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Reference date: 2024-01-09 04:07:51 +00700
Publication years: 1949-2023
Citation years: 75 (1949-2024)
Papers: 200
Citations: 15509
Citations/year: 206.79 (acc1=125, acc2=95, acc5=55, acc10=27, acc20=10)
Citations/paper: 77.55
Citations/author: 11170.72
Papers/author: 138.72
Authors/paper: 1.91/2.0/1 (mean/median/mode)
Age-weighted citation rate: 1386.72 (sqrt=37.24), 997.96/author
Hirsch h-index: 55 (a=5.13, m=0.73, 13782 cites=88.9% coverage)
Egghe g-index: 124 (g/h=2.25, 15408 cites=99.3% coverage)
PoP hI,norm: 45
PoP hI,annual: 0.60
Fassin hA-index: 16


EF Prastikawati (2021) Attitude perspective in BBC News' Article: An appraisal analysis. Journal of English Language Studies,, cited by 14 (4.67 per year)

MA Marpaung (2022) The Realization Of Attitude In Online News Article: An Appraisal Analysis. Pendalas: Jurnal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas …,, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)

S Asad, SNFBM Noor, RN Indah, ... (2021) Attitude realization in news reports: An interpretation through an appraisal analysis. Indonesian Journal of …,, cited by 17 (5.67 per year)

C Soo‐Guan Khoo, A Nourbakhsh, ... (2012) Sentiment analysis of online news text: A case study of appraisal theory. Online Information Review,, doi:10.1108/14684521211287936, cited by 115 (9.58 per year)

C Chalimah, R Santosa, D Djatmika, ... (2018) Evaluating attitudes in news text: Appraisal in critical discourse study. … Seminar on Linguistics …,, cited by 22 (3.67 per year)

S Arunsirot (2012) The use of appraisal theory to analyze Thai newspaper commentaries. MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities,, cited by 23 (1.92 per year)

AI Yulianti, D Septiana, DM Rosni (2021) Analysis of Appraisal System in News Text “Berebut Vaksin”: A Study of Systemic Functional of Linguistic. … Language Education and …,, cited by 3 (1.00 per year)

SG Dinamika (2018) Appreciation in Jakarta Post's Arts and Cultural News: Appraisal Perspective.,, cited by 3 (0.50 per year)

PM Hasibuan (2019) Fake News in Social Media: An Appraisal Analysis.,

L Cavasso, M Taboada (2021) A corpus analysis of online news comments using the Appraisal framework. Journal of Corpora and Discourse …,, cited by 19 (6.33 per year)

D Economou (2009) Photos in the news: Appraisal analysis of visual semiosis and verbal-visual intersemiosis.,, cited by 98 (6.53 per year)

J Jin (2019) Political News Discourse Analysis Based on an Attitudinal Perspective of the Appraisal Theory-Taking the New York Times' Report China-DPRK Relations as …. Theory and Practice in Language Studies,, cited by 15 (3.00 per year)

D Puspita, BE Pranoto (2021) The attitude of Japanese newspapers in narrating disaster events: Appraisal in critical discourse study. Studies in English Language and Education,, cited by 349 (116.33 per year)

S Balzarotti, MR Ciceri (2014) News reports of catastrophes and viewers' fear: Threat appraisal of positively versus negatively framed events. Media Psychology, Taylor &Francis, doi:10.1080/15213269.2013.826588, cited by 55 (5.50 per year)

SP Cahyono, GKD Areni, ... (2021) Ideology and Power in Political News Text: Appraisal in Critical Discourse Analysis. Language Circle: Journal …,, cited by 6 (2.00 per year)

C Sabao (2016) Arguments for an appraisal linguistic discourse approach to the analysis of 'objectivity'in 'hard'news reports. African Journalism Studies,, cited by 31 (3.88 per year)

K Nurhadi (2017) The appraisal analysis of national exam issues: A discourse analysis. Academic Journal Perspective: Education, Language …,, cited by 10 (1.43 per year)

