle {na/-ng} in Tagalog.. Functions of Language 2:2. 1995. (pp. 189 228. 23. Functional grammar, register and genre theory in the language classroom: an interview with Professor James Robert Martin. Nathan Edwards.The Language Teacher (Japan Association of Language Teachers). 1999. 9-10, 14. 24. Talking with Jim Martin: from Systemic Functional Linguistics to Systemic Functional Semiotics. Revista Canaria des Estudios Ingleses 40. 2000. 245-249. 25. Applying knowledge of appraisal to TESOL: an interview with Jim Martin. Interchange: Journal of the NSW AMES 35. 2000. 5-7. 26. Interview with Clare, Feez & Martin. A Burns & C Coffin [Eds.] Macquarie University and The Open University. for LING 936: Context, Use and Analysis of the English, Language: A Global Perspective. (Audiocassette, Side B). Masters in Applied Linguistics/Education. Milton Keynes & Sydney: Macquarie University, The Open University & the BBC. 2001. 27. To teach or not to teach: why the question. J Wallace & W Louden [Eds.]Dilemmas of Science Teaching: perspectives on the problems of practice. London & New York: Routledge & Falmer. 137-140. 2002. [Chinese translation C Liu. Taipei, Taiwan: Psychological Publishing Co. in press.] 28. Discussion: Jim Martin. C Jordens & I Kerridge [Eds.] Global History, Human Nature and the New World Order: Proceedings of the sixth annual seminar of the Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine. Sydney: Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine, University of Sydney. 96-97. 2003. 29. Preface. Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, Miriam Taverniers & Louise Ravelli [Eds.] Grammatical Metaphor. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2003. 1-3. 30. Introduction: Approaches to tragedy (with J Edwards) Discourse & Society 15. 2/3 (Special Issue on 'Discourse around 9/11'). 2004. 147-154. 31. Interview with Carlos GuoveiaÂ… 32. English for peace: towards a framework of Peace Sociolinguistics: response. 2007 World Englishes 26.1. 83-85 . 33. Visiones del pasado, el presente y el futuro de la Linguistica: a proposito de los 40 anos de Revista Signos. Estudios de Linguistica. Revista Signos 40.63. 2007. 18. G - Media/Newsletter articles:1. Some dimensions of language variation: discussion. (with M A K Halliday)English Teachers Association Newsletter (NSW) 5. 1982. vii-viii & 34-39. 2. Educating our schools. (with M Kalantzis)The Sydney Morning Herald. Friday, August 7, 1987. [republished in Literacy Exchange. November 1987. 32] 3. The genre debate: response. (with J Rothery) ARA Today. November 1988. 4-5. 4. Learning by chance. (with A Cranny-Francis) Education Australia 70.2. 1989. 16-17. 5. Systemics in Education - genre based literacy. Network 15. 1990. 26-34. 6. Exchange - verbal group; existential clauses. Network 19. 1992. 82. 7. Exchange - nominal group. Network 20. 1993. 66-68. 8. Exchange - causation, modulation & projection. Network 21. 1994. 56-57. 9. Bureaucratic battle over commas and spelling: Jim Martin and Peter White ask whether bureaucrats have torpedoed plans to reintroduce the teaching of grammar in our schools. (with P White) The Sydney Morning Herald. Monday, January 31, 1994:13. 10. Exchange - functional grammar in education. Network 22. in press for 1996. H - Department of Linguistics Working Papers:1. Writing Project: report 1980. (with J Rothery) [Working Papers in Linguistics 1]. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. 77pp. 2. Writing Project: report 1981. (with J Rothery) [Working Papers in Linguistics 2]. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. 59pp. 3. Writing Project: report 1986. (with J Rothery) [Working Papers in Linguistics 4]. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. 127pp. 4. Writing Project: report 1987. (with S Eggins & P Wignell) [Working Papers in Linguistics 5]. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. 150pp. I - Department of Education reports[1] (DSP Write it Right Project):i. workplace literacy reports:1. Rose, D., D. McInnes & H. Korner. 1992. Scientific Literacy (Write it Right Literacy in Industry Research Project - Stage 1). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 308 pp. [reprinted Sydney: NSW AMES 2007] 2. Iedema, R, S Feez & P White. 1994. Media Literacy (Write it Right Literacy in Industry Research Project - Stage 2). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 322pp. 3. Iedema, R. 1995. Literacy of Administration (Write it Right Literacy in Industry Research Project - Stage 3). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 314pp. ii. secondary school literacy packages:A. English1. Rothery, J 1994 Exploring Literacy in School English (Write it Right Resources for Literacy and Learning). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 219 pp. 2. Rothery, J & M Stenglin 1994 Spine-Chilling Stories: a unit of work for Junior Secondary English (Write it Right Resources for Literacy and Learning). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 146 pp. 3. Rothery, J & M Stenglin 1994 Exploring Narrative in Video: a unit of work for Junior Secondary English (Write it Right Resources for Literacy and Learning). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 78 pp. 4. Rothery, J & M Stenglin 1994 Writing a Book Review a unit of work for Junior Secondary English (Write it Right Resources for Literacy and Learning). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 68 pp. B. Geography1. Humphrey, S 1996 Exploring Literacy in School Geography. Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 2. Humphrey, S & P Takans 1996 Explaining the Weather: a unit of work for Junior Secondary Geography. Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 3. Sikes, D & S Humphrey 1996 Australia - Place and Space: a unit of work for Junior Secondary Geography. Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. C. History1. Coffin, C 1996 Exploring Literacy in School History. Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 2. Brook, R, C Coffin & S Humphrey 1996 Australian Identity: a unit of work for Junior Secondary History. Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. |