Bibliography of Jim Martin

Bibliography of Jim Martin

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A - Books:

1. Crazy Talk: a study of the discourse of schizophrenic speakers. (S Rochester & J R Martin) New York: Plenum (Cognition and Language: a series in psycholinguistics) 1979. 229 pp.

2. Factual Writing: exploring and challenging social reality. Geelong, Vic.: Deakin University Press (ECS806 Sociocultural Aspects of Language and Education) 1985. 101 pp. [republished by Oxford University Press, 1989]

3. Teaching Critical Social Literacy: a project of national significance on the preservice preparation of teachers for teaching English literacy. (F Christie, B Devlin, P Freebody, A Luke, J R Martin, T Threadgold & C Walton). Canberra, DEET. 1991. 720 pp.

4. English Text: system and structure. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1992. 622 pp. [reprinted Peking University Press. 2004. ISBN 7-301-06883-2/H.0962 - for distribution in the Peoples Republic of China only]

5. Writing Science: literacy and discursive power. (M A K Halliday & J R Martin) London: Falmer (Critical perspectives on literacy and education) & Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press. (Pittsburg Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture). 1993. 283 pp. [Greek translation Athens: Metaixmio 2004]

6. Working with Functional Grammar (J R Martin, C M I M Matthiessen & C Painter) London: Arnold. 1997. 306 pp.

7. Å Skape Mening Med Språk: en samling artikler av M A K Halliday, R Hasan og J R Martin (presentery og redigert av K L Berge, P Coppock & E Maagero) Oslo: Landslaget for Norskundervisning (LNU) og Cappelen Akademisk Forlag. 1998. ['Making Meaning with Language'; M A K Halliday, R Hasan & J R Martin; ISBN 82-456-0070-9; 422 pp]

8. Working with Discourse: meaning beyond the clause (J R Martin & David Rose) London: Continuum. 2003. 293pp. [reprinted by Peking University Press 2007; 2nd edition in press. 360pp?; Spanish translation in preparation]

9. The Language of Evaluation: appraisal in English. (J R Martin & P R R White) London: Palgrave. 2005. 278pp. [Chinese translation in preparation; Peking University Press].

10. Shidonii Gakuha no SFL: Haridei Gengo Riron no Tenkai. [previously published papers translated by Hiro Tsukada]. Tokyo. 2005.

11. Genre relations: mapping culture. (J R Martin & David Rose). London: Equinox. in press for 2007.

12. Learning to write/reading to learn: scaffolding democracy in literacy classrooms. (David Rose & J R Martin). London: Equinox. in preparation for 2008.

B - Edited books:

1. Readings in Systemic Linguistics. (Ed. M A K Halliday & J R Martin) London: Batsford. 1981. 361pp.

2. Writing to Mean: teaching genres across the curriculum. (Ed. C Painter & J R Martin) Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (Occasional Papers 9) 1986. 236 pp.

3. Language Development: learning language, learning culture. (Ed. R Hasan & J R Martin) Norwood, N.J.: Ablex (Advances in Discourse Processes 27 - Meaning and Choice in Language: studies for Michael Halliday). 1989. 397pp.

4. Genre and Institutions: social processes in the workplace and school. (Ed. F Christie & J R Martin). London: Cassell (Open Linguistics Series). 1997. 270pp.

5. Reading Science: critical and functional perspectives on discourses of science (Ed. J R Martin & R Veel). London: Routledge. 1998. 368 pp.

6. Negotiating heteroglossia: social perspectives on evaluation. (Special Issue of Text 23.2, Ed. J R Martin & M Macken-Horarik). 2003. 155 pp.

7. Re/reading the past: critical and functional perspectives on discourses of history (Ed. J R Martin & R Wodak) Amsterdam: Benjamins (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture). 2003. 275 pp.

8. Interpreting Tragedy: the language of September 11th, , 2001 (Special Double Issue of Discourse & Society 15.2/3, Ed. John Edwards & J R Martin). 2004. 212pp.

9. Language typology: a functional perspective . (Ed. A Caffarel, J R Martin & C M I M Matthiessen). Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2004. 700pp. [to be reprinted by Peking University Press 2006]

10. Language, Knowledge and Pedagogy: functional linguistic and sociological perspectives (Ed. F Christie & J R Martin). London: Continuum. 2007. 270pp.

C - School Teaching Materials:

1. An Approach to Writing K-12: Vol. 1 Introduction. (M Macken, G Kress, M Kalantzis, J R Martin, J Rothery, W Cope) Sydney: Literacy and Education Research Network & Directorate of Studies, NSW Department of Education. 1989a. 54pp.

2. An Approach to Writing K-12: Vol 2 Factual Writing: a teaching unit based on reports about sea mammals. . (M Macken, G Kress, M Kalantzis, J R Martin, J Rothery, W Cope) Sydney: Literacy and Education Research Network & Directorate of Studies, NSW Department of Education. 1989b. 100pp.

3. An Approach to Writing K-12: Vol 3 Story Writing: a teaching unit based on narratives, news stories and fairy tales. . (M Macken, G Kress, M Kalantzis, J R Martin, J Rothery, W Cope) Sydney: Literacy and Education Research Network & Directorate of Studies, NSW Department of Education. 1989c. 100pp.

4. An Approach to Writing K-12: Vol 4 The Theory and Practice of Genre-Based Writing. . (M Macken, G Kress, M Kalantzis, J R Martin, J Rothery, W Cope)) Sydney: Literacy and Education Research Network & Directorate of Studies, NSW Department of Education. 1989d. 100pp.

5. Exploring Reports about Reptiles - student book: level 1 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990a. 60pp.

6. Exploring Reports about Machines - student book: level 2 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990b. 52pp.

7. Exploring Reports about Bears - student book: level (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990c. 68pp.

8. Exploring Reports about Countries - student book: level 4 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990d. 60pp.

9. Exploring Reports: teachers book: levels 1-4(F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990e. 182pp.

10. Exploring Procedures about Magic: level 1 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990f. 38pp.

11. Exploring Procedures about Cooking: level 2 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990g. 38pp.

12. Exploring Procedures about Paper Making: level 3 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990h. 34pp.

13. Exploring Procedures about Experiments: level (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery)) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990i. 46pp.

14. Exploring Procedures: teachers book: levels 1-(F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1990j. 118pp.

15. Literacy for a Lifetime - teachers' notes. (J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Film Australia. 1990. 69pp.

16. Exploring Explanations about Life Cycles: level 1 (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1992a. 32 pp.

17. Exploring Explanations about Natural Disasters: level (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1992b. 36 pp.

18. Exploring Explanations about Electricity: level (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1992c. 58 pp.

19. Exploring Explanations about Astronomy: level (F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1992d. 58 pp.

20. Exploring Explanations: teachers book: levels 1-(F Christie, B Gray, P Gray, M Macken, J R Martin & J Rothery) Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ Language: a resource for meaning). 1992e. 232 pp.

