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Meaning in Interaction: an Introduction to Pragmatics


Jenny Thomas is a significant figure in the field of pragmatics, particularly known for her contributions to the understanding of **pragmatic failure**. Her seminal work, notably the 1983 article "Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure," laid the groundwork for analyzing how misunderstandings occur in communication across different cultures.

## Key Concepts of Jenny Thomas's Pragmatics

### **Pragmatic Failure**

- **Definition**: Thomas defines pragmatic failure as "the inability to comprehend what is intended by what is spoken" [1]. This concept highlights the challenges that arise when speakers and listeners come from different cultural backgrounds, leading to misinterpretations of meaning.

- **Types**: She categorizes pragmatic failures into two main types:

  - **Pragma-linguistic failure**: This occurs when there are misunderstandings about the pragmatic force of an utterance, often due to different linguistic contexts.

  - **Socio-pragmatic failure**: This type arises from differing beliefs about social norms, rights, and expectations in communication [3][4].

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What is Peace Linguistics?

 what is peace linguistics?

Peace linguistics is an interdisciplinary field of study that focuses on the role of language in creating and maintaining peace. Here are the key aspects of peace linguistics:

1. *Interdisciplinary Approach*: Peace linguistics combines insights from linguistics, education, psychology, sociology, and philosophy to promote peaceful communication and reduce conflicts[1][2].

2. *Humanizing Nature of Language Use*: It emphasizes the importance of "humanizing" language use, ensuring that language serves to elevate characters, conduct, and communication rather than dehumanize individuals or groups[2][3].

3. *Key Concepts*:

   - *Communicative Peace*: This refers to the effort to eliminate conflicts through constructive communication[2].

   - *Communicative Dignity*: This involves elevating the character, conduct, and communication in interactions, fostering respectful dialogue[2].

4. *Principles and Practices*:

   - *LIF-PLUS Approach*: Stands for the "life-improving force of peaceful language use," aiming to improve communicative life by educating language users to employ languages positively for the betterment of humankind[2].

   - *Guidelines for Teachers*: Educators applying peace linguistics prioritize teaching students to use languages constructively, focusing on communicative peace and dignity, and nurturing each student’s peace of mind[2].

5. *Applications in Education*:

   - Peace linguistics seeks to prepare educators and learners alike to handle conflicts constructively and maintain harmonious relations through enhanced empathy, compassion, and understanding[1][2].

Overall, peace linguistics aims to transform language learning environments into spaces where communication promotes peace, dignity, and mutual respect, thereby contributing to sustainable peace globally[1][3].