S Jing, J Lihuan (2021) Attitude Analysis of News Discourse from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory: A Case Study of China Daily's Report on COVID-19. Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social …,, cited by 6 (2.00 per year)

P Yi, F Haihua (2012) A study of evaluative meanings in disaster news photos using Appraisal Theory. To boldly proceed,, cited by 2 (0.17 per year)

X Zhang (2015) Comparative study on the appraisal resources of China Daily's disaster news. Theory and Practice in Language Studies,, cited by 14 (1.56 per year)

B Sudiyana, SA Emzir (2020) Emotional Languages by the President Candidates in Indonesian Online News Texts: Appraisal Analysis in the Protagonism Perspective.,

NA Rohimajaya, W Hamer (2022) An Analysis of the Appraisal Framework" What the Pandemic Teaches us" in the Newspaper of the Jakarta Post. International Journal of Research in …,, cited by 3 (1.50 per year)

A Engelbrecht (2020) An Appraisal Theory Approach to News Reports on Rhino Poaching in South Africa. Language Matters: Studies in the Languages of …,, doi:10.1080/10228195.2019.1701266, cited by 15 (3.75 per year)

MA Van Driel (2018) Online news reporting: A comparative textual analysis of hard news live blogs and traditional online news articles and a reader response analysis using appraisal.,, cited by 8 (1.33 per year)

C Sabao (2013) The reporter voice and objectivity in cross-linguistic reporting of controversial news in Zimbabwean newspapers: an appraisal approach.,, cited by 28 (2.55 per year)

M Mirzaaghabeyk (2022) Attitude System Realization of News Texts in Light of Appraisal Theory. Journal of Contemporary Language Research,

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M Ilham (2021) The Use of Appraisal Attitude in The Coronavirus (Covid-19) Texts of CNN International Website.,

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A Ascenzi, F Mallegni, G Manzi, AG Segre, ... (2000) News and Views A re-appraisal of Ceprano calvaria affinities with Homo erectus, after the new reconstruction. Journal of Human …,, cited by 136 (5.67 per year)


W INDRIYANI An Appraisal Study of Booster Vaccine News in Indonesia on Antara News.

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AB Pratama, K Rustipa (2020) MOOD TYPE AND APPRAISAL REALIZED IN THE ONLINE JAKARTA POST EDITORIAL ISSUED ON MARCH 12TH, 2018" VOTERS NEED MORE CANDIDATES". Dinamika Bahasa dan Budaya,, cited by 1 (0.25 per year)

C Coffin, K O'Halloran (2006) The role of appraisal and corpora in detecting covert evaluation. Functions of language,, doi:10.1075/fol.13.1.04cof, cited by 167 (9.28 per year)

J Boéri, A Fattah (2020) Manipulation of translation in hard news reporting on the Gulf crisis: combining narrative and appraisal. Meta,, cited by 10 (2.50 per year)

Y Wei, M Wherrity, Y Zhang (2015) An analysis of current research on the appraisal theory. Linguistics and Literature Studies, Citeseer, cited by 46 (5.11 per year)


HL Daniarsa, S Mulatsih (2020) Appraisal Analysis of Tempo's And Kompas' Editorials On Papua Cases. E-Structural (English Studies on …,, cited by 3 (0.75 per year)

KC Panda, DK Swain (2011) E-newspapers and e-news services in the electronic age: an appraisal.,, cited by 20 (1.54 per year)

R Santosa, AD Priyanto, A Nuraeni (2014) Genre and register of antagonist's language in media: An appraisal study of Indonesian newspapers. kata,, cited by 26 (2.60 per year)

CM Amorós (2017) Soft spots in hard news. Appraisal strategies in the hard news headlines of two English and two Spanish quality digital newspapers: A corpus study.,, cited by 1 (0.14 per year)

W Yu, N Jincheng Analysis of Attitude Resources in News Headlines of the Economist From the Perspective of the Appraisal Theory.

