modality and concession in SFL appraisal system


Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) views language as a resource for making meaning, and it categorizes language functions into three metafunctions: ideational, interpersonal, and textual. The interpersonal metafunction is particularly relevant to engagement, modality, and concession.

### Interpersonal Metafunction

The interpersonal metafunction concerns how language is used to negotiate and maintain relationships with others. It involves the management of social relations and the expression of social roles. This metafunction is realized through the Mood system, which includes modality and concession.

#### Modality

Comparing Tavassoli et al. (2019) Versus Risdianto et al. (2024)

When comparing these two references, Tavassoli et al. (2019) and Risdianto et al. (2024), we can assess their strengths and weaknesses based on the scope, methodology, context, and contribution to the field.

### **Strengths and Weaknesses of Tavassoli et al. (2019)**


1. **Established Journal**: Published in *Discourse & Society*, a well-regarded journal with a strong reputation in the field of discourse analysis and social linguistics.

2. **Focus on a Global Issue**: The study addresses the Syrian refugee crisis, a major global issue, allowing for broader relevance and interest.

3. **Appraisal Theory Application**: The paper effectively uses Martin and White's appraisal framework, offering a nuanced analysis of how British newspapers framed the refugee crisis.

4. **Comparative Analysis**: The study compares different newspapers, providing insights into how media stance varies across different outlets within the same cultural context.

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What is mood and residue compared to theme and theme in Halliday's SFL?

 In Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), the concepts of **mood** and **residue** are distinct from **Theme** and **Rheme**. Here’s a comparison:

- **Theme** and **Rheme**: These terms refer to the structural components of a clause that organize the message. The **Theme** is the part of the clause that provides the starting point or the message's focus, while the **Rheme** is the part that elaborates or develops the message. The Theme-Rheme structure is crucial for understanding the flow of information in a text[1][3][4].

- **Mood** and **Residue**: These terms are part of the interpersonal metafunction in SFL. The **mood** refers to the clause's modality, which indicates the speaker's attitude or commitment to the proposition. The **residue** is the remainder of the clause after the mood has been identified, and it includes the subject and finite verbal operator[5].

In summary, while Theme and Rheme focus on the structural organization of the message, mood and residue focus on the interpersonal aspect of the clause, specifically on modality and the speaker's attitude.







Identifikasi Sumber Data & Teknik Pengumpulan Data

 Identifikasi sumber data dan teknik pengumpulan data adalah proses yang penting dalam penelitian untuk memastikan bahwa data yang dikumpulkan relevan, akurat, dan dapat dipercaya. Berikut adalah definisi dan cara membuat identifikasi sumber data dan teknik pengumpulan data:

### Definisi Identifikasi Sumber Data

Identifikasi sumber data adalah proses menentukan dan mengidentifikasi sumber informasi yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian. Sumber data dapat berupa benda, gerak, manusia, tempat, dan lain-lain. Identifikasi ini penting untuk memastikan bahwa data yang dikumpulkan relevan dengan pertanyaan penelitian dan dapat memberikan informasi yang akurat[5].

### Definisi Teknik Pengumpulan Data

Teknik pengumpulan data adalah metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian. Teknik ini dapat berupa survei, wawancara, observasi, dan lain-lain. Pemilihan teknik pengumpulan data harus sesuai dengan jenis penelitian dan tujuan penelitian[2][3].

Metadiscourse: Exploring Interaction in Writing (2005) by Ken Hyland

 In his book "Metadiscourse: Exploring Interaction in Writing" (2005), Ken Hyland discusses the concept of metadiscourse and its role in various genres, particularly in academic and professional writing. Here are some key points he made about genre:

1. **Metadiscourse and Genre Interaction**: Hyland emphasizes that different genres interact with their readers in distinct ways. For instance, metadiscourse is used in academic writing to guide readers through complex information and to signal the writer's attitude and understanding of the material. This interaction is crucial for engaging the audience and conveying the intended message effectively[3][4].

