Construction of 'subjectivity' in Hard News Reports: appraisal framework


The construction of subjectivity in hard news reports involves understanding how journalists subtly inject their perspectives, biases, or attitudes into ostensibly objective reporting. The appraisal framework, specifically designed for linguistic analysis, helps identify and analyze evaluative language in texts. Here's how you can apply the appraisal framework to explore the construction of subjectivity in hard news reports:

  1. Attitude System:

    • Affect: Look for language that conveys emotions or sentiments. Journalists may use words that subtly express approval, disapproval, enthusiasm, or concern. Pay attention to emotionally charged adjectives or adverbs.

    • Judgment: Identify instances where value judgments are made about the significance or importance of events. Analyze how the language used frames certain facts or events as positive or negative.

  2. Engagement System:

    • Appreciation: Examine the reporter's stance towards the events or individuals in the news. Consider whether there is a positive or negative appreciation expressed, and how this affects the overall tone of the report.

    • Aversion: Look for language that signals disapproval, criticism, or negative attitudes. This could manifest in the choice of words, the framing of quotes, or the overall tone of the news piece.

  3. Graduation System:

    • Force: Assess the degree of certainty or obligation conveyed in the language. Journalists may use strong or tentative language to influence the reader's perception of the information's reliability.

    • Focus: Analyze how the language intensifies or diminishes the importance of certain elements. Consider whether certain aspects are highlighted or downplayed, and how this affects the overall emphasis in the news report.

  4. Heteroglossia:

    • Explore the presence of multiple voices or perspectives within the news report. Identify the sources quoted, expert opinions, and any conflicting viewpoints. Analyze how these voices contribute to the overall subjectivity of the report.

    • Consider how the journalist navigates and presents these different voices. Assess whether there is a balanced representation of perspectives or if certain voices are privileged.

  5. Dialogism:

    • Examine how the news report engages in a dialogue with various viewpoints. Analyze the interplay between direct quotes, paraphrased statements, and the reporter's own commentary.

    • Consider whether there is genuine dialogue, conflict, or negotiation of ideas within the news report. Dialogism highlights the dynamic nature of language and the interaction of different voices.

Applying the appraisal framework to the analysis of hard news reports allows for a systematic examination of the language used by journalists and helps uncover the subtle ways in which subjectivity is constructed. By identifying evaluative language and understanding the interplay of voices, one can gain insights into the underlying perspectives shaping the news narrative.

Korupsi dan kemiskinan


Tindakan korupsi merupakan tindakan yang sangat merugikan negara. Korupsi mengakibatkan melambatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi negara, menurunnya investasi, meningkatnya kemiskinan serta meningkatnya ketimpangan pendapatan. Korupsi juga dapat menurunkan tingkat kebahagiaan masyarakat di suatu negara.

Korupsi dan Kemiskinan | ICW (

The notion of objectivity and subjectivity in hard news


 The notion of objectivity and subjectivity in hard news has been studied in the context of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and Appraisal Theory. According to SFL, the notion of objectivity is explicated through a configuration known as the ‘reporter voice’, which is a configuration through which we can identify rhetorical markers by which a journalist implicitly or explicitly selects linguistic resources in order to win an audience over to his/her point of view1. The Appraisal Framework, on the other hand, is a framework that provides a way of analyzing the evaluative language used in texts. It is used to identify the ways in which writers and speakers express their attitudes, judgments, and emotions2.

In summary, the Appraisal Framework and the Reporter Voice configuration are two frameworks that can be used to analyze the objectivity and subjectivity of hard news reports in SFL and Appraisal Theory.


the concept of logo genesis in systemic functional linguistics

The concept of "logo genesis" in systemic functional linguistics refers to the unfolding of meaning throughout a given piece of discourse. It is a term used to describe the dynamic or generative forces within language as a social semiotic. This concept is discussed in the context of language dynamics and contrast within systemic functional linguistics. The term is also associated with the analysis of language arts textbooks, where it is used to demonstrate the distinct and purposeful differences in the language of evaluation between different languages, such as English and Japanese. The concept of "logo genesis" is part of the broader framework of systemic functional linguistics, which focuses on the interconnection of dynamic or generative forces within language as a social semiotic.