D - Journal articles:

1. Thought process disorder in schizophrenia: the listener's task. (S Rochester, J R Martin & S Thurston) Brain and Language 4. 1977. 94-114.

2. Participant identification in English, Tagalog and Kate. Australian Journal of Linguistics 3.1. 1983. 45-74.

3. Pre-writing: oral models for written text. Prospect: The Journal of the Adult Migrant Education Program 3.1. 1987. 75-90.

4. Social processes in education. (F Christie, J R Martin & J Rothery) The Teaching of English: Journal of the English Teachers' Association of New South Wales 53. 1987. 3-22

5. Genres make meaning: another reply to Sawyer and Watson. (F Christie, J R Martin & J Rothery) English in Australia 90. 1989. 43-59.

6. The discourse of geography: ordering and explaining the experiential world. (P Wignell, J R Martin & S Eggins) Linguistics and Education 1.4. 1990. 359-392 [republished in Halliday & Martin 1993. 136-165.]

7. Interpersonal grammatization: mood and modality in Tagalog. Philippine Journal of Linguistics 21.1 (Special Issue on the Silver Anniversary of the Language Study Centre of Philippine Normal College 1964-1989 - Part 2). 1990. 2-51.

8. Intrinsic functionality: implications for contextual theory. Social Semiotics 1.1. 1991. 99-162.

9. Critical literacy: the role of a functional model of language. Australian Journal of Reading 14.2. 1991. 117-132. [Focus Issue on Literacy Research in Australia edited by Peter Freebody & Bruce Shortland-Jones]

10. Genre and literacy - modelling context in educational linguistics. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 13. 1993. 141-172. [reprinted in D Wray [Ed.] Literacy: major themes in education. London: Routledge. 2004.]

11. Making new meanings: literary and linguistic perspectives on the function of genre in textual practice. (Anne Cranny-Francis & J R Martin). English in Australia 105. 1993. 30-44.

12. Technology, bureaucracy and schooling: discursive resources and control. Cultural Dynamics 6.1. 1993. 84-130.

13. In/visible education: class, gender and pedagogy in Educating Rita and Dead Poets Society. (Anne Cranny-Francis & J R Martin). Interpretations: Journal of the English Teachers' Association of Western Australia. 27.1. 1994. 28-57.

14. Reading positions/positioning readers: judgement in English. Prospect: a journal of Australian TESOL 10.2. 1995. 27-37.

15. Text and clause: fractal resonance. Text 15.1. 1995. 5-42.

16. Interpersonal meaning, persuasion and public discourse: packing semiotic punch. Australian Journal of Linguistics 15.1. 1995. 33-67. [part1] [part2]

17. Writings/readings: how to know a genre. (Anne Cranny-Francis & J R Martin) Interpretations: Journal of the English Teachers' Association of Western Australia. 28.3. 1995. 1-32.

18. Logical meaning, interdependency and the linking particle {-ng/na } in Tagalog. Functions of Language. 2.2. 1995. 189-228.

19. Waves of abstraction: organising exposition. The Journal of TESOL France 2.2: Functional Approaches to Written Text: classroom applications. Vol. 2. (Guest edited by T Miller). Paris: TESOL France & U.S. Information Service. 1996. 87-104. [republished in Functional Approaches to Written Text: classroom applications. Washington: United States Information Service (English Language Programs) 1997. 244-259]

20. Construing experience: some story genres (J R Martin & G Plum) Journal of Narrative and Life History 7.1-4. (Special Issue: Oral Versions of Personal Experience: three decades of narrative analysis; M Bamberg Guest Editor). 1997. 299-308.

21. Linguistics and the consumer: theory in practice. Linguistics and Education 9.4. 1997. 409-446.

22. Grace: the logogenesis of freedom. Discourse Studies 1.1. 1999. 31-58. [reprinted in T van Dijk [Ed.] Discourse Studies. London: Sage (Benchmarks in Discourse Studies) 2007. xx-xx]

23. Design and practice: enacting functional linguistics in Australia. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 20 (20th Anniversary Volume ‘Applied Linguistics as an Emerging Discipline’). 2000. 116-126.

24. Sin and grace: nought for naughts? Text 20.2. 2000. 227-238.

25. Grammar meets genre – reflections on the ‘Sydney School’. Arts: the journal of the Sydney University Arts Association 22. 2000. 47-95. [reprinted in Educational Research on Foreign Languages & Arts Sun Yat Sen University, Guangzhou (Special issue on Functional Linguistics & Applied Linguistics) 2. 2006. 28-54.

26. Mapping meaning: profiling with integrity in a post-modern world. (J R Martin & R McCormack). Applied Language Studies 1(1) 2001. 6-18.

27. Meaning beyond the clause: SFL perspectives. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 22. 2002. 52-74.

28. Introduction Text 23.2 ('Negotiating heteroglossia: social perspectives on evaluation'). 2003. 1-11.

29. El contexto como género: una perspectiva lingüística functional [Context as genre: a functional linguistics perspective] (S Eggins & J R Martin). Revista Signos: estudios de lengua y literature 36.54. 2003. 185-205.

30. Mourning – how we get aligned. Discourse & Society 15.2/3 (Special Issue on 'Discourse around 9/11'). 2004. 321-344.

31. Prosodic 'structure': grammar for negotiation. Ilha do Desterro: A Journal of English Language, Literatures in English and Cultural Studies 46 (Special Issue on Systemic-functional Linguistics in Action). 2004. 41-82.

32. Positive discourse analysis: solidarity and change. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses. 49 (Special Issue on Discourse Analysis at Work: Recent Perspectives in the Study of Language and Social Practice). 2004. 179-200. [reprinted in The Journal of English Studies (Special Issue on Discourse Analysis). Guest Editor: HUANG Guowen). Vol.4.14. 21-35. Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China. 2006]

33. Vernacular deconstruction: undermining spin. DELTA - Documentação de Estudos em Linguistica Teorica e Aplicada 22.1. 2006. 177-203.

34. What kind of structure? - interpersonal meaning and prosodic realisation across strata. Word (Special Issue on 'The realization of interpersonal meaning' edited by K Davidse & A-M Simon-Vandenbergen). in press.

35. Genres and language learning: a social semiotic perspective. Linguistics and Education (Special Edition on 'Foreign/second language acquisition as meaning-making: a systemic-functional approach' Edited by H Byrnes). to appear.

36. Negotiating values: narrative and exposition. accepted for Journal of Bioethical Inquiry.

37. Genre, ideology and intertextuality: a systemic functional perspective. accepted for Human Communication (Special Issue on Genre edited by J Bateman).

38. Interacting with text: the role of dialogue in learning to read and write. Foreign Languages in China. to appear.

E - Book Chapters:

1. The art of referring: the speaker's use of noun phrases to instruct the listener. (S Rochester & J R Martin) R O Freedle [Ed.] Discourse Comprehension and Production. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex (Advances in Discourse Processes 1) 1977. 245-269.

2. Conjunction and continuity in Tagalog. M A K Halliday & J R Martin [Eds.] Readings in Systemic Linguistics. London: Batsford. 1981. 310-336.

3. The development of register. R O Freedle & J Fine [Eds.] Developmental Issues in Discourse. Norwood, N J: Ablex (Advances in Discourse Processes 10) 1983. 1-40.

4. Conjunction: the logic of English text. J S Petöfi & E Sözer [Eds.] Micro and Macro Connexity of Texts. Hamburg: Helmut Buske (Papers in Textlinguistics 45) 1983. 1-72.

5. Language, register and genre. F Christie [Ed.] Children Writing: reader. Geelong, Vic.: Deakin University Press (ECT Language Studies: children writing) 1984. 21-30. [revised for A Burns & C Coffin [Eds.]Analysing English in a Global Context: a reader. Clevedon: Routledge (Teaching English Language Worldwide) 2001. 149-166] [Japanese translation by Hiro Tsukada published in Shidonii Gakuha no SFL: Haridei Gengo Riron no Tenkai. Toktyo: Liber Press. 2005. 149-166]

6. Process and text: two aspects of human semiosis. J D Benson & W S Greaves [Eds.] Systemic Perspectives on Discourse: selected theoretical papers from the 9th International Systemic Workshop. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex (Advances in Discourse processes 15) 1985. 248-274.

7. On the analysis of exposition. (J R martin & P Peters) R Hasan [Ed.] Discourse on Discourse: workshop reports from the Macquarie Workshop on Discourse Analysis. Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (Occasional Papers 7) 1985. 61-92.

8. Exposition: literary criticism. Reading 2 in J R Martin Factual Writing: exploring and challenging social reality. Geelong, Vic.: Deakin University Press (ECS806 Sociocultural Aspects of Language and Education) 1985. 83-99. [republished by Oxford University Press, 1989]

9. Introduction. (C Painter & J R Martin) C Painter & J R Martin [Eds.] Writing to Mean: teaching genres across the curriculum. Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (Occasional Papers 9) 1986. 1-10.

10. Grammaticalising ecology: the politics of baby seals and kangaroos. T Threadgold, E A Grosz, G Kress & M A K Halliday [Eds.] Semiotics, Ideology, Language. Sydney: Sydney Association for Studies in Society and Culture (Sydney Studies in Society and Culture 3) 1986. 225-268.

11. What a functional approach to writing can show teachers about 'good writing'. (with J Rothery) B Couture [Ed.] Functional Approaches to Writing Research. London: Pinter. 1986. 241-265.

12. Pre-writing: oral models for written text. R D Walshe, P March & D Jensen [Eds.] Writing and Learning in Australia. Melbourne: Dellasta Books. 1986. 138-142. [unabridged version published in Prospect: The Journal of the Adult Migrant Education Program 3.1. 1987. 75-90.]

13. Intervening in the process of writing development. Painter, C & J R Martin [Eds.] Writing to Mean: teaching genres across the curriculum. Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (Occasional Papers 9) 1986. 11-43.

14. Social processes in education. (F Christie, J R Martin & J Rothery) I Reid [Ed.] The Place of Genre in Learning. Geelong, Vic.: Centre for Studies in Literary Education, Deakin University (Typereader Publications 1). 1987. 58-82. [unabridged version published in The Teaching of English: Journal of the English Teachers' Association of New South Wales 53. 1987. 3-22]

15. The meaning of features in systemic linguistics. R Fawcett & M A K Halliday [Eds.] New Developments in Systemic Linguistics Vol. 1. Theory and Description. London: Pinter. 1987. 14-40.

16. Hypotactic recursive systems in English: towards a functional interpretation. J D Benson & W S Greaves [Eds.] Systemic Functional Approaches to Discourse. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex (Advances in Discourse Processes 26) 1988. 240-270.

17. Grammatical conspiracies in Tagalog: family, face and fate - with reference to Benjamin Lee Whorf. J D Benson, M J Cummings & W S Greaves [Eds.] Linguistics in a Systemic Perspective. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1988. 243-300.

18. Secret English: discourse technology in a junior secondary school. (with P Wignell, S Eggins & J Rothery) L Gerot, J Oldenberg & T Van Leeuwen [Eds.] Language and Socialisation: home and school. Sydney: School of English and Linguistics, Macquarie University (Report of the 1986 Working Conference on Language in Education) 1988. 143-173. [republished in B Cope & M Kalantzis [Eds.] Genre Approaches to Literacy: theories and practices (Papers from the 1991 LERN Conference, University of Technology, Sydney, 23-24 November 1991). Sydney: Common Ground. 1993. 43-76.]

19. Introduction. (R Hasan & J R Martin) Hasan, R & J R Martin [Eds.] Language Development: learning language, learning culture. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex (Advances in Discourse Processes 27: Meaning and Choice in Language: studies for Michael Halliday). 1989. 1-9.

20. Technicality and abstraction: language for the creation of specialised texts. F Christie [Ed.] Writing in Schools: reader. Geelong, Vic.: Deakin University Press. 1989. 36-44. [republished in M A K Halliday & J R Martin Writing Science: literacy and discursive power. London: Falmer (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education. 1993. 203-220; revised for A Burns & C Coffin [Eds.]Analysing English in a Global Context: a reader. Clevedon: Routledge (Teaching English Language Worldwide) 2001. 211-228]

21. Literacy in science: learning to handle text as technology. F Christie [Ed.] Literacy for a Changing World. Melbourne: Australian Council for Educational Research (Fresh Look at the Basics). 1990. 79-117. [republished in M A K Halliday & J R Martin Writing Science: literacy and discursive power. London: Falmer (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education. 1993. 166-202][Norwegian translation in Å Skape Mening Med Språk: en samling artikler av M A K Halliday, R Hasan og J R Martin (presentery og redigert av K L Berge, P Coppock & E Maagero) Oslo: Landslaget for norskundervisning (LNU) og Cappelen Akademisk Forlag. 1998.]

22. Language and control: fighting with words. C Walton & W Eggington [Eds.] Language: maintenance, power and education in Australian Aboriginal contexts. Darwin, N.T.: Northern Territory University Press. 1990. 12-43.

23. Nominalisation in science and humanities: distilling knowledge and scaffolding text. E Ventola [Ed.] Functional and Systemic Linguistics: approaches and uses Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics: studies and monographs 55). 1991. 307-338.

24. Teaching functional grammar (F Christie, J R Martin & J Rothery). Teaching Critical Social Literacy: a project of national significance on the preservice preparation of teachers for teaching English literacy - Vol. 2: Papers (with F Christie, B Devlin, P Freebody, A Luke, J R Martin, T Threadgold & C Walton). Canberra, DEET. 1991. 88-125.

25. Literacy in secondary subjects other than English. Teaching Critical Social Literacy: a project of national significance on the preservice preparation of teachers for teaching English literacy - Vol.1. (with F Christie, B Devlin, P Freebody, A Luke, J R Martin, T Threadgold & C Walton). Canberra, DEET. 1991. 199-231.