2. **Metadiscourse in Academic Genres**: Hyland examines how metadiscourse functions in various academic genres, such as research articles, abstracts, and other forms of academic writing. He highlights how metadiscourse markers like hedging, boosting, and attitude markers contribute to the rhetorical distinctiveness of these genres[3][4].

List jurnal bidang ELT, Linguistics & Culture di Jawa Tengah


Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature: SINTA 2 APC 2,5 JUTA IDR: Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature (



JETLI UIN KUDUS. SINTA 2 FREE APC LURRR: Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues (JETLI) does not charge authors fees for article submissions, processing, and publication (Free of Charge/APC).:  Editorial Policies (

LEKSEMA JOURNAL  SINTA 3 UIN SOLO. APC 500 RIBU Leksema: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra (

ERUDITE JOURNAL BELUM SINTA. UIN GUSDUR PEKALONGAN Erudita: Journal of English Language Teaching ( Sepertinya APC masih gratis karena belum terindeks di SINTA

Valuation vs Reaction in SFL ATTITUDE sub genre

 In the Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) Appraisal system, both **Valuation** and **Reaction** are subcategories of **Appreciation**, which deals with the evaluation of things, processes, and phenomena. However, they focus on different aspects of how something is evaluated.

### **Valuation vs. Reaction in SFL Appraisal**

1. **Valuation**:

   - **Focus**: Valuation concerns the significance, worth, or value of something. It evaluates how important, meaningful, or valuable an object, event, or phenomenon is perceived to be.

Appreciation in SFL Appraisal System

 In Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), the **Appraisal** framework analyses how language expresses attitudes, emotions, and values. Within the Appraisal system, **Attitude** is one of the three main sub-systems, alongside **Engagement** and **Graduation**. **Attitude** is further divided into three subcategories: **Affect** (emotions), **Judgment** (moral evaluation), and **Appreciation** (aesthetic evaluation).

### **Appreciation in SFL Appraisal System**

**Appreciation** deals with evaluating things, processes, and phenomena. It focuses on how we express our opinions about the value or quality of objects, events, or states of affairs. Appreciation is typically divided into three main categories:

1. **Reaction** (Evaluating Impact):

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9 Pedoman Umum Penggunaan Artificial Intelligence (AI) dalam Penulisan karya ilmiah


image source:

1. Pahami Batasan AI

   - AI sebagai Alat Bantu:   AI sebaiknya digunakan sebagai alat bantu dalam Penulisan, seperti membantu dengan tata bahasa, menyarankan ide, atau melakukan analisis data sederhana. AI tidak boleh menggantikan pemikiran kritis dan analisis ilmiah yang dilakukan oleh Mahasiswa.

   - Kredibilitas dan Validitas: Jangan sepenuhnya mengandalkan AI untuk menyusun argumen atau menyimpulkan hasil penelitian. Mahasiswa tetap bertanggung jawab atas kebenaran dan validitas konten ilmiah yang dihasilkan.

2. Transparansi Penggunaan AI

   - Deklarasi Penggunaan AI:  Mahasiswa harus secara terbuka mengakui penggunaan AI dalam bagian metodologi atau catatan kaki. Misalnya, jika AI digunakan untuk mengoreksi tata bahasa, ini harus disebutkan.

SFL Appraisal "affect," "judgment," and "appreciation"

In Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), particularly within Appraisal Theory, the Attitude subsystem analyses emotions, ethics, and aesthetics in texts. Attitude is divided into three categories: Affect, Judgement, and Appreciation. Each serves a different function in expressing the speaker's feelings, attitudes, and evaluations. Here's a brief explanation of each, along with examples from news text reportage:

1. **Affect**:

   - **Definition**: Affect deals with expressing emotions and feelings. It conveys how people feel about something.

   - **Example**: "The residents were *devastated* by the sudden flood."

