Benefits of Learning SFL Transitivity

 Learning about SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics) transitivity can significantly enhance your understanding of text and context in discourse for several reasons:

1. **Understanding Actions and Processes**: SFL transitivity helps analyze how different processes (material, mental, relational, etc.) are represented in a text. This reveals how participants (actors, goals, etc.) are involved in actions, providing insights into the dynamics of a situation.

2. **Identifying Agency and Responsibility**: By examining who does what in a text, you can uncover power dynamics and agency. This is crucial in understanding how roles are constructed and how responsibility is assigned in discourse.

3. **Contextual Interpretation**: Transitivity allows for a deeper contextual analysis by linking linguistic choices to social and cultural contexts. It shows how language reflects and shapes social relations and meanings.


Berikut ini adalah apa yang telah saya pahami dari keterangan para Ustadz/Ulama tentang Qur’an surat Al-Anfaal ayat 24

8.24. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, penuhilah seruan Allah dan seruan Rasul apabila Rasul menyeru kamu kepada suatu yang memberi kehidupan kepada kamu , ketahuilah bahwa sesungguhnya Allah membatasi antara manusia dan hatinya dan sesungguhnya kepada-Nyalah kamu akan dikumpulkan.


Hati manusia mudah berbolak balik sebagaimana dalam riwayatkan Imam Bukhari dari Salim, dari Abdullah bahwa ia berkata, “Nabi seringkali bersumpah dengan menggunakan kalimat, ‘Demi Allah yang membolak-balikan hati.’”

Artinya, demikian cepat Allah kuasa membalikkan dan mengubah berbagai perasaan hati, secepat angin yang bertiup kencang. Disebutkan dalam Al-Qur’an,

“Dan ketahuilah bahwa sesungguhnya Allah mendindingi (membuat dinding pembatas) antara manusia dan hati.” (QS. Al-Anfaal: 24)



ALLAH SWT puts the success and happiness of human beings in this world and hereafter only in Perfect Deen. The perfect religion of Islam is the religion brought by Rasulullah SAW.  At this time the Muslims have no power and the ability to practice religion perfectly. The Companions or the Sahabah Radliyallahu Anhum had been successfully practicing religion perfectly because they have six noble qualities which cover:

1. The Yaqin towards The kalimah thoyyibah “LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMADURRASULULLAH” 










My name is Muhammad Hakim.

Nama saya Muhammad Hakim.


Alhamdulillah, we are Jamaat   from Indonesia at now staying in your Masjid for three days.

Alhamdulillah, kami Jama’ah dari Indonesia sekarang berada di masjid anda selama 3 hari.


We were sent by ALLAH SWT for silaturahim.

Kami  dihantar oleh ALLAH SWT untuk bersilaturahmi


Because we are Muslim brothers having The Same Kalimah LAA ILAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH.

Karena kita saudara muslim yang memiliki Satu Kalimah Yang Sama yaitu LAA ILAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH.


Rasulullah SAW said that the key of Jannah is the kalimah LAA ILAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Anak kunci surga adalah kalimat LAA ILAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH.


By this Kalimah we believe that Allah Can Do Everything, Makhluq Cannot Do Anything.

Dengan kalimat ini kita yakin bahwa Allah Kuasa, Makhluq Tak Kuasa.


Living in this world is SHORT AND TEMPORARY and living in akherat is ETERNAL.

Hidup di dunia ini SINGKAT DAN SEMENTARA dan hidup di akherat KEKAL ABADI.


The success of human being is TO PRACTICE PERFECT DEEN.

Kesuksesan manusia terletak pada Pengamalan Agama Yang Sempurna.


Rasululah SAW was The Last Prophet and No Prophet will come afterwards.

RAsululah SAW adalah Nabi Terakhir dan Tidak Akan Dikirim Lagi Nabi setelah itu.


Then, the Work and Responsibility of  Dakwah is given to Us The Ummah of Rasulullah SAW.

Maka kerja dan Tanggung Jawab Da’wah Kenabian ini telah diwariskan kepada Kita Semua Ummat Rasulullah SAW.