26. Contratextuality: the poetics of subversion. (A Cranny-Francis & J R Martin) F Christie [Ed.] Literacy in Social Processes: papers from the inaugural Australian Systemic Linguistics Conference, held at Deakin University, January 1990. Darwin: Centre for Studies in Language in Education, Northern Territory University. 1991. 286-344.

27. Systemic typology and topology. (J R Martin & C Matthiessen) F Christie [Ed.] Literacy in Social Processes: papers from the inaugural Australian Systemic Linguistics Conference, held at Deakin University, January 1990. Darwin: Centre for Studies in Language in Education, Northern Territory University. 1991. 345-383.

28. Danger - shark: assessment and evaluation of a student text. (A Cranny-Francis, A Lee, J R Martin & R McCormack) F Christie [Eds.] Literacy in Social Processes: papers from the inaugural Australian Systemic Linguistics Conference, held at Deakin University, January 1990. Darwin: Centre for Studies in Language in Education, Northern Territory University. 1991. 245-285.

29. Systemic grammar. W Bright [Ed.] The Oxford International 3Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Vol IV. London: Oxford University Press. 1991. 120-122. [revised 2003]

30. Macro-proposals: meaning by degree. W C Mann & S Thompson [Eds.] Discourse Description: diverse analyses of a fund raising text. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1992. 359-395.

31. Life as a noun. M A K Halliday & J R Martin. Writing Science: literacy as discursive power. London: Falmer (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education) 1993. 221-267. [Norwegian translation in Å Skape Mening Med Språk: en samling artikler av M A K Halliday, R Hasan og J R Martin (presentery og redigert av K L Berge, P Coppock & E Maagero) Oslo: Landslaget for norskundervisning (LNU) og Cappelen Akademisk Forlag. 1998.]

32. The model. M A K Halliday & J R Martin. Writing Science: literacy as discursive power. London: Falmer. 1993. 22-50.

33. A contextual theory of language. W Cope & M Kalantzis [Eds.] The Powers of Literacy: a genre approach to teaching literacy. London: Falmer (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education) & Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press (Pittsburg Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture)1993. 116-136.

34. Grammar: making meaning in writing. (J R Martin & J Rothery) W Cope & M Kalantzis [Eds.] The Powers of Literacy: a genre approach to teaching literacy. London: Falmer (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education) & Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press (Pittsburg Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture).1993. 137-153.

35. Bibliographical essay: a foundation for effective learning in the school context. (Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis, Gunther Kress, J R Martin & Lorraine Murphy) W Cope & M Kalantzis [Eds.] The Powers of Literacy: a genre approach to teaching literacy. London: Falmer (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education) & Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press (Pittsburg Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture). 1993. 231-247.

36. The discourse of history: distancing the recoverable past (S Eggins, J R Martin & P Wignell). M Ghadessy [Ed.] Register Analysis: theory and practice. London: Pinter (Open Linguistics Series). 1993. 75-109.

37. More than what the message is about: English Theme. M Ghadessy [Ed.] Thematic Development in English Texts. London: Pinter (Open Linguistics Series). 1995. 223-258.

38. Transitivity in Tagalog: a functional interpretation of case. M Berry, C Butler, R Fawcett & G Huang [Eds.] Meaning and Form: systemic functional interpretations. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex (Meaning and Choice in Language: studies for Michael Halliday). 1996. 229-296.

39. Evaluating disruption: symbolising theme in junior secondary narrative. R Hasan & G Williams [Eds.] Literacy in Society. London: Longman (Applied Linguistics and Language Study).1996. 124-171.

40. Metalinguistic diversity: the case from case. R Hasan, C Cloran & D Butt [Eds] Functional Descriptions: theory in practice. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory). 1996. 323-372.

41. Types of structure: deconstructing notions of constituency in clause and text. E H Hovy & D R Scott [Ed.] Computational and Conversational Discourse: burning issues - an interdisciplinary account. Heidelberg: Springer (NATO Advanced Science Institute Series F - Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 151). 1996. 39-66.

42. Genres and registers of discourse. (S Eggins & J R Martin) T A van Dijk [Ed.] Discourse as Structure and Process. London: Sage (Discourse Studies: a multidisciplinary introduction. Volume 1). 1997. 230-256.

43. Analysing genre: functional parameters. F Christie & J R Martin [Eds.] Genre and Institutions: social processes in the workplace and school. London: Cassell. 1997. 3-39. [Japanese translation by Hiro Tsukada published in Shidonii Gakuha no SFL: Haridei Gengo Riron no Tenkai. Toktyo: Liber Press. 2005. 3-39]

44. Register and genre: modelling social context in functional linguistics - narrative genres. E R Pedro [Ed.] Discourse Analysis:Proceedings of First International Conference on Discourse Analysis. Lisbon: Colibri/Portuguese Linguistics Association. 1997. 305-344 .

45. Interpersonal meaning: some notes on realisation. V Prakasam & K V Tirumalesh [Ed.] Issues in English Grammar. Vol. 1. Hyderabad: Central Institute for English and Foreign Languages. 1997. 31-49.

46. Discourses of science: genesis, intertextuality and hegemony. J R Martin & R Veel [Eds.] Reading Science: critical and functional perspectives on discourses of science . London: Routledge. 1998. 3-14.

47. Practice into theory: catalysing change. S Hunston [Ed.] Language at work. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters (British Studies in Applied Linguistics 13 [BAAL 13]). 1998. ISBN 1-85359-427-X. 151-167.

48. Mentoring semogenesis: 'genre-based' literacy pedagogy. F Christie [Ed.] Pedagogy and the Shaping of Consciousness: linguistic and social processes. London: Cassell (Open Linguistics Series). 1999. 123-155.

49. Modelling context: the crooked path of progress in contextual linguistics (Sydney SFL). M Ghadessy [Ed.] Text and Context in Functional Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins (CILT Series IV). 1999. 25-61.

50. Beyond exchange: appraisal systems in English. S Hunston & G Thompson [Eds.] Evaluation in Text: authorial stance and the construction of discourse. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2000. 142-175.

51. Close reading: functional linguistics as a tool for critical analysis. L Unsworth [Ed.] Researching Language in Schools and Communities: functional linguistics approaches. London: Cassell. 2000. 275-303.

52. Factoring out exchange: types of structure. M Coulthard, J Cotterill & F Rock [Eds.] Working with Dialogue. Tubingen: Niemeyer. 2000. 19-40.

53. A context for genre: modelling social processes in functional linguistics. J Devilliers & R Stainton [Eds.] Communication in Linguistics: papers in honour of Michael Gregory. Toronto: GREF (Theoria Series 10). 2001. 287-328.

54. Giving the game away: explicitness, diversity and genre-based literacy in Australia. R de Cilla, H Krumm & R Wodak et al. [Eds.] Loss of Communication in he Information Age. Vienna: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akadamie der Wissenschaften. 2001. 155-174.

55. Cohesion and texture. D Schiffrin, D Tannen & H Hamilton [Eds.] Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell. 2001. 35-53.

