Pro dan Kontra Penggunaan Google Translate


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Saya mencoba men-translate ini karena banyak mahasiswa yang menggunakan Google Translate ketika mengumpulkan tugas yang bersifat Online tanpa me-Re structure hasil terjemahan Google Translate yang terjemahannya bersifat literal dan tidak melihat genre, konteks apalagi aspek sosio-cultural emotif dan ekspresif suatu bahasa.
Berikut ini Terjemahan Bebasnya. Selamat Menikmati tulisan keren ini:

Pro dan Kontra Penggunaan Google Translate Vs Terjemahan Professional

Bagaimana Cara Merancang proposal Penelitian skripsi yang baik?

 Bagi Mahasiswa Senior apalagi old generation but the best tapi belum membuat proposal skripsi

Vrij voor commercieel gebruik
Geen attributie noodzakelijk

 silakan melihat video tutorial ini

Bagaimana Cara Merancang proposal Penelitian skripsi yang baik?

10 Benefits of search engine optimization

Advertising has transformed into at least one of the foremost demanding and crucial aspects of running a business. This ultimately means your business's general success depends mainly on the effectiveness of your ad campaign. Below are the available SEO Services 

SEO Services

Nowadays, online is where everyone's at, which is why most businesses look to market their products or services online. To do that, one must have a business website that can run their internet marketing campaign. With an abundance of spam links and countless other websites floating around in cyberspace, it is easy for a business website to urge lost or rank so low within the SERPs, that the probabilities of searchers to seek out the website are seriously diminished.

Since paying an inquiry engine to put your business website at the highest of its list doesn't come cheap, subsequent neatest thing one can do is to use program optimization or SEO techniques to extend the clicks to the website and help it work its high the search engine's results page.

Tugas UTS 2021 Kelas Academic Writing Pak Faizal


Dear My students

This is the UTS Assignment from me. It simple but Challenging, I think.

The UTS Assignment:

Make 9-11 paragraphs of Research proposal essay in Microsoft word format along with your own opinion by the topic of the use of (method, strategy, technique) to improve students (listening/speaking/writing/reading) skills.
The 9-11 paragraph will be divided into four section: title, introduction , method and references (minimum 10 references).

On the section of  Introduction please mention: the background of research, the underlying theories and the purpose of the research whereas on the section of method please elaborate: the type of research, the method and data collection of the research and the subject or object of the research.  This link URL is the example of the 9-11 paragraph of the research proposal essay.

Submit your assignment before Sunday, November 7th 11.59 PM and submit it to your account in Google Classroom websites. Please find your G-Class room at

Within two weeks between October 25-28 and  November 1-4 there will be no group presentation of Academic Writing but please make focus on your making the best writing for your UTS Assignment.

 and these are useful tools and source to finish your assignment: 


2.   scientific academic phrase bank

3.   Paraphrasing and plagiarism check tools
5.   ACADEMIC WRITING: Cara Mengembangkan gagasan dan sekaligus me-mendeley-kan tulisan kita: