List of Indexed e-Journals
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- JEFL: Journal on English as a Foreign Language
- TEFLIN Journal - A publication on the teaching and learning of English
- Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Lingusitics, and Literature
- LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra
- Riau Journal of English Linguistics, Literature, and Education
- JEELS: Journal of English Education and Linguistics Studies
- LITERA: Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya
- HUMANIORA: Journal of Culture, Literature, and Linguistics
- IJEE: Indonesian Journal of English Education
- Englisia: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities
- CENDIKIA: Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran
- E-Journal DIKTIS
- Al-Ta'lim Journal
- International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature
- Advances in Language and Literary Studies
- International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies
- Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature
- International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies
- The Australian Journal of Teacher Education
- Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology
- Teaching English with Technology (TEwT) Journal
- The Journal of Asia TEFL
- The International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse
- Asian ESP Journal
- The Asian EFL Journal
- The Linguistics Journal
- TESOL International Journal
- Iranian EFL Journal
- The Journal of English as an International Language
- Philippine ESL Journal
- Maritime English Journal
- International Journal of Language & Arts
- International Journal of Legal English
- Journal of Writing Research