56. Fair trade: negotiating meaning in multimodal texts Patrick Coppock [Ed] The Semiotics of Writing: transdisciplinary perspectives on the technology of writing. Brepols (Semiotic & Cognitive Studies X). 2001. 311-338.

57. From little things big things grow: ecogenesis in school geography. R Coe, L Lingard & T Teslenko [Eds.] The Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre: strategies for stability and change. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press. 2002. 243-271.

58. Writing history: construing time and value in discourses of the past. C Colombi & M Schleppegrell [Eds.] Developing Advanced Literacy in First and Second Languages. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum. 2002. 87-118.

59. Blessed are the peacemakers: reconciliation and evaluation. C Candlin [Ed.] Research and Practice in Professional Discourse. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. 2002. 187-227.

60. A universe of meaning - how many practices? in A M Johns [Ed.] Genre in the Classroom: multiple perspectives. Mahwah, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum. 2002. 269-278.

61. Voicing the 'other': reading and writing Indigenous Australians. G Weiss & R Wodak [Eds.] Critical Discourse Analysis: theory and interdisciplinarity. London. Palgrave. 2003. 199-219.

62. Introduction (J R Martin & R Wodak) J R Martin & R Wodak [Eds.] Re/reading the past: critical and functional perspectives on time and value. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2003. 1-15.

63. Making history: grammar for explanation. J R Martin & R Wodak [Eds.] Re/reading the past: critical and functional perspectives on time and value. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2003. 19-57.

64. Sense and sensibility: texturing evaluation. J Foley [Ed] Language, Education and Discourse: functional approaches. London: Continuum. 2004. 270-304.

65. Grammatical structure: what do we mean? C Coffin, A Hewings & K O'Halloran [Eds] Applying English Grammar: functional and corpus approaches. London: Arnold. 2004. 57-76.

66. Negotiating difference: ideology and reconciliation. M  Pütz, J N van Aertselaer & T A van Dijk (Eds.) Communicating Ideologies: Language, Discourse and Social Practice. Frankfurt: Peter Lang (Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture). 2004. 85-177.

66.5. Introduction: Systemic Functional Typology. (A Caffarel, J R Martin & C M I M Matthiessen). A Caffarel, J R Martin & C M I M Matthiessen (eds.) Language typology: a functional perspective . Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2004.

67. Metafunctional profile: Tagalog. A Caffarel, J R Martin & C M I M Matthiessen [Eds.] Language typology: a functional perspective . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory). 2004. 255-304.

68. Maps of meaning: functional language typology. (J R Martin & C MI M Matthiessen) A Caffarel, J R Martin & C M I M Matthiessen [Eds.] Language typology: a functional perspective . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory). 2004. 1-76.

69. Functional sociolinguistics (J R Martin & G Williams). U Ammon, N Dittmar, K Mattheier & P Trudgill [Eds.] Sociolinguistics: an international handbook of the science of language and society. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2004. 120-129.

70. Designing literacy pedagogy: scaffolding asymmetries (J R Martin & D Rose). R Hasan, C M I M Matthiessen & J Webster [Eds.] Continuing Discourse on Language. London: Equinox. 2005. 251-280.

71. Materialising reconciliation: negotiating difference in a post-colonial exhibition (J R Martin & M Stenglin) T Royce & W. Bowcher. Eds. New Directions in the Analysis of Multimodal Discourse. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2006. 215-238.

72. Invoking attitude: the play of graduation in appraising discourse (S Hood & J R Martin). R Hasan, C M I M Matthiessen & J Webster [Eds.] Continuing Discourse on Language. London: Equinox. 2006. 737-762. [Spanish translation 'Invocación de actitudes: El juego de la gradación de la valoración en el discurso.' Revista Signos 2005 38.58. 195-220]

73. Metadiscourse: designing interaction in genre-based literacy programs. R Whittaker, M O'Donnell & A McCabe [Eds.] Language and Literacy: functional approaches. London: Continuum. 2006. 95-122.

74. Construing knowledge: a functional linguistic perspective. F Christie & J R Martin [Eds.] Language, Knowledge & Pedagogy: functional linguistic and sociological perspectives. London: Continuum. 2007. 34-64.

75. Taking stock: future directions in research in knowledge structure F Christie, J R Martin, K Maton & J Muller). F Christie & J R Martin [Eds.] Language, Knowledge and Pedagogy: functional linguistic and sociological perspectives. London: Continuum. 2007. 239-257.

76. Genre and Field: social processes and knowledge structures in systemic functional semiotics.. L Barbara & T Berber Sardinha [Eds.] Proceedings of the 33rd International Systemic Functional Congress. São Paulo: PUCSP. Online publication available at ISBN 85-283-0342-X. 2007.

77. Boomer dreaming: the texture of recolonisation in a lifestyle magazine. G Forey & G Thompson [Eds.] Text-type and Texture. London: Equinox. in press for 2007.

78. Ways of feeling: how to tell a tale. Keding Zhang, Zhenhua Wang & Chaojin Yang [Eds.] System, Function and Appraisal. Beijing: Higher Education Press.

79. Discourse studies. J Webster [Ed.] A Companion for Systemic Functional Linguistics. London: Continuum. in press.

80. Encounters with genre: apprehending cultural frontiers. (J R Martin & D Rose) B Baker, R Gardner & I Muhsin [Eds.] Language and Identity in Traditional Communities (Festschrift for Michael Walsh). to appear.

F - Other: conference proceedings, working papers, interviews

1. Aspects of Structure and Function in the Language of Elementary School Children. (with J Fine & C Adlersparre) Toronto: York University and the Board of Education for the Borough of North York. 1972. 65pp.

2. Cohesion and reference in schizophrenic speech. (with S Rochester) A Makkai & V B Makkai [Eds.] The First LACUS Forum. Columbia, S.C.: Hornbeam Press. 1975. 302-311.

3. Review of M A K Halliday Learning How to Mean. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 23:1-2. 1978. 187-194.

4. Coherence in student composition. M A K Halliday [Ed.] Working Conference on Language in Education: report to participants. Sydney: Sydney University Extension Programme and Department of Linguistics. 1979. 14-31.

5. Review of P Robinson Language Management in Education - the Australian context. English in Australia. 1980.

6. The ontogenesis of written genre. (with J Rothery) Working Papers in Linguistics 2: Writing Project - Report 1981. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. 1981. 1-59.

7. How many speech acts? University of East Anglia Papers in Linguistics 14-15. 1981. 52-77.

8. What is language? Commentary on Schwartz. The Behavioural and Brain Sciences 5.4. 1982. 607-608.

9. Review of G Sampson Schools of Linguistics. Australian Journal of Linguistics 2.1. 1982. 97-115. [republished in Network 13/14. 1990. 20-28]

10. Types of writing in infants and primary school. L Unsworth [Ed.] Reading, Writing, Spelling: proceedings of the fifth Macarthur Reading/Language Symposium. Sydney: Macarthur Institute of Higher Education. 1984. 34-55. [republished in W Cope [Ed.] 1991. Working with Genre: papers from the 1989 LERN conference, University of Technology, Sydney, 25-26 November 1989. Sydney: Common Ground. 33-44.]