Konsep "logo genesis" dalam linguistik fungsional sistemik mengacu pada pengungkapan makna di seluruh wacana tertentu. Ini adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan kekuatan dinamis atau generatif dalam bahasa sebagai semiotika sosial. Konsep ini dibahas dalam konteks dinamika dan kontras bahasa dalam linguistik fungsional sistemik. Istilah ini juga dikaitkan dengan analisis buku teks seni bahasa, yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan perbedaan yang jelas dan terarah dalam bahasa evaluasi antara berbagai bahasa, seperti Inggris dan Jepang. Konsep "logo genesis" adalah bagian dari kerangka linguistik fungsional sistemik yang lebih luas, yang berfokus pada interkoneksi kekuatan dinamis atau generatif dalam bahasa sebagai semiotika sosial.

Pelajaran dari Meledaknya pesawat Challenger di tahun 1986 dan the sinking of Titanic di tahun 1912


Januari 1986 
Amerika Serikat meluncurkan pesawat ulang alik challenger yang modern, aman dan canggih.
Sebuah kesombongan yang fatal. karena dinamai CHALLENGER. pesawat ini  Meluncur 73 detik kemudian pesawat itu meledak

Musibah Pesawat Ulang Alik Challenger merupakan kecelakaan fatal program luar angkasa Amerika Serikat yang terjadi pada Selasa, 28 Januari 1986. Pesawat ulang-alik Challenger meledak setelah 73 detik diluncurkan yang menyebabkan kematian tujuh awak astronaut. Para kru dijadwalkan untuk menempatkan satelit komunikasi dan mempelajari Komet Halley saat mereka berada di orbit. Pesawat hancur di atas Samudera Atlantik, lepas pantai Florida pada 11:38 EST (16:38 UTC).

Salah nama!
Namanya koq Challenger = si penantang?
Mau menantang Allah SWT?
ini mirip di bulan april 1912 terjadi tenggelamnya kapal pesiar terbesar, termewah dan dibanggakan sebagai UNSINKABLE. nyatanya tenggelam dan 1.500 penumpang meninggal pada peristiwa naas itu.

RMS Titanic sank in the early morning hours of 15 April 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean, four days into her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City. The largest ocean liner in service at the time, Titanic had an estimated 2,224 people on board when she struck an iceberg at around 23:40 (ship's time)[a] on Sunday, 14 April 1912. Her sinking two hours and forty minutes later at 02:20 ship's time (05:18 GMT) on Monday, 15 April, resulted in the deaths of more than 1,500 people, making it one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in history.

Lirik Lagu "Ayah Ibu" Lagu dinyayikan oleh band "Karna Mereka"


Lirik Lagu Ayah Ibu

Ayah disini ku sendirian
Merenungi kata yang dulu kau berikan
Betapa beratnya hidup ku rasakan
inginku bertemu katakan
Ayaahhh tolong beritahu ibu
ingin memeluknya tapi aku malu
Malu jika kuhanya bisa mengeluh
Maafkan aku ayah ibu
Suatu saat nanti kan kugantikan tugasmu ayah
doakan aku ibu
restumu sertai langkahku
Ayah dengarkanlah
bahagia pasti datang percayalah
ibu engkau kuatkan aku
Ibu ... Jangan khawatirkan aku
Ku bukan si kecil yang slalu di manja ibu
aku si pemberani harapan ibu
Ibu tolong percaya
Ayaahh katakan pada ibu
kubisa melewati semua pahitku
Meskipun kenyataannya ayah tau
ayah engkau penyelamatku

International Interdisciplinary Conference and Research Expo 2024


International Interdisciplinary Conference and Research Expo 2024 UIN Salatiga.  

 time & location: January 5-7, 2024, Laras Asri Hotel, Salatiga. 

the abstract due date submission: december 27, 2023. 

link URL for abstract submission :

VIDEO Drone Modifikasi Hamas Jadi Momok Mengerikan Bagi Israel, Menjadi Senjata Mematikan

 VIDEO Drone Modifikasi Hamas Jadi Momok Mengerikan Bagi Israel, Menjadi Senjata Mematikan

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul VIDEO Drone Modifikasi Hamas Jadi Momok Mengerikan Bagi Israel, Menjadi Senjata Mematikan,

(Bloomberg) -- It wasn’t the eruption of rocket fire from Gaza that rattled soldiers at Israel’s southern frontier on Oct. 7. It was the unusual hum overhead that they hadn't heard before. 

