Translation Techniques Revisited: A Dynamic and Functionalist Approach
Molina, Lucía & Albir, Amparo. (2002). Translation Techniques Revisited: A Dynamic and Functionalist Approach. Meta: Journal des traducteurs. 47. 498. 10.7202/008033ar.
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Examples of Hoffman and Poplack’s Analysis: code mixing and code switching
Carol Myers-Scotton and Shana Poplack are influential figures in the study of code-switching and code-mixing in sociolinguistics. While Myers-Scotton is known for her work on the Markedness Model and the Matrix Language Frame Model, Shana Poplack is known for her empirical research and the development of various theoretical frameworks. Here are some examples of Hoffman and Poplack's analyses of code-switching and code-mixing:
### Shana Poplack
1. **Function of Code-Switching**:
Poplack (1980) identified different types of code-switching based on their functions. She distinguished between:
- **Tag-Switching**: The insertion of a tag phrase from one language into an utterance in another language, e.g., "It's a beautiful day, ¿verdad?"
- **Intersentential Switching**: Switching languages at sentence boundaries, e.g., "I'm going to the store. ¿Quieres venir?"
- **Intrasentential Switching**: Switching languages within a single sentence, e.g., "I was going to la tienda to buy some bread."
2. **Constraints on Code-Switching**:
Poplack proposed two main constraints on intrasentential code-switching:
- **Equivalence Constraint**: Code-switching occurs at points where the surface structures of the languages coincide, allowing for smooth transitions, e.g., "I’ll start la clase when you’re ready."
- **Free Morpheme Constraint**: Code-switching cannot occur between a bound morpheme and a lexical form unless the lexical form has been phonologically integrated into the language of the bound morpheme, e.g., "I’m eat-ing a taco."
### Charlotte Hoffman
Charlotte Hoffman's work often focuses on bilingualism and its manifestations in various communities, including code-switching and code-mixing. Here are some examples from her analyses:
1. **Code-Switching in Bilingual Communities**:
Hoffman (1991) discusses how bilingual speakers use code-switching to achieve various conversational goals, such as emphasizing a point, showing solidarity, or clarifying a statement. For instance, in a bilingual Spanish-English community, a speaker might say, "I told him already, pero no me escuchó" (I told him already, but he didn’t listen to me).
2. **Sociolinguistic Factors Influencing Code-Switching**:
Hoffman explores the sociolinguistic factors that influence code-switching, such as the speaker's proficiency in both languages, the social context, and the relationship between speakers. For example, a bilingual child might switch between languages depending on whether they are speaking to a family member or a teacher.
### Examples of Hoffman and Poplack’s Analysis:
- **In Montreal’s Bilingual Community**: Poplack’s studies often involve the French-English bilingual community in Montreal. An example from her research might be a sentence like, “Je suis allé au store pour acheter des eggs” (I went to the store to buy some eggs), demonstrating intrasentential switching.
- **In Welsh-English Code-Switching**: Hoffman’s work includes studies of Welsh-English bilinguals. An example might be, “I’m going to siopa for some bread” (I’m going shopping for some bread), where “siopa” is a Welsh word integrated into the English sentence.
These examples illustrate how both Hoffman and Poplack analyze the structural and functional aspects of code-switching and code-mixing, providing insights into the linguistic and social dynamics of bilingual communication.
Appraisal and Ideology Realization in Indonesia State Capital Relocation News Texts
Appraisal and Ideology Realization in Indonesia State Capital Relocation News Texts
Document Type : Original Article
1 Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
2 Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga, Indonesia
This study analyzes the language employed by Kompas, Republika, Media Indonesia, and Jawa Pos regarding the relocation of Indonesia’s capital city, focusing on attitude, graduation, and engagement. Eight online texts were analyzed using discourse analysis. This paper used systemic functional linguistics as a tool to analyze the texts. The findings revealed a predominance of positive attitude data (67.2% positive, 32.8% negative), predominantly heterogloss in engagement (91.8% heterogloss, 8.2% monogloss), and a majority of raising/sharpening graduation data (75.1% raising/sharpening, 24.9% lowering/softening). This disparity between positive and negative appraisal data signifies significant and contentious issues the government, community leaders, and the general public face concerning the capital city’s relocation. The results of news outlets analysis demonstrated how ideological orientations shape the construction of social and political values, influencing public beliefs and perceptions of the capital relocation project in Indonesia.