11. Functional components in a grammar: a review of deployable recognition criteria. Nottingham Linguistic Circular 13. 1984. 35-70.

12. Systemic functional linguistics and an understanding of written text. B Bartlett & J Carr [Eds.] 1984 Language in Education Workshop: a report of proceedings. Brisbane: Centre for Research and Learning in Literacy, Brisbane CAE, Mr Gravatt Campus. 1984. 22-40. [republished in J R Martin & J Rothery Working Papers in Linguistics 5: Writing Project - report 1986. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. 91-110]

13. The language of madness: method or disorder? Language and the Inner Life. Canberra: Faculty of Military Studies, Duntroon (Department of English Occasional Papers 4) 1985. 4-35.

14. A response to Huddleston's review of Halliday's Introduction to Functional Grammar. (with CM I M Matthiessen) Occasional Papers in Systemic Linguistics 5. 1991. 5-74. [p3-8], [p9-10], [p11-34], [p36-74]

(Huddleston's response to this article is available [here]

15. Theme, method of development and existentiality - the price of reply. Occasional Papers in Systemic Linguistics 6. 1992. 147-184.

16. A Brief Note on Huddleston's reply to Matthiessen and Martin's response to Huddleston's review of Halliday's Introduction to Functional grammar (with C M I M Matthiessen) Occasional Papers in Systemic Linguistics 6. 1992. 185-196. [p185-195]

(Huddleston's response to this article is available [here]

17. Interview with M A K Halliday - Part 1 (with G Kress & R Hasan). Social Semiotics 2.1. 1992. 176-195.

18. Interview with M A K Halliday - Part 2 (with G Kress & R Hasan). Social Semiotics 2.2. 1992. 58-69.

19. Clitics. A Gonzalez [Ed.] Linguistics. Philippine Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Quezon City: Philippine Social Science Council 1993. 237-240.

20. Macro-genres: the ecology of the page. Network 21. 1994. 29-52.

21. Michael Gregory: the teacher. J S Cha [Ed.] Before and Towards Communication Linguistics: essays by Michael Gregory and associates. Seoul: Department of English Language and Literature, Sookmyung Women's University. 1995. xiv-xvi.

22. Further readings: a bibliography on functional grammar and language teaching. Interchange: Journal of the NSW AMES. 27. 1995. 50-56.

Logical meaning, interdependency and the linking particle {na/-ng} in Tagalog.. Functions of Language 2:2. 1995. (pp. 189 228.

23. Functional grammar, register and genre theory in the language classroom: an interview with Professor James Robert Martin. Nathan Edwards.The Language Teacher (Japan Association of Language Teachers). 1999. 9-10, 14.

24. Talking with Jim Martin: from Systemic Functional Linguistics to Systemic Functional Semiotics. Revista Canaria des Estudios Ingleses 40. 2000. 245-249.

25. Applying knowledge of appraisal to TESOL: an interview with Jim Martin. Interchange: Journal of the NSW AMES 35. 2000. 5-7.

26. Interview with Clare, Feez & Martin. A Burns & C Coffin [Eds.] Macquarie University and The Open University. for LING 936: Context, Use and Analysis of the English, Language: A Global Perspective. (Audiocassette, Side B). Masters in Applied Linguistics/Education. Milton Keynes & Sydney: Macquarie University, The Open University & the BBC. 2001.

27. To teach or not to teach: why the question. J Wallace & W Louden [Eds.]Dilemmas of Science Teaching: perspectives on the problems of practice. London & New York: Routledge & Falmer. 137-140. 2002. [Chinese translation C Liu. Taipei, Taiwan: Psychological Publishing Co. in press.]

28. Discussion: Jim Martin. C Jordens & I Kerridge [Eds.] Global History, Human Nature and the New World Order: Proceedings of the sixth annual seminar of the Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine. Sydney: Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine, University of Sydney. 96-97. 2003.

29. Preface. Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, Miriam Taverniers & Louise Ravelli [Eds.] Grammatical Metaphor. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2003. 1-3.

30. Introduction: Approaches to tragedy (with J Edwards) Discourse & Society 15. 2/3 (Special Issue on 'Discourse around 9/11'). 2004. 147-154.

31. Interview with Carlos GuoveiaÂ…

32. English for peace: towards a framework of Peace Sociolinguistics: response. 2007 World Englishes 26.1. 83-85 .

33. Visiones del pasado, el presente y el futuro de la Linguistica: a proposito de los 40 anos de Revista Signos. Estudios de Linguistica. Revista Signos 40.63. 2007. 18.

G - Media/Newsletter articles:

1. Some dimensions of language variation: discussion. (with M A K Halliday)English Teachers Association Newsletter (NSW) 5. 1982. vii-viii & 34-39.

2. Educating our schools. (with M Kalantzis)The Sydney Morning Herald. Friday, August 7, 1987. [republished in Literacy Exchange. November 1987. 32]

3. The genre debate: response. (with J Rothery) ARA Today. November 1988. 4-5.

4. Learning by chance. (with A Cranny-Francis) Education Australia 70.2. 1989. 16-17.

5. Systemics in Education - genre based literacy. Network 15. 1990. 26-34.

6. Exchange - verbal group; existential clauses. Network 19. 1992. 82.

7. Exchange - nominal group. Network 20. 1993. 66-68.

8. Exchange - causation, modulation & projection. Network 21. 1994. 56-57.

9. Bureaucratic battle over commas and spelling: Jim Martin and Peter White ask whether bureaucrats have torpedoed plans to reintroduce the teaching of grammar in our schools. (with P White) The Sydney Morning Herald. Monday, January 31, 1994:13.

10. Exchange - functional grammar in education. Network 22. in press for 1996.

H - Department of Linguistics Working Papers:

1. Writing Project: report 1980. (with J Rothery) [Working Papers in Linguistics 1]. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. 77pp.

2. Writing Project: report 1981. (with J Rothery) [Working Papers in Linguistics 2]. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. 59pp.

3. Writing Project: report 1986. (with J Rothery) [Working Papers in Linguistics 4]. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. 127pp.

4. Writing Project: report 1987. (with S Eggins & P Wignell) [Working Papers in Linguistics 5]. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. 150pp.

I - Department of Education reports[1] (DSP Write it Right Project):

i. workplace literacy reports:

1. Rose, D., D. McInnes & H. Korner. 1992. Scientific Literacy (Write it Right Literacy in Industry Research Project - Stage 1). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 308 pp. [reprinted Sydney: NSW AMES 2007]

2. Iedema, R, S Feez & P White. 1994. Media Literacy (Write it Right Literacy in Industry Research Project - Stage 2). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 322pp.

3. Iedema, R. 1995. Literacy of Administration (Write it Right Literacy in Industry Research Project - Stage 3). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 314pp.

ii. secondary school literacy packages:

A. English

1. Rothery, J 1994 Exploring Literacy in School English (Write it Right Resources for Literacy and Learning). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 219 pp.

