indonesian English translation exercise 1


Dear Students, 

Translate these sentences from Indonesian into English:

1. Bahasa yang kamu gunakan bukan Bahasa Indonesia.

2. Rumah-rumah di Jakarta kelihatan bagus-bagus.

3. Saya kurang mengerti setiap kata yang anda ucapkan.

4. Apakah saya bicara kepada anda terlalu cepat?

5. Ini sudah jam sembilan lebih seperempat. 

6. Jam berapa pesawat berangkat?

7. Jam berapa pertunjukan musik itu dimulai?

8. dimanakah masjid yang terdekat dari rumah kamu?

9. Banyak anak di Benua Afrika yang kekurangan gizi.

10. Gadis-gadis di kota ini cantik-cantik tapi kakinya besar-besar.


Indonesian Everyday Phrases -

Chapter_1_Indonesian_Beginners_ILC.pdf (

Bahasa Indonesian language resources – Language Links Database (

Learning Bahasa Indonesia, the National Language of Indonesia (

Indonesian Grammar Exercise - Formula - Example -

The pragmatics and Semiotics Analysis of Vinyl Record Cover Art They Fell From The Sky's Album DECADE

 The pragmatics and Semiotics Analysis of Vinyl Record Cover Art They Fell From The Sky's Album DECADE

Sigied Himawan Yudhanto, Faizal Risdianto


In this study, the researchers focus on the meaning of the DECADE album cover from They Fell From The Sky music band. This was chosen because the artwork used is quite attractive and has This study uses qualitative research with a descriptive method. The analysis was carried out using the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes and the pragmatics theory of John Searle. This study aimed to determine the meaning contained in the cover design of the DECADE album. This research shows that between context signs and visible signs, there is a relationship where the two synergize in the title. The band, namely "They Fell From The Sky," by using a skull image that uses an astronaut costume in an iconic, denotative, and connotative symbolizing "death," a form of death because "falling from the sky" so the message to be conveyed is to publish the Decade album which for ten years or "a decade" like struggling until astronauts in outer space experience death as if falling from the sky. The Astronaut's skull artwork entitled in Indonesian "Binasa" ("Perish" in English) which is the basis of the DECADE album cover design, also strengthens this interpretation.

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Material for Crafting Cohesion and Coherence in Academic Writing


Language is essentially a means of communication among the members of a society. The purpose of this paper is to show that a common language is one of the most important features of a community. The need to communicate triggers both the occurrence and the development of a language and this need arises and becomes stronger and stronger when one has someone else to communicate with, i.e. where there is a society. In terms of linguistics, the study of language is a multidisciplinary endeavour. Communication takes place not only orally, but also in writing. It is this plurality of aspects in studying the same object that makes language a perpetual phenomenon.