What is mood and residue compared to theme and theme in Halliday's SFL?

 In Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), the concepts of **mood** and **residue** are distinct from **Theme** and **Rheme**. Here’s a comparison:

- **Theme** and **Rheme**: These terms refer to the structural components of a clause that organize the message. The **Theme** is the part of the clause that provides the starting point or the message's focus, while the **Rheme** is the part that elaborates or develops the message. The Theme-Rheme structure is crucial for understanding the flow of information in a text[1][3][4].

- **Mood** and **Residue**: These terms are part of the interpersonal metafunction in SFL. The **mood** refers to the clause's modality, which indicates the speaker's attitude or commitment to the proposition. The **residue** is the remainder of the clause after the mood has been identified, and it includes the subject and finite verbal operator[5].

In summary, while Theme and Rheme focus on the structural organization of the message, mood and residue focus on the interpersonal aspect of the clause, specifically on modality and the speaker's attitude.


[1] http://www.isfla.org/Systemics/Print/Theses/ForeyThesis/Ch03.pdf

[2] https://eprints.uny.ac.id/66848/3/Bab%20II.pdf

[3] https://repository.unmul.ac.id/bitstream/handle/123456789/57324/Theme%20and%20Rheme%20Analysis.pdf?isAllowed=y&sequence=1

[4] http://lib.unnes.ac.id/39654/1/2201415086.pdf

[5] https://siakad.univamedan.ac.id/ojs/index.php/excellence/article/download/61/40

Identifikasi Sumber Data & Teknik Pengumpulan Data

 Identifikasi sumber data dan teknik pengumpulan data adalah proses yang penting dalam penelitian untuk memastikan bahwa data yang dikumpulkan relevan, akurat, dan dapat dipercaya. Berikut adalah definisi dan cara membuat identifikasi sumber data dan teknik pengumpulan data:

### Definisi Identifikasi Sumber Data

Identifikasi sumber data adalah proses menentukan dan mengidentifikasi sumber informasi yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian. Sumber data dapat berupa benda, gerak, manusia, tempat, dan lain-lain. Identifikasi ini penting untuk memastikan bahwa data yang dikumpulkan relevan dengan pertanyaan penelitian dan dapat memberikan informasi yang akurat[5].

### Definisi Teknik Pengumpulan Data

Teknik pengumpulan data adalah metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian. Teknik ini dapat berupa survei, wawancara, observasi, dan lain-lain. Pemilihan teknik pengumpulan data harus sesuai dengan jenis penelitian dan tujuan penelitian[2][3].

Metadiscourse: Exploring Interaction in Writing (2005) by Ken Hyland

 In his book "Metadiscourse: Exploring Interaction in Writing" (2005), Ken Hyland discusses the concept of metadiscourse and its role in various genres, particularly in academic and professional writing. Here are some key points he made about genre:

1. **Metadiscourse and Genre Interaction**: Hyland emphasizes that different genres interact with their readers in distinct ways. For instance, metadiscourse is used in academic writing to guide readers through complex information and to signal the writer's attitude and understanding of the material. This interaction is crucial for engaging the audience and conveying the intended message effectively[3][4].

2. **Metadiscourse in Academic Genres**: Hyland examines how metadiscourse functions in various academic genres, such as research articles, abstracts, and other forms of academic writing. He highlights how metadiscourse markers like hedging, boosting, and attitude markers contribute to the rhetorical distinctiveness of these genres[3][4].