A fleet of drones that are available online for as little as $6,500 filled the skies above Israel’s $1 billion border fence. They were rigged to carry explosives and knock out cameras, communications systems and remote-controlled guns, setting the stage for the unprecedented massacre. 

Militaries have been using drones in conflicts for more than two decades. Israel itself boasts one of the largest armies of unmanned aerial vehicles in the Middle East. Today, a new generation of cheap, commercially available systems — like the ones Hamas used in the Oct. 7 attack — is emerging, challenging some of the world’s most technologically advanced forces. 

The war with Hamas is a wakeup call for top-tier militaries about their deadly potential, according to Heven Drones Chief Executive Officer Bentzion Levinson, whose company supplies the Israeli army with heavy lifter and hydrogen-powered drones.

“We have these huge drones, these UAVs, we have planes, our technology is much more advanced,” Levinson said. “What this war did is that we realized that this is happening in our backyard, both on the defense and the offensive side.”

Hamas’s use of modified commercial drones to stage attacks — a strategy also used by Ukraine in the early days of Russia’s invasion — exposed a significant vulnerability in Israel’s vaunted air and ground defenses. The tactics overwhelmed a far more advanced opponent, all on a shoestring budget.

Related video: Israeli Military Finds Tunnel It Says Hamas Built for Large-Scale Attack (The Wall Street Journal)

With the high-tech surveillance systems compromised, thousands of Hamas militants overwhelmed the border in trucks and paragliders. The attack on southern Israel was the deadliest day in the country’s history, with about 1,200 people killed and some 200 taken hostage. It took days for the army to fully regain control of the territory. 

Israel launched a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip on Oct. 27. Over 19,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since the war began, according to the Hamas-controlled health ministry in the territory.

A spokesperson for the Israeli army declined to comment on how it was countering drones or the failure of its early warning systems. “Questions of this kind will be looked into in a later stage,” after the war, the spokesperson said. 

The Israel Defense Forces use its UAV fleet for surveillance and bombing targets. They are also increasingly turning to drones in urban warfare in Gaza to scout out buildings and defuse explosives before sending in troops, according to Aviv Shapira, the chief executive officer of Xtend, which provides UAV operating systems to the US and Israeli militaries. 

Israel has already upgraded its Iron Dome system — which uses interceptors to protect against incoming short range missiles — to detect large UAVs, but many Hamas drones are still able to slip through. The army is testing a laser-based system designed to intercept smaller ones and short-range rockets, although it won’t be ready for at least another year.

Some Israeli startups and tech volunteers have already drawn up new defenses, as the army’s troops involved in the ongoing invasion of Gaza come under frequent DIY kamikaze drone attacks. Videos posted by Hamas’s military wing since the start of the war, which could not be independently verified, show drones dropping grenades on Israeli troops and damaging armored vehicles.

A team of volunteers working out of a WeWork space in Tel Aviv — just across the street from Israeli military headquarters — has already gotten the army’s attention. The Israel Tech Guard initiative grew out of a Discord server that was formed on Oct. 8 by dozens of Israeli tech workers, including from Google and defense contractor Rafael, according to Mor Ram-On, a co-founder of the group.

One of their systems, developed in four days and now undergoing field testing on army bases, is an app that links two mobile phone cameras and audio systems to scan the skies for drones. It uses a 3D-printed case that can be mounted to vehicles and the group hopes to roll out the cheap alert system quickly.

© Bloomberg

Hamas drone attacks remain a potent threat, according to Liran Antebi, a research fellow at the Israel-based Institute for National Security Studies.  