MR Edwin, GL Yalmi (2019) Fake news and home truths, its effects on the contemporary political narratives: an appraisal of India and Nigeria. … Journal of Humanities and Social Science,, cited by 14 (2.80 per year)

M Azhar (2022) Attitude Relation, Online News, Appraisal Theory. PENDALAS: Jurnal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan …,

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E Jakaza, M Visser (2016) 'Subjectivity'in newspaper reports on 'controversial'and 'emotional'debates: An appraisal and controversy analysis. Language Matters, Taylor &Francis, doi:10.1080/10228195.2015.1060513, cited by 12 (1.50 per year)

T Arkida, D Djatmika, R Santosa (2022) Appraisal: Framing on Covid-19 Pandemic Handling News in Indonesia. International Journal of Multicultural …,, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)

E Jakaza (2013) Appraisal and evaluation in Zimbabwean parliamentary discourse and its representation in newspaper articles.,, cited by 38 (3.45 per year)

GH Tran, XM Ngo (2018) News comments on facebook–a systemic functional linguistic analysis of moves and appraisal language in reader-reader interaction. Journal of World Languages,, doi:10.1080/21698252.2018.1504856, cited by 12 (2.00 per year)

Z Nádraská (2017) The functions of external voices in hard news Appraisal: A dialogic perspective. Topics in Linguistics,, doi:10.1515/topling-2017-0011, cited by 8 (1.14 per year)

R Trnavac, M Taboada (2019) Positive Appraisal in Online News Comments. Studies in Ethnopragmatics, Cultural Semantics …, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-32-9983-2_10, cited by 1 (0.20 per year)

IK Zulaikha, S Diana (2017) The Appraisal of Bias and Power as Expressed in Several Indonesian News Articles About Indonesia New House Speaker Inauguration. Publika Budaya,

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L Mugumya (2013) The discourse of conflict: an appraisal analysis of newspaper genres in English and Runyankore-Rukiga in Uganda (2001-2010).,, cited by 18 (1.64 per year)

S Paul, S Sosale (2023) Cultures of Restraint and Towards an Appraisal of Non-Western News Values. Journalism Studies, Taylor &Francis, doi:10.1080/1461670X.2023.2183063

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LM Parvin (2017) CDA undertaken through SFL: Employment of appraisal in critical discourse analysis of the news. International Journal of Linguistics and Literature (IJLL),, cited by 8 (1.14 per year)

NTT Hien (2016) An Appraisal Study of Social Attitudes in News Reports towards President Obama's Visit to Vietnam. VNU Journal of Foreign Studies,, cited by 4 (0.50 per year)

M Macken-Horarik (2003) Appraisal and the special instructiveness of narrative. Text &Talk,, doi:10.1515/text.2003.012, cited by 266 (12.67 per year)

W Liu, W Zhang (2015) One coin has two sides: A comparative appraisal of New York Times and China Daily's News coverage of alleged internet hacking. Journal of Arts and Humanities,, cited by 12 (1.33 per year)

R Wu, X Zhao (2018) Appraisal Analysis of Attitude Resources in Russian “Belt and Road Initiative” News. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science,, cited by 8 (1.33 per year)

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 Compiled by Febina Lu' lu' Ilmuna-English Edu-UIN Salatiga

      In English syntax, morphemes and lexemes are two different concepts that play an important role in the structure and meaning of words. A morpheme is the smallest unit of a word that carries meaning and can be either a free morpheme (e.g., "book") or a bound morpheme (e.g., "un-" or "-ed"). On the other hand, a lexeme is the set of all the inflected forms of a single word (e.g., "run" for "run, runs, running, ran"). Morphemes are the basic unit of morphology, while lexemes are the basic unit of the lexicon. Syntax, on the other hand, refers to the set of rules by which a person constructs full sentences. Morphemes and lexemes are fundamental concepts in linguistics, particularly in the study of morphology and word formation. A morpheme can be a word unit or an affix, while a lexeme encompasses all the different forms of a word. Understanding these concepts is essential for analyzing the structure of language and how words are formed and used in sentences. A morpheme is the smallest unit of a word that provides a specific meaning to a string of letters (which is called a phoneme). There are two main types of morphemes: free morphemes and bound morphemes. A lexeme is the set of all the inflected forms of a single word.

