John Creswell (2013) identifies six steps followed in the process of qualitative data analysis:
### Summary of SFL Appraisal and Ideology Realization in News Text Reportage on Indonesia's New Capital Relocation
ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF SLANG ON EMINEM’S LYRICS by Mukhtar Abadi from Faculty of Letters and Language Department Humanities and Culture Faculty. The State Islamic University of Maliki Malang.2010
Abadi, Mukhtar. 2009. Analysis on the Use of Slang on Eminem’s
Lyrics. Thesis, English Letters and Language Department, Faculty of Humanities
and Culture, the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
Key words: sociolinguistic, language variation, slang, Eminem.
This study concerns with the analysis of slang in Eminem’s song
lyrics. This study proposes a problem what are the characteristic of slang used
in Eminem’s song lyrics?. This analysis is specially focused on slang language
in song lyrics. Hopefully, this study will be useful for students of English
Department, especially to help them understand slang language used in Eminem
song lyrics.
One use of
slang is a
simple way of circumventing/avoiding social
taboos. The mainstream language tends to shy away from
explicitly evoking certain realities. Slang, and also the informal forms of
language, permits one to talk about these realities in a special language
stripped of a usual connotation in the normal register. Slang vocabularies are
particularly rich in a certain domains, such as sexuality, violence, crime, and
drugs.Originally, certain slang designated the speech of people involve in the
criminal underworld, hooligans, bandits, criminals, etc. therefore, their
vocabulary carried very vulgar connotations, and was strictly rejected by the
speakers of “proper” language. Other groups, generally those on the margins of
mainstream society who were excluded or rejected by it, developed their own
slangs. Slang is a language based off of shortened words; something like a
contraction but used to shorten speech in a hasty manner.
This analysis used descriptive method because it is to describe the
meaning of slang language in Eminem song lyrics of slang language in them. The
data were taken randomly, that there are ten songs lyrics.
From the data that have been analyzed, it was found the characteristics
of slang language in Eminem song lyrics are (a) Creativity means that slang
language has cleverness, imagination, productivity, and talent. (b) Flippant (sembrono,bermulut usil) means
that slang language has irrelevant word of the contexts. (c) Fresh means that
slang language has familiar words, different words, up to date words. (d)
Onomatopoeic means that slang language has imitation words.
First of all, it is suggested to other researchers and the students of English Department who are interested in similar researches, to discuss about slang language more deeply. Secondly, it is also suggested that the other researchers can discuss the message in lyrics which maybe have hidden meaning or not which directly stated in the lyrics. The last, it is also suggested to analyze the slang language not only in the slang lyrics but also in the poem or other works.