Calo Scopus

Oleh: Deddy Mulyana (Guru Besar Fikom Unpad)

Dalam suatu perjamuan makan malam selepas sebuah seminar internasional di suatu kota besar, seorang dosen bergelar doktor menuturkan, seorang sejawatnya di suatu universitas negeri menghasilkan puluhan artikel yang dipublikasikan sejumlah jurnal internasional selama setahun. Ia pun memperoleh penghargaan dari universitasnya.

Namun, artikel-artikel tersebut ditolak Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenristek dan Dikti) saat diajukan sebagai syarat untuk menjadi guru besar. ”Selain jumlahnya yang tidak logis, ia menulis karya ilmiah yang bukan bidangnya. Misalnya ia menulis artikel di jurnal teknik, padahal ia seorang dosen ekonomi,” ujar dosen tersebut.

Menurut dia, ternyata sejawatnya itu seorang ”agen” jurnal terindeks Scopus. ”Karena ia sudah memiliki jaringan, ia bisa membantu dosen lain memublikasikan artikel di jurnal internasional dengan syarat namanya dicantumkan sebagai nama kedua.”

Teaching English to Young Learners

 Teaching English to Young Learners

Definition of Teaching English to Young Learners   

 According to Brown (1980: 8), teaching is facilitating and guiding learning, setting conditions for learning, and enabling learners to learn. The above statement means making learning a guide for students and providing the facilities they need. It is like teaching them things they don't understand and giving a lot and building their knowledge. Teaching English to young learners or students in elementary school, according to Shin (2006), is very different from teaching adults as they, especially physical participation and have fun with movement. He adds that the student's more fun, the better they will remember the language learned. 

Penjelasan tugas UTS Pragmatics-Semantics kelas Pak Faizal 2022

 Dear students,

This is the UTS assignment for all of my semantics and pragmatics classes.

Your assignment is:

1. google pragmatics article, video or eBook that interest you (dan nggak boleh sama dengan temannya ya). you find articles in this :,,  the eBook in bahasa Indonesia: or you may google yourself

2. mention your name, NIM, the title of article, the source or URL link/direct link of the article, the one page summary and your at least 3 points of interestingness of yours. the example of the assignment can be seen on this file:

3. If you have finished the article you may upload in your google classroom on this link URL:

12.30 SEM/PRAGS RABU 12.30

Kode kelas:
kode kelas g5leeu3


kode kelas:
kode kelas: 4lsuh3m


ESP UTS Assigment for all Pak Faizal ESP Classes 2022


Dear students,

This is the UTS assignment for you. 

Please make summary of one web article or one eBook chapter of ESP. the topic should be something interesting for you dealing with the world of ESP. on example of nice interesting article is this one:

Ch00-Frontmatter.indd (

This is only an example of single article that I like. you may also take one chapter in alan water and tom hutcinson ebook of ESP:

and this is the example of the assignment:

your task will be:

1. google/search ESP Topic which you like most

2. mention the title

3. mention the source: the URL Link/alamat web dikopas (jangan hanya bilang ya)

4. one page summary

5. your comments of at least 3 interesting facts on the article and you should upload it on your google classroom account

ESP 6A-6B TUE 08.40

ESP 6A-6B TUE 08.40 (
kode kelas:
kode kelas (oafy2me)

ESP 6C-6D FRI 10.20

ESP 6C-6D FRI 10.20 (
kode kelas :
kode kelas: v2cwtrd

ESP 6E FRI 12.30

ESP 6E FRI 12.30 (

kode kelas:

kode kelas: 4uo4cow

deadline pengumpulan tugas jumat 15 April jam 23.59 PM