So Insha-Allah after maghrib there will be a Bayan or a Talk of IMAN and AMAL SOLEH

Maka Insya Allah selepas maghrib nanti akan ada Pembicaraan IMAN dan AMAL SHALEH


So we invite you to come to masjid with us.

maka kami mengajak Bapak untuk ikut bersama kami.


Niat InsyaAllah? At Now?

Niat InsyaAllah? Sekarang ya?


Trouble Shooting Mendeley-cara atasi Mendeley susah di-install di Ms.Word

 Trouble Shooting Mendeley

Sering terjadi Reference manager tools seperti Mendeley sulit di install di Ms Word karena  versi Mendeley-nya sudah paling mutakhir sementara Ms Word-nya versi lama seperti windows 2003 atau 2006.  Solusinya bisa diupgrade lagi Ms-Word-nya ke versi yang mutakhir dan bisa jadi kendala install Mendeley di Ms-Word itu  terjadi karena windowsnya bajakan. :D  d^^b  atau bisa juga menurunkan versi aplikasi Mendeley nya ke versi old Mendeley.

Berikut Tutorial versi PPT dan bisa diunduh gratis di 

2024 Ina-PrA Congress and 1st Ina-PrA International Conference


2024 Ina-PrA Congress and 1st Ina-PrA International Conference

THEME: Pragmatics and Language Use: Locally elaborated, globally connected.

This exciting event will explore various subtopics, including micro-pragmatics, macro-pragmatics, intercultural-pragmatics, cyber-pragmatics, socio-pragmatics, ethno-pragmatics, and other topics related to Pragmatics.

By fostering dialogues among scholars from various disciplines, we aim to reveal the intricate relationships between language use and cultural contexts, highlighting the relevance of pragmatic theories in an increasingly interconnected world. Please join us, as we attempt to inspire innovative research at this landmark gathering!

 Opening Speech and Wishes:

Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom.

Rector of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Indonesia


Prof. Jef Verschueren, University of Antwerp Belgium (under confirmation)

Prof. Michael Haugh, University of Queensland,  Australia.

Prof. Dr. Drs. Jumanto, M.Pd., Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. R. Kunjana Rahardi, M.Hum., Universitas Sanata Dharma, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. I Dewa Putu Wijana, M.A., Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Deadline for Call of Papers

1. Deadline for Abstract Submission: 1 November 2024

2. Notification of Acceptance: 10 November 2024

3. Deadline for Presentation Recording: 28 November 2024

4. Deadline for Full Paper for Publication: 14  December 2024

The Congress & Conference are held Online via TVKU Zoom & YouTube Channel on 4-5 December 2024


The output of this congress & Conference is in the form of ISSN E-Proceedings and selected papers that will be published in SCOPUS  and or  SINTA 1-4 journals


Conference Website:

Conference Article Template:

Presenter's Registration Form:


DA VS CDA, analisis wacana vs AWK

 Discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis (CDA) are related but distinct methodologies in the study of language and communication. Here are the key differences:


*1. Focus*

   - *Discourse Analysis*: This broader category encompasses various methods focused primarily on analyzing linguistic phenomena across different types of communication. It explores how language is structured and used in various contexts without necessarily focusing on power dynamics or ideological implications[1][2].

   - *Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)*: Specifically designed to examine how language functions within political, social, and cultural contexts to shape ideologies, power structures, and social relations. CDA seeks to unveil the underlying power dynamics and ideological constructs that influence these discourses[1][2].

10 poin penting mengenai penggunaan AI, terutama bagi mahasiswa

 Berdasarkan dokumen *Panduan Penggunaan Generative AI pada Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi*, berikut adalah 10 poin penting mengenai penggunaan AI, terutama bagi mahasiswa:

1. **Etika dalam Penggunaan**: AI seperti GenAI (Generative AI) harus digunakan secara etis, terutama dalam lingkungan pendidikan tinggi. Hal ini mencakup penghormatan terhadap hak asasi manusia, privasi, dan transparansi【source】.

2. **Integritas Akademik**: Penggunaan AI tidak boleh mengurangi integritas akademik. Mahasiswa harus tetap menghasilkan karya orisinal dan menggunakan AI sebagai alat bantu, bukan sebagai pengganti【【source】.