“It gives you the ability to use precise or guided munition, which is something that until several years ago, only very advanced countries could do,” Antebi said. “With a criminal mind and small equipment, you can do terrible things like the first attack of Hamas.”

Hamas developed the tactics with its ally Iran and Mohamed Zaouari, a Tunisian engineer who led the group’s effort to develop UAVs. He was assassinated in 2016 in a killing the militants blame on Israeli intelligence. A model of attack drones is named after him and 35 of them were used in opening salvo.

Photos released by Hamas and the Israeli army appear to show off-the-shelf drones, including models similar to one made by Chinese producer DJI intended for aerial photography and industrial applications.

Three DJI drones were being studied at Sentrycs, a Tel Aviv startup that designs systems to counter UAVs. They are one type of aircraft that were rigged with explosives by Hamas, which is designated a terrorist organization by the US and European Union.

The effectiveness of the Hamas drone program also exacerbates growing concerns that non-state actors could develop deadly weapons with dual-use tech whose sales can’t be tracked. Even as militaries spend record amounts on sophisticated technology, simple equipment can allow marginal players to coordinate devastating attacks. 

Many soldiers in Gaza have been resorting to shooting the slow-moving drones out of the sky. The Israeli army said in a November blog post it has assigned a handheld SmartShooter precision targeting system to a soldier in every infantry unit for the first time. 

The system can be mounted on assault rifles and improves accuracy for moving targets like drones or enemy combatants. 

Israel had at least one system on the Gaza border on Oct. 7 specifically designed to counter drones, but it was not yet operational. The final stages of testing were scheduled a few days after the surprise attack, according to Sentrycs, which developed it. The system can detect and take control of drones from several kilometers away, rerouting them away from their targets. It's now deployed on Israeli military vehicles, along the border and near strategic assets, said Sentrycs Vice President Rotem Epelbaum. 

“We were off by a week,” Epelbaum said. “It could have been a game-changer.”

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The genre-based approach in English language teaching

The genre-based approach in English language teaching focuses on teaching students the specific language and organizational patterns of different genres of writing. This approach aims to raise awareness of the linguistic features associated with various genres and teach students the 'moves' of each genre
. It involves the explicit teaching of genre elements, their sequencing, and the collaborative and individual production of exemplars
. The genre-based approach is particularly beneficial for teaching writing skills, as it helps students understand how to write for different purposes and audiences
. Teachers' knowledge of genre and its application to teaching is often underpinned by Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) genre theory
. This approach is considered suitable for both academic and professional settings, as it provides a different perspective on writing and can be effective for teaching and learning writing
. Overall, the genre-based approach is a valuable method for teaching writing skills, as it helps students develop a deep understanding of different types of texts and how language is used within them.

A genre-based approach in English language teaching (ELT) is an instructional method that focuses on teaching language through the study and analysis of different genres or types of texts. A genre is a category of texts that share similar characteristics in terms of form, structure, and language features. Examples of genres include essays, narratives, reports, letters, and more.

Here are key elements and considerations associated with a genre-based approach in English language teaching:

Understanding Genres:Teachers help students identify and understand various genres of written and spoken communication.
Emphasis is placed on recognizing the specific features, structures, and language patterns associated with each genre.

Authentic Texts:Authentic texts, such as newspaper articles, advertisements, or excerpts from novels, are used to expose students to real-world language use within specific genres.

Text Analysis:Students analyze the structure, language, and rhetorical features of different genres to develop an awareness of how language functions in context.
Teachers guide students in deconstructing and reconstructing texts to understand the underlying patterns.

Genre-Based Writing:Students practice producing texts in various genres, applying the conventions and structures they have learned.
Writing tasks may include composing essays, reports, letters, and other genre-specific assignments.

Speaking and Listening Activities:Oral communication is integrated into the approach, with a focus on genre-specific speaking and listening skills.
Students engage in activities such as discussions, presentations, and role-plays within the context of different genres.

Genre-Based Assessment:Evaluation and assessment are aligned with genre-specific criteria. Students are assessed not only on language proficiency but also on their ability to effectively use language within specific genres.