2. Rothery, J & M Stenglin 1994 Spine-Chilling Stories: a unit of work for Junior Secondary English (Write it Right Resources for Literacy and Learning). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 146 pp.

3. Rothery, J & M Stenglin 1994 Exploring Narrative in Video: a unit of work for Junior Secondary English (Write it Right Resources for Literacy and Learning). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 78 pp.

4. Rothery, J & M Stenglin 1994 Writing a Book Review a unit of work for Junior Secondary English (Write it Right Resources for Literacy and Learning). Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program. 68 pp.

B. Geography

1. Humphrey, S 1996 Exploring Literacy in School Geography. Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program.

2. Humphrey, S & P Takans 1996 Explaining the Weather: a unit of work for Junior Secondary Geography. Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program.

3. Sikes, D & S Humphrey 1996 Australia - Place and Space: a unit of work for Junior Secondary Geography. Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program.

C. History

1. Coffin, C 1996 Exploring Literacy in School History. Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program.

2. Brook, R, C Coffin & S Humphrey 1996 Australian Identity: a unit of work for Junior Secondary History. Sydney: Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program.


Realizing Complaining Speech Acts of Covid-19 Survivors with a Gender and Education Perspective


Realizing Complaining Speech Acts of Covid-19 Survivors with a Gender and Education Perspective

Lailiyah, Nur and Djatmika, Djatmika and Santosa, Riyadi and Sumarlam, Sumarlam (2023) Realizing Complaining Speech Acts of Covid-19 Survivors with a Gender and Education Perspective. International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 11 (1). pp. 171-188. ISSN 2329-2210

IJSCL_Volume 11_Issue 1_Pages 171-188.pdf (

ChatGPT: monika bednarek opinion on online news


I could not find specific information on Monika Bednarek's opinion on online news as of my last update in September 2021. Monika Bednarek is an Australian linguist known for her research on media discourse, so it's possible that her opinion on online news may have been discussed in academic publications or interviews after that time.

However, I can provide some general viewpoints that people, including scholars like Bednarek, might consider regarding online news:

  1. Accessibility and Convenience: Online news provides easy access to information from anywhere with an internet connection. This accessibility is especially beneficial for people with busy lifestyles.

  2. Diversity of Sources: The internet allows for a wide range of news sources, catering to diverse viewpoints and interests. This variety can help individuals access news that aligns with their perspectives.

  3. Speed of Dissemination: Online news platforms can deliver news almost instantaneously, allowing people to stay updated on current events in real-time.

  4. Interactive and Multimedia Elements: Online news often incorporates multimedia elements such as videos, infographics, and interactive features, making news consumption more engaging and informative.

  5. Citizen Journalism: Online platforms enable ordinary citizens to participate in journalism by reporting news events and sharing their perspectives. This democratization of news can provide unique and diverse viewpoints.

However, there are also concerns related to online news:

  1. Accuracy and Credibility: The internet is rife with misinformation and fake news. Verifying the authenticity of online news sources can be challenging, leading to the spread of false or misleading information.

  2. Filter Bubbles: Online algorithms can create filter bubbles, where individuals are exposed to information that reinforces their existing beliefs, limiting exposure to diverse viewpoints.

  3. Privacy and Security: Online news platforms often collect user data, raising concerns about privacy and potential misuse of personal information.

  4. Sensationalism: Some online news outlets prioritize sensational or clickbait headlines to attract readers, potentially sacrificing the quality and accuracy of the news content.

It's essential to critically evaluate online news sources, consider multiple perspectives, and be aware of the potential biases and limitations of the information presented online.


Proposing Versus Arguing: Probing Boosters’ Functions in ‎Presidential Debate Genre

Document Type : Original Article


Monika Widyastuti Surtikanti
Djatmika Djatmika
Riyadi Santosa
Diah Kristina

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia


Studies on presidential debates provide evidence that the use of boosters helps to convey strong emphasis on candidates’ ideology. This persuasive strategy is best portrayed through the schematic structure of presidential debates. Therefore, this study aims to scrutinize the boosters’ functions realized in the first American Presidential Debate 2020. This is a qualitative study with a pragmatic approach that investigates booster’s functions using the domain, taxonomy, and componential analysis. The linguistic evidence in the result shows the candidates exploited several intensifiers largely, including force indication, source tagging, accentuating, and solidarity markers. These boosters emphasize the strength of past deeds, criticizing past policies to promote definite proposals, expose repetitive emotional expression, and seek solidarity in the thesis stage. Meanwhile, in the argument stage, they function as devices for articulating offensive and defensive arguments. The results imply the essential functions of boosters in the persuasive political discourse of presidential debate viewed from its communicative purpose reflected in each schematic structure.

Keywords Boosters
Schematic structure
Presidential debate
Political discourse

Kompilasi video dan PPT Webinar INAPRA-PDF SERIES #1-#26

Berikut daftar video PDF online discussion series yang telah terselenggara dan diupload di PDF Official Youtube Channel:

1. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #1

Waktu: 13 Juni 2020
Presenter: Dr. Drs. Jumanto Jumanto, M.Hum.
Tema: "Pragmatik: Dunia linguistik tak selebar daun kelor"
Link Video:

2. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #2

Waktu: 21 Juni 2020
Presenter: N. Norwanto, Ph.D.
Tema: "Perkembangan Teoris Ke(tidak)sopanan"
Link Video:

3. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #3

Waktu: Sabtu, 27 Juni 2020
Dr. Budi Purnomo, M.Hum.
Dr. Anak Agung Ayu Dian Andriayani, M.Hum.
Tema: "Register dan Kesantunan dalam Industri Pariwisata"
Link Video:

4. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #4

Waktu: 26 Juli 2020
Presenter: Hanafi, S.S., M.App.Ling., Ph.D.
Tema: "Interlanguage Pragmatics: Antara Linguistik Terapan dan Pragmatics"
Link Video:

5. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #5

Waktu: Sabtu 29 Agustus 2020
Presenter (Panel):
Dr. Drs. Jumanto Jumanto, M.Hum.
Hanafi, S.S., M.App.Ling., Ph.D.
Dr. Budi Purnomo, M.Hum.
Tema: "Pragmatics 5W+1H"
Link Video:

6. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #6

Waktu: Sabtu, 26 September 2020
Presenter (Panel):
Prof. Fatchul Mu'in, M.Hum.
Dr. Drs. Jumanto Jumanto, M.Hum.
Dr. Sugeng Purwanto, M.A.
Tema: "Polemik tuturan 'anjay' dalam konteks humaniora"
Link Video:

7. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #7

Waktu: Sabtu, 13 Februari 2021
Presenter: Dr. R. Kunjana Rahardi, M.Hum.
Tema: "Virtual external context in Cyberpragmatics"
Link Video:

8. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #8

Waktu: Sabtu, 13 Maret 2021
Presenter: Prof. Dr. I Dewa Putu Wijana, M.A.
Tema: "Rura Basa dalam bahasa Jawa"
Link Video:

9. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #9

Waktu: Sabtu, 24 April 2021
Presenter: Dr. FX Rahyono, S.S., M.Hum.
Tema: "Kondisi Kesahihan pragmatis wacana ke-takarif-an: Sepercik sumbangan terhadap linguistik forensik”
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10. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #10

Waktu: 29 Mei 2021
Presenter: Dr. Kundharu Saddhono, M.Hum.
Tema: "Pragmatics as an interdisciplinary study"
Link Video:

11. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #11

Waktu: 22 Januari 2022
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Drs. Jumanto Jumanto, M.Hum.
Tema: "Character language: A pragmatic social verbal project"
Link Video:

12. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #12

Waktu: 26 Februari 2022

Presenter: Prof. Dr. I Dewa Putu Wijana, M.A.