-> Morphemes, the basic unit of morphology, are the smallest meaningful unit of language. Thus, a morpheme is a series of phonemes that has a special meaning. If a morpheme is altered in any way, the entire meaning of the word can be changed. Some morphemes are individual words (such as “eat” or “water”). These are known as free morphemes because they can exist on their own. Other morphemes are prefixes, suffixes, or other linguistic pieces that aren’t full words on their own but do affect meaning (such as the “-s” at the end of “cats” or the “re-” at the beginning of “redo.”) Because these morphemes must be attached to another word to have meaning, they are called bound morphemes.

Within the category of bound morphemes, there are two additional subtypes: derivational and inflectional. Derivational morphemes change the meaning or part of speech of a word when they are used together. For example, the word “sad” changes from an adjective to a noun when “-ness” (sadness) is added to it. “Action” changes in meaning when the morpheme “re-” is added to it, creating the word “reaction.” Inflectional morphemes modify either the tense of a verb or the number value of a noun; for example, when you add an “-s” to “cat,” the number of cats changes from one to more than one.

A "morpheme" is a short segment of language that meets three basic criteria:

1. It is a word or a part of a word that has meaning.

2. It cannot be divided into smaller meaningful segments without changing its meaning or leaving a meaningless remainder.

3. It has relatively the same stable meaning in different verbal environments.

There are two types of morphemes-free morphemes and bound morphemes.  "Free morphemes" can stand alone with a specific meaning, for example, eat, date, weak. "Bound morphemes" cannot stand alone with meaning. Morphemes are comprised of two separate classes called (a) bases (or roots) and (b) affixes.

A "base," or "root" is a morpheme in a word that gives the word its principle meaning. An example of a "free base" morpheme is woman in the word womanly. An example of a "bound base" morpheme is -sent in the word dissent.


An "affix" is a bound morpheme that occurs before or after a base. An affix that comes before a base is called a "prefix." Some examples of prefixes are ante-, pre-, un-, and dis-, as in the following words:





An affix that comes after a base is called a "suffix." Some examples of suffixes are -ly, -er, -ism, and -ness, as in the following words:





1. Free Morphemes:

    • Can stand alone with a specific meaning, such as "eat," "date," or "weak"

    • Can be further divided into lexical morphemes (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) and derivational morphemes (words that make new words of a different grammatical category from a stem).

2. Bound Morphemes:

    • Cannot stand alone with meaning.

• Can be divided into bases (or roots) and affixes.

        • Bases or roots give the word its principal meaning, such as "woman" in "womanly"

        • Affixes are bound morphemes that occur before or after a base, such as prefixes (e.g., "ante-, pre-, un-, dis-") or suffixes (e.g., "-s" for noun plural, "-'s" for noun possessive, "-s" for verb present tense third person singular, etc.)

Morphemes play essential roles in English syntax, as they help to form words and convey meaning. They can be used to create new words and modify the grammatical function of existing words, allowing for the expansion and flexibility of the language.

-> Lexeme, In English syntax, a lexeme is a unit of lexical meaning that underlies a set of words related through inflection. It is the fundamental unit of the lexicon (or word stock) of a language and serves as the main parts of speech that convey meaning, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and so on. Lexemes are minimal units of language with distinctive meanings and are often called word stems. Lexemes are minimal units of language with distinctive meanings and are often called word stems. It is the abstract form of a word that includes all its inflected forms and variations. For example, the word "walk" is a lexeme that includes variations such as "walks," "walked," and "walking." In linguistics, lexemes are used to study the ways in which words are related to one another and how they function in sentences. By analyzing lexemes, linguists can gain insights into the structure and meaning of language.