3. **Pembelajaran Personal**: AI dapat membantu dalam personalisasi pembelajaran sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kecepatan belajar mahasiswa. Teknologi ini memungkinkan konten yang lebih relevan dan disesuaikan【【source】.

4. **Peluang Inovasi**: GenAI membuka peluang besar dalam inovasi pembelajaran, misalnya dengan mempermudah akses ke sumber pembelajaran, membantu memahami materi yang sulit, atau menghasilkan konten seperti teks, gambar, atau video【【source】.

5. **Risiko Plagiarisme**: Penggunaan AI dapat memunculkan masalah plagiarisme jika mahasiswa menggunakannya untuk menghasilkan teks atau karya tanpa melalui proses belajar yang seharusnya【10†source】.

6. **Kewajiban Menghindari Ketergantungan**: Mahasiswa perlu menggunakan AI dengan bijak agar tidak bergantung pada teknologi tersebut. Penggunaan AI harus didukung dengan keterampilan berpikir kritis【【source】.

7. **Keadilan Akses**: Tidak semua mahasiswa mungkin memiliki akses yang sama ke teknologi AI. Hal ini perlu diperhatikan dalam penggunaan AI agar tidak menimbulkan ketidakadilan dalam pembelajaran【【source】.

8. **Potensi Bias dan Diskriminasi**: AI yang dikembangkan berdasarkan data yang bias dapat menghasilkan output yang bias pula. Hal ini penting untuk dihindari agar tidak terjadi diskriminasi, misalnya dalam hal gender atau ras【【source】.

9. **Lisensi dan Biaya**: Sebagian besar aplikasi AI memiliki model lisensi, termasuk versi gratis dan berbayar. Beberapa menawarkan harga khusus untuk sektor pendidikan, sehingga penting untuk mempertimbangkan aksesibilitas bagi mahasiswa【【source】..

10. **Pengawasan Penggunaan**: Penggunaan AI di perguruan tinggi harus diawasi untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan dan memastikan pemanfaatan teknologi yang bertanggung jawab, baik oleh mahasiswa maupun dosen【【source】.. 

Mahasiswa diizinkan menggunakan AI, tetapi dengan panduan yang jelas untuk menjaga integritas akademik dan menghindari penyalahgunaan.

Salami Slicing in journal publication: ethical or unethical?


Salami slicing, in the context of academic integrity, refers to the practice of dividing a single research study into multiple smaller publications. This is typically done to increase the number of publications and citations, which can boost a researcher's profile. However, it can mislead the academic community by presenting fragmented results, complicating the understanding of the research as a whole. When findings that belong to a single study are split across several papers, it risks distorting the scientific literature and creates challenges for reproducibility.

This practice is largely considered unethical because it prioritizes quantity over quality. By focusing on boosting publication numbers, salami slicing can degrade the overall integrity of research and reduce the impact of each individual paper. It can lead to lower-quality publications, often in less reputable journals, which diminishes the researcher’s credibility and hampers the contribution to their field. Although certain situations might justify publishing distinct aspects of a broad study separately, it is essential that each publication addresses a unique hypothesis or methodology to maintain academic rigor.

In some cases, salami slicing is permissible if the segments of the research have substantial individual contributions to different aspects of knowledge. For example, publishing the same patient data from varying disciplinary perspectives or translating professional guidelines for different readerships can be justified. However, authors must be transparent about the overlap and ensure that editors are fully informed. The key distinction is whether the divided research adds distinct value to the literature, with clarity and transparency maintained throughout the publication process.

UIN Salatiga Press Perkuat Pengelola Penerbit Perguruan Tinggi di Mukerda APPTI Jateng-DIY 2024

UIN Salatiga Press dari Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga memperkuat peran di Musyawarah Kerja Daerah (Mukerda) 2024 di Hotel Noorman Semarang, pada 26-27 September 2024. Kegiatan digelar Afiliasi Penerbit Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia (APPTI) Korwil Jateng-DIY. Acara ini mengangkat tema "Peran APPTI sebagai Katalisator Penerbitan Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia." Kegiatan Mukerda 2024 dihadiri berbagai pengelola penerbit perguruan tinggi tanah air, serta mitra kerja baik dari sektor pemerintah maupun swasta.