Integrated Skills:A genre-based approach often integrates the four language skills—reading, writing, speaking, and listening—ensuring a holistic language learning experience.

Contextualized Learning:Language is taught in context, allowing students to see the purpose and relevance of language use within different genres.

Cultural Awareness:The approach may incorporate elements of cultural awareness, helping students understand how language and communication vary across different contexts and cultures.

Task-Based Learning:Tasks and activities are designed to be meaningful and purposeful, simulating real-life language use situations.

A genre-based approach aims to provide students with the tools and skills necessary to navigate and produce language effectively in a variety of contexts. It emphasizes not only language proficiency but also genre-specific competence, preparing students for real-world communication in diverse situations.



Sekedar Informasi...

🍒Wakil Direktur Bidang Auditing dan Sistem Jaminan Halal, Ir. Muti Arintawati menyatakan, di tengah ramainya barang~barang impor, seiring dengan Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean, konsumen di Indonesia memang harus lebih kritis terhadap produk yang hendak mereka konsumsi. Banyak istilah yang belum mereka pahami, sehingga sangat disarankan agar konsumen bertanya terlebih dahulu sebelum membeli sesuatu yang kandungan bahannya belum mereka ketahui.
“Ini untuk menghindari kejadian seperti ibu~ibu yang membeli siomay cu nyuk, beberapa waktu lalu,” tukasnya.

🍓Sebagai contoh, ramai yang belum memahami bahwa label bertulis This product contain substance from porcine, artinya produk tersebut mengandung bahan dari babi.

🍑Begitu juga dengan istilah The source of gelatin capsule is porcine, yang artinya kapsul dari gelatin babi.

🍇Berikut adalah istilah yang digunakan dalam produk yang mengandung/menggunakan unsur babi, yang dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, antara lain:

Istilah umum untuk seekor babi atau sebenarnya babi muda, berat kurang dari 50 kg.

Istilah yang digunakan untuk daging babi di dalam masakan.

Istilah yang digunakan untuk keseluruhan kumpulan spesies babi.

Istilah untuk babi dewasa, berat melebihi 50 kg.

Babi liar / celeng / babi hutan.

Lemak babi yang digunakan untuk membuat minyak masak dan sabun.

Daging hewan yang disalai, termasuk / terutama babi.

Daging pada bagian paha babi.

Istilah untuk babi betina dewasa (jarang digunakan).

Susu babi.

Istilah yang digunakan untuk sesuatu yang berkaitan atau berasal dari babi.

🍎Porcine sering digunakan di dalam bidang pengobatan/ medis untuk menyatakan sumber yang berasal dari babi.

🍍Masyarakat perlu hati-hati juga dengan istilah-istilah lain yang merujuk pada babi, misalnya : cu nyuk, dalam bahasa Khek/Hakka (nama kelompok masyarakat Tioghoa), cu berarti babi dan nyuk berarti daging.  Jadi jika digabung  cu nyuk memiliki arti daging babi, sedangkan dalam bahasa Mandarin daging babi disebut cu rou. Sama halnya dengan istilah ham di Eropa.

🍏Untuk masyarakat Eropa  ham adalah istilah umum untuk daging babi. Di Jepang chashu atau yakibuta adalah istilah makanan yang merujuk pada nama makanan olahan babi bagian perut. Chasheeu juga memiliki istilah lain  yang disebut nibuta (arti harfiah: babi masak).

🍌Tak jauh berbeda dengan makanan Jepang, makanan Korea yang kini sedang booming di kalangan  masyarakat Indonesia juga terdapat istilah-istilah makanan yang memiliki arti khusus sebagai produk makanan olahan babi seperti, dwaeji-bulgogi yang berarti babi panggang bumbu, Samgyeopsal (daging perut babi yang dipanggang tanpa/dengan bumbu), dan Makchang gui  (jeroan babi panggang).

🍈Tak hanya pada makanan international, pada makanan lokal pun terdapat istilah-istilah khusus untuk pangan olahan babi. Misalnya saksang (olahan daging babi khas daerah Tapanuli), Bak kut teh (makanan Tionghoa paduan dari sayur asin dengan kaldu iga babi khas Kepulauan Riau), Tinorangsak: gulai babi khas Manado.