Hoffman and Poplack:theories to analyze code switching and code mixing in language use
Hoffman and Poplack are two prominent linguists who have developed theories to analyze code switching and code mixing in language use. Here are the key differences between their theories:
### Hoffman's Theory
1. **Definition of Code Switching**: Hoffman defines code-switching as the alternate use of two languages or linguistic varieties within the same utterance or during the same conversation[3].
2. **Reasons for Code Switching**: Hoffman identifies several reasons for code-switching, including:
- **Vocabulary Limitation**: Using a different language to express a concept that lacks a direct equivalent in the primary language.
- **Prestige**: Using a language to convey prestige or social status.
- **Practicing English Mastery**: Using English to improve proficiency in the language[3].
3. **Types of Code Switching**: Hoffman does not explicitly categorize types of code switching, but his theory focuses on the general phenomenon of code switching and its various reasons.
### Poplack's Theory
1. **Definition of Code Switching**: Poplack defines code switching as the process of switching between two languages or linguistic varieties within a single conversation, often involving the use of different linguistic features such as grammar, vocabulary, and phonology[2].
2. **Types of Code Switching**: Poplack categorizes code switching into three types:
- **Inter-sentential Switching**: Switching between languages or varieties between sentences.
- **Intra-sentential Switching**: Switching within a sentence, often involving the use of different linguistic features.
- **Tag-Switching**: Switching between languages or varieties using a specific linguistic feature, such as a word or phrase[2].
3. **Reasons for Code Switching**: Poplack's theory does not specifically identify reasons for code switching, but it focuses on the structural and functional aspects of code switching in language use.
In summary, Hoffman's theory emphasizes the reasons and general phenomenon of code switching, while Poplack's theory focuses on the structural and functional aspects of code switching, categorizing it into different types.
Benang merah Appraisal dan Ideologi
The systemic functional linguistics (SFL) appraisal framework provides a sophisticated tool for analyzing the evaluative language within texts. When applied to news media reportage, it unveils the underlying ideological dimensions embedded within the discourse. Let's delve into the deep correlation between the SFL appraisal framework and the realization of ideology in news media reportage.
### 1. SFL Appraisal Framework:
SFL posits that language serves three metafunctions: ideational, interpersonal, and textual. The interpersonal metafunction, which focuses on the interaction between speaker and listener, includes appraisal, which refers to how language evaluates and expresses attitudes, emotions, and judgments.
### 2. Ideological Dimension in News Media Reportage:
Despite striving for objectivity, news media inherently reflects ideological stances due to various factors such as ownership, political orientation, and audience demographics. These ideologies influence the selection of stories, framing, language choices, and the portrayal of actors and events.
### 3. Deep Correlation:
The SFL appraisal framework provides a lens to uncover how ideologies are realized in news media reportage through evaluative language. Here's how:
#### A. Attitude:
- *Example*: In a news report on climate change, the use of words like "crisis," "urgent action needed," or "environmental catastrophe" reflects a negative attitude towards the situation. This framing aligns with ideologies emphasizing the urgency of addressing climate change.
#### B. Engagement:
- *Example*: A news article that extensively quotes political figures or experts with similar viewpoints while marginalizing dissenting voices demonstrates an engagement strategy that reinforces a particular ideological perspective.
#### C. Graduation:
- *Example*: The use of intensifiers or modifiers like "absolutely essential," "completely unacceptable," or "utterly devastating" serves to amplify the significance or impact of certain events or issues, thereby shaping the audience's perception in line with the ideological stance of the media outlet.
#### D. Resources:
- *Example*: The allocation of space or airtime to certain topics over others reflects the ideological priorities of the media organization. For instance, a news channel might focus more on crime stories over socioeconomic issues, reflecting its ideological focus on law and order.
### 4. Clear Examples:
- *Fox News vs. MSNBC*: A comparison of news coverage between these outlets often reveals stark differences in language choices, framing, and emphasis, reflecting their respective conservative and liberal ideologies.