Variable lexemes are word-sized lexical items that may have two or more forms. The following are ways to inflect words belonging to various syntactic categories.

• Nouns can change in number (bird, birds)

• Verbs can change in tense or number (shape, shapes, shaped, shaping)

• Adjectives can change in degree (big, bigger, biggest)

• Adverbs can change in degree (good, better, best)

• Pronouns can change in case (you, your, yours)

There are two types of Lexeme:

• Variable Lexemes are word-sized lexical items that may have two or more forms.

• invariable Lexemes only have one word corresponding to a particular meaning.

The function of lexemes is to communicate concepts. They are the main parts of speech that convey meaning, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and so on.

The function of lexemes in English syntax can be summarized as follows:

        1. Conveying meaning: Lexemes are responsible for communicating concepts and carrying the significance of a word.

        2. Inflectional paradigm: Lexemes often have many different forms, known as an inflectional paradigm, which are governed by rules of grammar. For example, the lexeme "run" has a present third person singular form "runs," a present non-third-person singular form "run," and a past participle "ran".

3. Morphological analysis: Lexemes are often composed of smaller units with individual meanings called morphemes, according to root morphemes, derivational morphemes, and suffixes (not necessarily in that order).

4. Syntactic structure: Lexemes play a crucial role in the syntactic structure of sentences, as they are the main components that convey meaning and function within the sentence.

A lexeme is a fundamental unit of the lexicon of a language that belongs to a particular syntactic category, carries a particular meaning, and in most cases, has corresponding inflectional versions of itself. Example:

Lexeme: park

Syntactic category: noun

Meaning: an outdoor recreational space.

Inflectional versions: parks, park’s, parks’

This word park is a lexeme that might be confused with another lexeme; its homonym park.

Lexeme: park

Syntactic category: verb

Meaning: to bring a vehicle to a temporary stop

Inflectional versions: parks, parked, parking

Although these two words sound and are spelled the same, they are two distinct lexemes because their meanings are different. Due to the difference in syntactic category—one is a verb, and one is a noun—the corresponding inflections also vary.

In conclusion, understanding morphemes and lexemes is very important in English syntax to reveal the cause and effect of word structure and meaning. Morphemes, as the smallest units of meaning, play a role in word formation through prefixes, roots and suffixes. Lexemes, on the other hand, represent groups of words that have the same meaning and provide insight into the relationships between different word forms. This linguistic concept makes language analysis more in-depth, helping understanding and enriching sentences in the broader context of English syntax.


The use of systemic Functional grammar in English Syntax


Compiled by Reza Hermawan-English Education- UIN Salatiga.

 Systemic functional linguistics

Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) is a linguistic theory that aims to describe how language is used to communicate meaning in context. It was developed by Michael Halliday in the 1960s and has since become a widely used framework for analyzing and teaching English syntax. In this essay, we will discuss the use of SFG in English syntax, including its key concepts, applications, and limitations.

Systemic functional linguistics studied about the relationship between language and its functions in social settings. Also known as SFL, systemic functional grammar, Hallidayan linguistics, and systemic linguistics.

Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) is used in English syntax to provide learners with the principles of functional grammatical analysis, enabling them to apply these principles to examine various texts and discourses. SFG focuses on three main functions of language: experiential, interpersonal, and textual, in conjunction with the context of situation and context of culture. It equips learners with descriptive and analytical tools to understand how grammar is used to make meaning in different contexts.

Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) is used in English syntax to provide learners with the principles of functional grammatical analysis, enabling them to apply these principles to examine various texts and discourses. SFG focuses on three main functions of language: experiential, interpersonal, and textual, in conjunction with the context of situation and context of culture. It equips learners with descriptive and analytical tools to understand how grammar is used to make meaning in different contexts

Purpose of Systemic Linguistics

Systemic linguistics function is approach to language and it is arguably the functionalist approach which has been most highly developed. SL attempts to combine purely structural information with overtly social factors in a single integrated description.