Tema: "On Javanese Riddles"
Link Video:

13. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #13

Waktu: 26 Maret 2022
Presenter: Dr. FX Rahyono, S.S., M.Hum.
Tema: "Ancangan pragmatis dalam penelitian komunikasi multimodalitas"
Link Video:

14. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #14

Waktu: 23 April 2022
Presenter: Hanafi, S.S., M.App.Ling., Ph.D.
Tema: "Kompetensi Interaksi dalam Urutan Negosiasi pada Percakapan: Kajian Pragmatik Diskursif"
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15. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #15

Waktu: 28 Mei 2022
Presenter: Dr. Drs. Sugeng Purwanto, M.A.
Tema: "Pragmatik dalam analisis wacana kritis: Perspektif metodologis"
Link Video:

16. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #16

Waktu: Juni 2022
Dr. I Ketut Suardana, S.S., M.Hum
Universitas Bali Dwipa
Tema: "SFL and Pragmatics of non-verbal form within context "
Materi PPT: Materi PDF#16:
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17. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #17

Waktu: Hari Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2022
Dr. Bayu Aryanto S.S., M.Hum.,
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Tema: "Pragmatics in Japanese language & Culture "
Materi PPT: Materi PDF#17:
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18. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #18

Waktu: Hari Sabtu, 26 November 2022
Presenter: Dr. Ita Fitriana, S.S., M.A.

Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Tema: "Implikatur dalam Kajian Pragmatik"
Materi PPT: Materi PDF#18:
Link Video: (1) PDF Discussion Series #18 - Implikatur dalam Kajian Pragmatik - YouTube

19. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #19

Waktu: Hari Sabtu, 17 Desember 2022
Yanti Sri Rezeki, M.Ed, PhD
Universitas Tanjungpura
Tema: "Pragmatic Competence and Pedagogy"
Materi PPT: materi PDF19
Link Video: (1) PDF Discussion Series #19 - Pragmatic Competence and Pedagogy - YouTube

20. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #20

Waktu: Hari Sabtu, 28 Januari 2022
Dr. Drs. Edy Jauhari. M.Hum., Universitas Airlangga
Dr. Miftah Nugroho, M.Hum., Universitas Sebelas Maret
"Refusal of Request: Studi Empiris terhadap Penolakan Ekspresi Perasaan Cinta di Kalangan Remaja Jawa"
Materi PPT: link materi PDF#20:
Link Video:

21. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #21

Waktu: Hari Sabtu, 25 Februari 2022
Presenter:Prof. Dr. Dra. I Gusti Ayu Gde Sosiowati, M.A
Universitas Udayana, Bali

Tema:  Pragmatics and Linguistics: The intersection

Materi PPT: 

22. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #22

Waktu: Hari Sabtu, 25 Maret 2023,
Presenter:  Prof. Dr. Bambang Wibisono, M.Pd , Universitas Jember 

Tema:Perilaku Berbahasa Masyarakat di Era Disrupsi dalam  Perspektif Pragmatik

23. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #23

Waktu: 10 Juni 2023
Presenter:Dr. Yuli Widiana, M.Hum, UNIKA Widya Mandala Surabaya

Tema:“Tindak Tutur dan Realisasi Kesantunan dalam Perspektif Cyberpragmatics”

 24. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #24


Topic: Teacher Talk in English Language Teaching: A Pragmatics & ELT Perspective

Prof. Joseph Ernest Mambu, S.Pd., M.A., Ph.D, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga

Materi PPT:
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25. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #25
Topic: DISKUSI ONLINE INAPRA-PDF SERIES #25: “Urgensi Bibliometrik dalam Riset Pragmatik"


Time: Sabtu, 12 Agustus  2023 09:30-11.30 AM Jakarta
Dr. Eric Kunto, S.S,M.A,  Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten

Materi PPT:
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26. Pragmatics Discussion Forum Online Discussion Series #26
DISKUSI ONLINE INAPRA-PDF SERIES #26: "Manifestasi Kesantunan Tindak Tutur Mengeluh Pasien Covid-19"

Dr. Nur Lailiyah, M.Pd, Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
Sabtu, 30 September 2023
 | 09.30-11.30 WIB

Materi PPT:
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Bednarek: Delving into the discourse: approaches to news values in journalism studies and beyond



Corpus ID: 197859646
Delving into the discourse: approaches to news values in journalism studies and beyond 

Helen Caple, M. Bednarek
Published 2013
This working paper explores the extensive literature on the study of news values within Journalism and Media Studies and teases out the many different approaches to news values analysis.


Women’s Language Features: Identifying Language and Gender in A Talk Show from a Sociolinguistics the Perspective

Women’s Language Features: Identifying Language and Gender in A Talk Show from a Sociolinguistics the Perspective



Ridwin Purba
Endang Fatmawati
Herman Herman
Arif Widodo
Faizal Risdianto
Fatmahwati A
Nanda Saputra


Women’s Language Features: Identifying Language and Gender in A Talk Show from a Sociolinguistics the Perspective | Research Journal in Advanced Humanities (

This study aimed to identify the kinds and purposes of women's language used by Cinta Laura in talk shows. To address the research issue, the researchers utilized a qualitative research approach and content analysis. The researchers as the human research subjects and the observation sheet were the two research tools used in this study. The researchers used Cinta Laura's talk show recording and video script, which she presented in June 2021, to conduct their study. This study's findings indicated that not all forms of women's language employed Cinta Laura. The researchers identified seven different gender-specific linguistic features. Lexical hedges account for 24.90% of these characteristics, rising intonation for 1.28, empty adjectives for 1.16, intensifier for 22.56, hypercorrect grammar for 32.29, avoidance of harsh swearing for 0.3%, and emphatic stress for 15.95%. Tag inquiry, price color word, and extreme politeness are characteristics of the language of the absent ladies. Hypercorrect grammar is the language trait most common in women. Hypercorrect grammar in this Talk Show serves to highlight the key concept or term that she wished to accentuate.

Women’s Language Features: Identifying Language and Gender in A Talk Show from a Sociolinguistics the Perspective | Research Journal in Advanced Humanities (