- *Brexit Coverage*: During the Brexit referendum, British newspapers exhibited diverse appraisal patterns, with pro-Brexit outlets employing positive appraisal for leaving the EU ("liberation," "sovereignty") while anti-Brexit ones employed negative appraisal ("chaos," "disaster").
- *COVID-19 Pandemic Reporting*: Media outlets with different ideological leanings framed the pandemic differently, with some emphasizing government failures (negative appraisal) while others highlighted community resilience (positive appraisal), reflecting their ideological perspectives on governance and society.
### Conclusion:
The SFL appraisal framework is a powerful analytical tool to uncover the subtle yet pervasive ways ideologies are realized in news media reportage through evaluative language. One can discern the ideological orientations shaping public discourse and perception by examining attitudes, engagement strategies, graduation, and resource allocation within news texts.
The Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) appraisal framework provides a lens through which we can analyze the hidden correlations between language use and ideological realization within these contexts:- *Fox News vs. MSNBC*: A comparison of news coverage between these outlets often reveals stark differences in language choices, framing, and emphasis, reflecting their respective conservative and liberal ideologies.
- *Brexit Coverage*: During the Brexit referendum, British newspapers exhibited diverse appraisal patterns, with pro-Brexit outlets employing positive appraisal for leaving the EU ("liberation," "sovereignty") while anti-Brexit ones employed negative appraisal ("chaos," "disaster").
- *COVID-19 Pandemic Reporting*: Media outlets with different ideological leanings framed the pandemic differently, with some emphasizing government failures (negative appraisal) while others highlighted community resilience (positive appraisal), reflecting their ideological perspectives on governance and society.
You're absolutely right. The SFL appraisal framework is a powerful tool for analyzing these situations. Here's a breakdown of how it can be applied to each example:
Fox News vs. MSNBC: Appraisal analysis would focus on three key areas:
Attitude: Identifying the positive or negative evaluation of events. Fox News might use appraisal systems like Affect (happiness, anger) to portray conservative policies as beneficial ("thriving economy"), while MSNBC might use Judgement (moral evaluation) to portray them as harmful ("widening inequality").
Graduation: This analyzes the intensity of the evaluation. Fox News might use amplifiers like "very" or hyperbole ("greatest ever") to strengthen positive appraisal of conservative figures, while MSNBC might use downtoners ("somewhat" or litotes) to weaken positive appraisal of liberal ones.
Engagement: This explores how the speaker positions themself and the audience. Fox News might use self-projection ("we, the American people") and social identification with viewers to create a sense of shared ideology. MSNBC might use counter-projection ("they, the elite") to distance viewers from opposing viewpoints.
Brexit Coverage: Appraisal analysis can reveal contrasting evaluations:
Positive appraisal: Pro-Brexit outlets might use systems like Appreciation (value) to portray leaving as a positive step ("taking back control"), while also using Social Value (social desirability) to frame it as beneficial for national identity ("proud to be British").
Negative appraisal: Anti-Brexit outlets might use Threat (danger, fear) to highlight potential negative consequences ("economic chaos"), while also using Sanction (social disapproval) to frame it as a bad decision ("betraying our European allies").
COVID-19 Pandemic Reporting: Here, appraisal analysis can uncover how ideologies influence framing:
Negative appraisal: Outlets critical of government might use Attribution (blaming) to highlight failures ("government incompetence led to the crisis"), while also using Prospect (future possibility) to portray a bleak outcome ("healthcare system on the verge of collapse").
Positive appraisal: Outlets supportive of government might use Responsibility (taking credit) to emphasize successful actions ("government's swift response saved lives"), while using Hope (positive prediction) to portray a brighter future ("community spirit will help us overcome").
By analyzing these examples with the SFL appraisal framework, we can move beyond surface-level language differences and understand the deeper ideological messages being conveyed.
The Option Pattern of 'Ngrasani' (Gossiping) Code by Javanese Women in Social Interaction
Lestari, P.M., Djatmika, D., Sumarlam, S., & Purnanto, D. (2018). The Option Pattern of 'Ngrasani' (Gossiping) Code by Javanese Women in Social Interactionnull. null
gossiping pasti negatif tapi "ngrasani" bisa negatif, bisa positif?