Dr. Faizal Risdianto, S.S,M.Hum merupakan perwakilan UIN Salatiga Press dan menjadi salah satu peserta yang aktif berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan tersebut.UIN Salatiga Press telah dikenal sebagai penerbit yang memfasilitasi berbagai karya ilmiah dari dosen-dosen Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga dalam beragam disiplin ilmu, sekaligus menjadi mercusuar intelektual Islam bagi civitas akademika di Salatiga dan sekitarnya.

Working With Discourse: Meaning Beyond The Clause (Martin & Rose, 2007) : Why Martin's Model Of Register And Genre Is Theore...

Working With Discourse: Meaning Beyond The Clause (Martin & Rose, 2007) : Why Martin's Model Of Register And Genre Is Theore...: Martin & Rose (2007: 308, 309): Register analysis then gives us another way of thinking about context , alongside genre. The main differ...

The Study of SYNTAX, definition, focus and scope and important points


Studying English syntax involves analyzing how sentences are structured and organized within the English language. Below are the key components, focus, and important points related to this field of study.

### Definition

**Syntax** refers to the set of rules and principles that govern the structure of sentences in a language. It explores how words and phrases are arranged to create meaningful sentences, examining the relationships between different components within those sentences.

### Focus and Scope

1. **Sentence Structure**: Analyzing how words and phrases combine to form sentences, including the roles of clauses and phrases.

2. **Phrase Structure**: Understanding how different types of phrases (noun phrases, verb phrases, etc.) are organized within sentences.

Appraisal and ideology in news text reportage

 The theoretical contribution of the paper "Appraisal and Ideology Realization in Indonesia State Capital Relocation News Texts" can be summarized into several key points:

1. **Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) Framework**:

   - The paper utilizes the SFL framework, specifically the appraisal system, to analyze news texts regarding the relocation of Indonesia's capital city. This framework provides a detailed method for examining how language constructs and conveys attitudes, engagement, and graduation in media discourse (Martin & White, 2005) [1].

2. **Appraisal System Analysis**:

   - The study categorizes appraisal into three domains: attitude, graduation, and engagement. It demonstrates how these domains are used to shape public perceptions of the capital relocation project. For instance, the analysis shows a predominance of positive attitudes (67.2%) and heterogloss engagement (91.8%) in the news texts, indicating diverse perspectives and nuanced reporting (Risdianto et al., 2024) [1].

O,E & A:Ontologi, epistemologi, dan aksiologi


Ontologi, epistemologi, dan aksiologi adalah tiga cabang filsafat yang saling terkait dalam memahami pengetahuan dan realitas. Berikut adalah penjelasan dan contoh masing-masing:

### 1. **Ontologi**

**Definisi:** Ontologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari hakikat atau wujud sesuatu yang ada. Ia bertanya tentang apa yang ada dan bagaimana sesuatu itu memiliki wujud[2][3][5].


- **Ontologi Pertemanan:** Pertemanan adalah suatu hubungan yang ada antara dua orang atau lebih. Dalam ontologi, kita mempelajari apa itu pertemanan dan bagaimana pertemanan tersebut memiliki wujud yang nyata dalam kehidupan sehari-hari[2].

- **Ontologi Rumah:** Rumah adalah tempat tinggal yang ada. Dalam ontologi, kita mempelajari apa itu rumah dan bagaimana rumah tersebut memiliki wujud yang nyata, seperti berupa rumah susun atau apartemen[6].

### 2. **Epistemologi**

Participial phrases and gerund phrases

 Participial phrases and gerund phrases are both verbal phrases, but they function differently in a sentence.

### Participial Phrases

**Definition:** A participial phrase is a group of words that includes a participle (a verb form ending in -ing or -ed) and functions as an adjective, modifying a noun or pronoun in the sentence.


1. **"Hopping through the forest,"** the rabbit noticed a new watering hole. (Here, "hopping through the forest" describes the rabbit.)

2. **"Running at high speed,"** the dog crashed into the wall. (Here, "running at high speed" describes the dog.)

### Gerund Phrases

**Definition:** A gerund phrase is a group of words that begins with a gerund (a verb form ending in -ing) and functions as a noun, often acting as the subject, direct object, indirect object, or complement of the sentence.