Principles of SFL

1.      Language use is functional

2.      Its function is to make meanings

3.      These meanings are influenced by the social and cultural context

4.      The process of using language is a semiotic process, a process of making meaning by choosing

The Model of Language in Systemic Functional Grammar

Michael Halliday's model of language, often referred to as systemic grammar, views language as a semantic system used for expressing meanings. According to Halliday, language users are presented with both syntactic and semantic choices at every point in the system. These choices are influenced by three overarching functions of language:

1.      The Ideational Function: Language as an instrument of thought, allowing us to conceptualize the world and represent it to ourselves.

2.      The Interpersonal Function: Language as a personal medium for transaction, enabling us to represent ourselves to others.

3.      The Textual Function: Language as a means of constructing cohesive and coherent sequences of communication, whether spoken or written.

These functions govern the form that clauses take, as they serve as representations, exchanges, and messages within language.

Key Principles of Systemic Functional Grammar

In SFG, there are several key principles that guide the analysis of language:

1.      Functional Categories, such as subject and object, play a crucial role in the analysis of language. These categories are not static, but rather vary in their types and semantic possibilities within a specific context.

2.      Choices and System Networks, Language users are constantly making choices at various levels of the system. These choices can be both syntactic and semantic, and they contribute to the overall meaning and structure of a sentence or discourse. System networks, which represent the options available at each level, provide a framework for analyzing these choices.

3.      Rank Scale, SFG introduces a rank scale to classify different levels of analysis in language. The rank scale includes units such as phonology (sounds), lexicogrammar (words and grammar), and discourse.

4.       Lexicogrammar, refers to the system that combines lexicon and grammar. It encompasses the choices made at the level of words and grammar, including morphological and syntactic structures.

5.       Metafunctions, SFG distinguishes three metafunctions of language, which correspond to the three overarching functions mentioned earlier:

a.       The Ideational Metafunction: Focuses on the representation of experience and the construction of meaning.

b.      The Interpersonal Metafunction: Emphasizes the interpersonal relationships and functions of language.

c.       The Textual Metafunction: Concerned with the organization and coherence of language in texts.

These metafunctions provide a framework for analyzing the communicative purposes and patterns within language.


Application of Systemic Functional Grammar in English Syntax

In the realm of English syntax, SFG offers valuable insights into the structure and function of sentences. By analyzing the choices made at the lexico-grammatical level, SFG provides a deeper understanding of sentence construction and meaning.

1.      Sentence Types

SFG distinguishes between different sentence types, such as declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory. Each sentence type serves a specific communicative purpose and exhibits unique features in terms of structure and intonation.

2.      Subject and Object

While traditional grammar recognizes subject and object as functional categories, SFG explores the various types of subjects and objects and their semantic roles. By considering the ideational, interpersonal, and textual functions, SFG provides a more nuanced analysis of subjects and objects in English sentences.

3.      Theme and Rheme

SFG introduces the concepts of theme and rheme to analyze the organization of information within a sentence. The theme represents the given or known information, while the rheme presents the new or focused information. This distinction contributes to the coherence and cohesion of a text.

4.      Transitivity

Transitivity analysis in SFG focuses on the processes and participants involved in a clause. By examining the choices made in terms of processes, participants, and circumstances, SFG sheds light on the semantic and syntactic structures of English sentences.

5.      Nominal Groups

In SFG, nominal groups refer to noun phrases and their modifiers. By analyzing the choices made within nominal groups, such as determiners, adjectives, and prepositional phrases, SFG provides insights into the structure and function of noun phrases in English syntax.

SFG is based on the idea that language is a social semiotic system, which means that it is a system of signs that are used to communicate meaning in social contexts. According to SFG, language has three main functions: ideational, interpersonal, and textual. The ideational function refers to the way language is used to represent the world and convey information. The interpersonal function refers to the way language is used to establish and maintain social relationships. The textual function refers to the way language is used to create coherent and cohesive texts.