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Uncontrolled Keywords: pragmatic utilization, Islam, Islamic English.
Subjects: Sastra Inggris
Divisions: Artikel (Terbitan Luar UIN)
Depositing User: Sugeng Hariyanto, SIP (
Date Deposited: 09 Feb 2016 08:44
Last Modified: 09 Feb 2016 08:44
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4 types of triangulation by Denzin (1978) and Patton (1999)
Denzin (1978) and Patton (1999) identified four types of triangulation in qualitative research: *Data Triangulation, **Investigator Triangulation, **Theory Triangulation, and **Methodological Triangulation*[1][2][3][4][5].
### Data Triangulation
Data triangulation involves the use of multiple data sources in a single study. This type of triangulation is about collecting data from different sources, such as different people, different times, and different locations, to ensure that the findings are robust and generalizable[1][2][3][4][5].
### Investigator Triangulation
Investigator triangulation involves the participation of two or more researchers in the same study. This type of triangulation can bring both confirmation of findings and different perspectives, adding breadth to the phenomenon of interest[1][2][3][4][5].
### Theory Triangulation
Theory triangulation uses different theories to analyze and interpret data. This type of triangulation can assist the researcher in supporting or refuting findings by considering different theoretical perspectives[1][2][3][4][5].
### Methodological Triangulation
Methodological triangulation involves the use of multiple methods to conduct a study. This type of triangulation is about combining different methods, such as interviews, observation, and document analysis, to capture different aspects of the phenomenon under study[1][2][3][4][5].
Triangulation is a method used to determine the location of a fixed point based on the laws of trigonometry. In qualitative research, triangulation is used to ensure that the findings are robust and generalizable by combining different data sources, researchers, theories, and methods[1][2][3][4][5].
[3] List Jurnal Terindeks SCOPUS Bidang Linguistics, E...
Appraisal and Ideology Realization in Indonesia State Capital Relocation News Texts
Appraisal and Ideology Realization in Indonesia State Capital Relocation News Texts
April 2024

Sumarlam Sumarlam
Djatmika Djatmika
Tri Wiratno
This study analyzes the language employed by Kompas, Republika, Media Indonesia, and Jawa Pos regarding the relocation of Indonesia’s capital city, focusing on attitude, graduation, and engagement.
Eight online texts were analyzed using discourse analysis.This paper used systemic functional linguistics as a tool to analyze the texts. The findings revealed a predominance of positive attitude data (67.2% positive, 32.8% negative), predominantly heterogloss in engagement (91.8% heterogloss, 8.2% monogloss), and a majority of raising/sharpening graduation data (75.1% raising/sharpening, 24.9% lowering/softening). This disparity between positive and negative appraisal data signifies significant and contentious issues the government, community leaders, and the general public face concerning the capital city’s relocation. The results of news outlets analysis demonstrated how ideological orientations shape the construction of social and political values, influencing public beliefs and perceptions of the capital relocation project in Indonesia.
Dear All University Students in Indonesia,
My name is Faizal Risdianto & Haryo Aji Nugroho,
Lecturers at UIN Salatiga. We will conduct research on the topic "Appraisal and Ideology in Indonesian Students' Argumentative Writing". For this purpose, we need original articles on argumentative writing. We offer an academic writing contest titled "The Problems and Solutions of English Language Learning in Indonesia/City. of .../village pf......"
The article should be written between 600-1000 words on A4 paper size (doc, docx, or RTF file) and SHOULD BE ORIGINAL, NOT AI-generated writing.
The priority is given to original writing, which specifically mentions the learning methods and the area where the student lives and studies and offers the best solution for the problems. The prizes we can offer are only for 4 (four) winners; each will receive IDR 300.000, -plus merchandise/gift from us.
This contest runs from March 25 to May 25, 2024.
If you are interested, please write and fill out this form:
Best Regards,
Faizal Risdianto & Haryo Aji Nugroho
Mari kita Perbaiki Hubungan dengan ALLAH SWT dan Manusia
Setelah memperbaiki hubungan dengan Allah SWT di bulan ramadhan perlu memperbaiki hubungan dengan manusia