🍊Jika menemukan istilah~istilah tersebut di atas, konsumen tak perlu ragu untuk meninggalkan produk tersebut dan menggantinya dengan produk sejenis yang telah bersertifikat halal. (FM)

Sumber :📝 Rumah_Herbal

Mohon dibantu untuk menyebarkan, demi kemaslahatan ummat,
Barakallahu lana, smg bermanfaat 🙏😊


SFL, Appraisal, Ideology and Power

The Writer’s Attitude on Biography of Joko Widodo – Man of Contradiction: Joko Widodo and the Struggle to Remake Indonesia (68550)

This study explores the writer’s attitude towards Joko Widodo in his biography ‘Man of Contradiction: Joko Widodo and the Struggle to Remake Indonesia’ through the use of Appraisal approach. Appraisal under the study of systemic functional linguistics, specifically in Interpersonal meaning, concerns with evaluation in which negotiated in a text, the feelings’ strength involved, and the ways in which values are sourced and readers aligned (Martin and Rose, 2007: 30). Meanwhile, this study focused on one of appraisal systems called attitude comprises into affect, appreciation, and judgment. This study employs a qualitative method and adopts the appraisal theory proposed by Martin and White (2005). The data source in this study was taken from the biography of Joko Widodo purposively and was published in 2021 by Penguin Books. Meanwhile, the data were collected by employing content analysis and they were analyzed by using domain, taxonomy, and componential analysis. Furthermore, the data were validated by three raters through Forum Group Discussion (FGD). The results of the study show that the most dominant types of attitudes found is judgment with 490 occurrences. Then, it is followed by appreciation with 116 and affect with 95 occurrences. This indicates that the writer gives his views by giving his judgment towards Jokowi Widodo during his leadership as a Mayor of Solo, Governor of Jakarta and as a president of Indonesia.

Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia
Riyadi Santosa, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia
Djatmika Djatmika, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia
Mangatur Nababan, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia

About the Presenter(s)
Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono is currently working in the Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Indonesia. His research areas are studies related to Systemic Functional Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, and Applied Linguistics.

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Ideology and Power in Political News Text: Appraisal in Critical Discourse AnalysisSetyo Prasiyanto Cahyono(1), Galuh Kirana Dwi Areni(2), Sumarlam Sumarlam(3),


(1) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
(2) Universitas Negeri Semarang
(3) Universitas Sebelas Maret


This study attempts to reveal the ideology and power expressed in the news text entitled “The burning scar: Inside the destruction of Asia’s last rainforestâ€. The data of this study were obtained from one of the most famous online Newspapers namely BBC. Whilst, in doing the critical analysis, systemic functional linguistics specifically the use of appraisal proposed by Martin and White (2005) was applied to find out the ideology as well as the power of the text. The findings show that there are three appraisal items found such as attitude, engagement, and graduation simultaneously. Affect is the most dominant appraisal found in the text. It represents the feelings of the people who live in Papua where their land has been destroyed by the world's largest exporter of palm oil from South Korea. Besides, they also criticize the Indonesian government which sold their land to the company without any notice to the tribe who live there. Then, engagement represents the tribe’s voices where they have to move from their land. The last is graduation which represents the tribe’s experience when they were kicked out from their land. Meanwhile, the ideology of the text is represented by the use of attitude consisting of affect, appreciation, and judgment. Furthermore, the power deals with the tribe’s tenor such as contact, status dan affect.Â

appraisal, ideology, political news, power, tribe

Appraisal Analysis on The Album Midnights: Graduation System AnalysisMuhammad Fiqri Assidiqi SP(1*), Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono(2)

(1) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
(2) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
(*) Corresponding Author