James Spradley's qualitative data analysis method

 James Spradley's qualitative data analysis method involves several steps, which are designed to systematically analyze and interpret data. Here are the key steps:

1. **Select a Single Semantic Relationship**: Start by selecting a single semantic relationship to focus on. Spradley identifies nine "universal semantic relationships" that are useful across various studies[2][3].

Six steps of Creswell's approach to qualitative data analysis


John Creswell (2013) identifies six steps followed in the process of qualitative data analysis:

Summary of SFL Appraisal and Ideology Realization in News Text Reportage on Indonesia's New Capital Relocation

 ### Summary of SFL Appraisal and Ideology Realization in News Text Reportage on Indonesia's New Capital Relocation

Hendrastuti, Retno. (2022). Foreign Media Focusing on Indonesia’s New Capital Relocation: An Attitude Analysis Using Appraisal Approach. 10.2991/978-2-494069-91-6_73. 

#### Abstract

The study analyzes foreign media coverage on Indonesia's new capital relocation using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and Appraisal Theory. The goal is to understand the attitudes conveyed through linguistic features in news texts from ABC, BBC, and VOA. The analysis reveals a prevalence of negative evaluations, indicating skepticism about the new capital's readiness and the old capital's suitability. However, positive evaluations toward the new capital suggest a tendency to support the relocation.

ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF SLANG ON EMINEM’S LYRICS by Mukhtar Abadi from Faculty of Letters and Language Department Humanities and Culture Faculty. The State Islamic University of Maliki Malang.2010

 ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF SLANG ON EMINEM’S LYRICS by Mukhtar Abadi from Faculty of Letters and Language Department Humanities and Culture Faculty. The State Islamic University of Maliki Malang.2010


Abadi, Mukhtar. 2009. Analysis on the Use of Slang on Eminem’s Lyrics. Thesis, English Letters and Language Department, Faculty of Humanities and Culture, the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.

Key words: sociolinguistic, language variation, slang, Eminem.

This study concerns with the analysis of slang in Eminem’s song lyrics. This study proposes a problem what are the characteristic of slang used in Eminem’s song lyrics?. This analysis is specially focused on slang language in song lyrics. Hopefully, this study will be useful for students of English Department, especially to help them understand slang language used in Eminem song lyrics.

One  use  of  slang  is  a  simple  way of  circumventing/avoiding  social  taboos.  The  mainstream language tends to shy away from explicitly evoking certain realities. Slang, and also the informal forms of language, permits one to talk about these realities in a special language stripped of a usual connotation in the normal register. Slang vocabularies are particularly rich in a certain domains, such as sexuality, violence, crime, and drugs.Originally, certain slang designated the speech of people involve in the criminal underworld, hooligans, bandits, criminals, etc. therefore, their vocabulary carried very vulgar connotations, and was strictly rejected by the speakers of “proper” language. Other groups, generally those on the margins of mainstream society who were excluded or rejected by it, developed their own slangs. Slang is a language based off of shortened words; something like a contraction but used to shorten speech in a hasty manner.

This analysis used descriptive method because it is to describe the meaning of slang language in Eminem song lyrics of slang language in them. The data were taken randomly, that there are ten songs lyrics.

From the data that have been analyzed, it was found the characteristics of slang language in Eminem song lyrics are (a) Creativity means that slang language has cleverness, imagination, productivity, and talent.  (b) Flippant (sembrono,bermulut usil) means that  slang language has irrelevant  word of the contexts. (c) Fresh means that slang language has familiar words, different words, up to date words. (d) Onomatopoeic means that slang language has imitation words.

First of all, it is suggested to other researchers and the students of English Department who are interested in similar researches, to discuss about slang language more deeply. Secondly, it is also suggested that the other researchers can discuss the message in lyrics which maybe have hidden meaning or not which directly stated in the lyrics. The last, it is also suggested to analyze the slang language not only in the slang lyrics but also in the poem or other works.