One of the key concepts in SFG is the notion of grammatical metaphor, which refers to the way language is used to represent one kind of meaning in terms of another. For example, the sentence "The sun smiled down on us" uses the metaphor of a person smiling to represent the sun's warmth and brightness. Another key concept is the idea of rank scale, which refers to the way language is organized into different levels of complexity, from the phonological level (sounds) to the discourse level (texts).

SFG has many applications in English syntax, including the analysis of texts, the teaching of grammar, and the development of language teaching materials. For example, SFG can be used to analyze the structure and function of different types of texts, such as news articles, academic papers, and advertisements. It can also be used to teach grammar in a more meaningful and contextualized way, by focusing on the functions of language rather than just the rules.

However, SFG also has some limitations. One of the criticisms of SFG is that it is too complex and difficult to apply in practice. Another criticism is that it does not take into account the variability and diversity of language use in different contexts and cultures.

In conclusion, SFG is a useful framework for analyzing and teaching English syntax, as it provides a comprehensive and systematic approach to understanding how language is used to communicate meaning in context. However, it is important to recognize its limitations and to use it in conjunction with other linguistic theories and approaches. By doing so, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances of language use, and develop more effective strategies for teaching and learning English syntax.





















List of reference

Richard Nordquist, Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia

Michael Halliday/University College London




 Corruption in government is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon with various underlying mechanisms. While it can manifest differently across different countries and political systems, some common factors contribute to the emergence and perpetuation of corrupt practices in government. Here are several key mechanisms:

  1. Lack of Transparency: When government actions and decision-making processes are not transparent or easily accessible to the public, it creates an environment where corruption can thrive. Lack of transparency allows officials to engage in corrupt practices without fear of exposure or accountability.

  2. Weak Institutions: Ineffective and weak institutions, including law enforcement agencies, judiciary, and anti-corruption bodies, contribute to corruption. When these institutions lack the capacity or independence to investigate and prosecute corruption cases, perpetrators are less likely to face consequences.

  3. Low Pay and Poor Working Conditions: In some cases, low salaries and inadequate working conditions for public officials may incentivize corruption as a means of supplementing income. Insufficient remuneration may push individuals toward seeking illicit gains to maintain a certain standard of living.

  4. Political Patronage and Nepotism: When political leaders engage in patronage systems, favoring friends, family members, or political allies over merit-based appointments, it can lead to the placement of individuals who may be more prone to corruption.

  5. Lack of Civic Engagement and Accountability: When citizens are disengaged from the political process or lack the means to hold their leaders accountable, there is less pressure on officials to act in the public interest. A lack of civic engagement can create an environment where corruption is more likely to go unchecked.

  6. Complex Bureaucratic Procedures: Cumbersome bureaucratic processes and excessive red tape can create opportunities for corruption. Officials may exploit these complexities to demand bribes or engage in other corrupt activities to expedite processes.

  7. Cultural and Social Factors: Cultural norms and societal attitudes toward corruption play a significant role. In societies where corruption is more widely accepted or where there is a lack of social stigma attached to corrupt practices, individuals may be more likely to engage in corruption without fear of condemnation.

  8. Lack of Whistleblower Protection: Inadequate protection for whistleblowers can discourage individuals from reporting corruption due to fear of retaliation. Effective whistleblower protection mechanisms are crucial for exposing and addressing corrupt practices.

  9. Poor Economic Conditions: Economic instability or inequality may contribute to corruption as individuals seek alternative means to improve their financial situations. In such environments, corruption can be seen as a way to navigate economic challenges.

Addressing corruption requires a comprehensive approach that includes legal reforms, strengthening institutions, promoting transparency, fostering civic engagement, and addressing socio-economic issues. International cooperation and support can also play a crucial role in combating corruption on a global scale.



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