Appraisal appears to be interpersonal meaning system in systemic functional linguistics (Halliday 1994). Appraisal negotiates the social relationship by expressing to the reader or the listener how the one who expresses about people or things. A song must contain a story or meaning behind the lyrics. This study explores the use of amplifications, namely graduation, in lyrics of 5 selected songs by Taylor Swift. The data were taken from the best-selling album of 2022, Midnights, by the American singer-songwriter. The songs discussed in this research were: Anti-Hero, Lavender Haze, Karma, Mastermind, and Midnight Rain. The reasons researchers chose the sampling songs are: (1) the collected data consisting all of the graduation systems, (2) the album is known as the record-breaker in any music category. The type of the research is descriptive qualitative method. The method of the data collection is the researchers listened to the selected songs on the singer’s YouTube channel and then got the transcript lyrics on Genius website. The technique of the data analysis of this study employed the appraisal system by Martin and Rose’s framework 2007. This research aims to discover the categories in the graduation system, force and focus, in the five selected songs from the album midnights. Force and focus still can be classified deeper. In force there are: (1) attitudinal lexis, (2) intensifiers, (3) metaphors, and (4) swearing. Meanwhile Focus consists of sharpen and soften. The finding shows that force happens to be used more often than focus. The observed data found out there are 72 graduation systems from 60 lines. The data mostly contains focus subsystem, metaphors with 32 lines (44,4%). The least graduation subsystem that is used in the data is Sharpen Focus with only 3 lines (4,2%).


Setyo Cahyono

2019, Proceeding 1st National Seminar on English Linguistics and Literature
60 Views6 Pages
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Systemic Functional Linguistics,
Appraisal (Systemic Functional Linguistics)
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This study explores Appraisal system of Sakdiyah Ma'ruf utterances in stand-up comedy and to find out what Appraisal system is frequently used by Sakdiyah Ma'ruf in her stand-up comedy. The researchers used Sakdiyah Ma'ruf stand-up comedy video which was downloaded on May 30, 2017 from TEDx Talks You tube channel entitled-The Bravest Coward | Sakdiyah Ma'ruf | TEDxUbud‖ lasted approximately 15 minutes 21 seconds as the data of this study. The researchers chose the data purposively and used descriptive qualitative method to achieve the objectives of the study under Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) tradition. To analyze the data, SFL-based analytical tool namely Appraisal system proposed by Martin & White (2005) was employed. The findings of this study reveal that there are thirty five systems of Attitude which consist of six systems of Affect, thirteen systems of Judgment and sixteen systems of Appreciation. In terms of Graduation, there are thirty seven of graduation which consist of thirty two systems of Force and five systems of Focus. Meanwhile, there are sixty five systems of Engagement which consist of thirty nine systems of Mono-gloss and twenty six systems of Hetero-gloss. Those findings mean that most of the utterances of Sakdiyah Ma'ruf in her stand-up comedy are factual events and she tries to give different perspectives for the hearers about the topic of her stand-up comedy.

Language and Framing In Russia-Ukraine Conflict NewsStefani Ernes AdistiUniversitas Dian Nuswantoro
Yunia Aqlia CharimaUniversitas Dian Nuswantoro
Setyo Prasiyanto CahyonoUniversitas Dian Nuswantoro

This study aims to describe the effect of the use of language and framing in the online newspaper. BBC news article entitled “Why has Russia Invaded Ukraine and What does Putin Want?” reported the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is chosen in establishing this study. In particular, this study employs qualitative method and adopts Entman’s (1993) framing theory. The result defines a problem related to Russia’s invasion towards Ukraine causing lives lost, people’s evacuation, and cities disintegration. The diagnosis cause refers to Russia's insecurity and inadequacy, due to Ukraine's bias towards the west, as constant threat. The moral judgement refers to Russia's assessment accuses Ukraine of intimidation and genocide, while the international community believed the term ‘a war crime and genocide’, questioned Russia’s inadequate declaration against Ukraine damaging Russia’s credibility. Negotiation appeared as a possibility to settle the Russian-Ukrainian conflict are the treatment recommendation. Essentially, language has power and framing takes control of public's perspective through report in the mass media; thus, journalistic caution is required in producing objective and educational news.

Begoña Nuñez-Perucha

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Evaluation and engagement in journalistic commentary and news reportage
Juana Isabel Marín Arrese, Begoña Núñez-Perucha
Date de publication
Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, No. 19 (Nov. 2006); pp. 225-248
Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Inglesa
This paper explores the expression of evaluation and the treatment of 'the same event' in news reportage and journalistic commentary in two languages (English, Spanish). In our analysis of the evaluative dimension, we draw on the framework of Appraisal Theory (Martin 2000; Martin and White 2005; White 2003, White 2004, inter alia), and elaborate on the analysis of the categories of evaluation, subsumed under the notion of Engagement, in relation to writer stance and to the dimension of subjectivity and intersubjectivity. The paper reveals the presence and patterning of the various linguistic resources for the expression of evaluation in these subgenres of journalistic discourse, and establishes comparisons across languages.
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Evaluation and engagement in journalistic commentary and news reportage
JI Marín Arrese, B Núñez Perucha - Revista alicantina de estudios ingleses, No. 19 (Nov …, 2006
Cité 56 fois Autres articles Les 8 versions

Theory of emotional geography of teacher

The theory of emotional geography in teaching is associated with Andy Hargreaves, an educational researcher who introduced the concept to examine the social construction of emotions within a teacher professional community.

1. Emotional geography refers to the patterns and dynamics of emotions experienced by teachers in their professional lives, including their interactions with students, colleagues, and the school environment
2.Hargreaves's emotional geography concept is based on the idea that teacher emotions are part of a dynamic, continuously fluctuating system of meaningful experiences
1. Emotional understanding and misunderstanding in teaching result from what Hargreaves terms "emotional geographies," which consist of the spatial experiential patterns of closeness and/or distance in human relationships and color the feelings and emotions we experience about ourselves, our world, and each other
1.The emotional geography of teaching has been applied in various studies to understand the experiences of teachers, their relationships with colleagues, and their interactions with students
5. For example, one study used Hargreaves's emotional geography concept to examine the emotional construction of a teacher within a language teacher professional community
1. Another study applied the concept to analyze the emotional dynamics of teachers' relations with their colleagues
4.In summary, Andy Hargreaves's emotional geography theory is a valuable framework for understanding the emotional experiences and dynamics of teachers in their professional lives, including their interactions with students, colleagues, and the school environment.

The theory of emotional geography of a teacher refers to the examination of the emotional experiences and interactions that take place within the teaching environment. It involves understanding how emotions, both of the teacher and the students, are influenced by the physical and social spaces in which teaching and learning occur. This concept draws on the idea that the physical and social context of a classroom or educational setting can significantly impact the emotional well-being and effectiveness of a teacher.

Key components of the theory of emotional geography of a teacher may include:

  1. Physical Environment: The layout, design, and atmosphere of a classroom or teaching space can influence the emotional experiences of both teachers and students. For example, a well-organized and aesthetically pleasing classroom may contribute to a positive emotional atmosphere.

  2. Social Interactions: The relationships and interactions between teachers and students, as well as among students themselves, play a crucial role in shaping the emotional climate of a learning environment. Positive social dynamics can enhance the emotional well-being of all individuals involved.

  3. Cultural Context: The cultural background and diversity within a classroom or educational institution can impact the emotional experiences of teachers. Understanding and appreciating cultural differences can contribute to a more inclusive and supportive emotional environment.

  4. Teacher-Student Relationships: The quality of relationships between teachers and students is a significant factor in the emotional geography of a classroom. Positive and supportive relationships can contribute to a more positive emotional climate, while strained or negative relationships may have the opposite effect.

  5. Teaching Strategies: The methods and strategies employed by a teacher can also influence the emotional experiences of students. Engaging and interactive teaching methods may contribute to a more positive emotional environment.

  6. Teacher Well-being: The emotional well-being of teachers is a crucial aspect of the theory. Factors such as job satisfaction, workload, and support from colleagues and administrators can impact a teacher's emotional experience in the classroom.

Understanding and addressing the emotional geography of a teacher is important for creating a positive and conducive learning environment. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of physical, social, and emotional aspects in educational settings and highlights the need for a holistic approach to teaching and learning. By recognizing and addressing the emotional dimensions of education, educators can create more supportive and effective learning environments.