UIN Salatiga Press Perkuat Pengelola Penerbit Perguruan Tinggi di Mukerda APPTI Jateng-DIY 2024

UIN Salatiga Press dari Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga memperkuat peran di Musyawarah Kerja Daerah (Mukerda) 2024 di Hotel Noorman Semarang, pada 26-27 September 2024. Kegiatan digelar Afiliasi Penerbit Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia (APPTI) Korwil Jateng-DIY. Acara ini mengangkat tema "Peran APPTI sebagai Katalisator Penerbitan Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia." Kegiatan Mukerda 2024 dihadiri berbagai pengelola penerbit perguruan tinggi tanah air, serta mitra kerja baik dari sektor pemerintah maupun swasta.

Dr. Faizal Risdianto, S.S,M.Hum merupakan perwakilan UIN Salatiga Press dan menjadi salah satu peserta yang aktif berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan tersebut.UIN Salatiga Press telah dikenal sebagai penerbit yang memfasilitasi berbagai karya ilmiah dari dosen-dosen Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga dalam beragam disiplin ilmu, sekaligus menjadi mercusuar intelektual Islam bagi civitas akademika di Salatiga dan sekitarnya.

Working With Discourse: Meaning Beyond The Clause (Martin & Rose, 2007) : Why Martin's Model Of Register And Genre Is Theore...

Working With Discourse: Meaning Beyond The Clause (Martin & Rose, 2007) : Why Martin's Model Of Register And Genre Is Theore...: Martin & Rose (2007: 308, 309): Register analysis then gives us another way of thinking about context , alongside genre. The main differ...

The Study of SYNTAX, definition, focus and scope and important points


Studying English syntax involves analyzing how sentences are structured and organized within the English language. Below are the key components, focus, and important points related to this field of study.

### Definition

**Syntax** refers to the set of rules and principles that govern the structure of sentences in a language. It explores how words and phrases are arranged to create meaningful sentences, examining the relationships between different components within those sentences.

### Focus and Scope

1. **Sentence Structure**: Analyzing how words and phrases combine to form sentences, including the roles of clauses and phrases.

2. **Phrase Structure**: Understanding how different types of phrases (noun phrases, verb phrases, etc.) are organized within sentences.

Appraisal and ideology in news text reportage

 The theoretical contribution of the paper "Appraisal and Ideology Realization in Indonesia State Capital Relocation News Texts" can be summarized into several key points:

1. **Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) Framework**:

   - The paper utilizes the SFL framework, specifically the appraisal system, to analyze news texts regarding the relocation of Indonesia's capital city. This framework provides a detailed method for examining how language constructs and conveys attitudes, engagement, and graduation in media discourse (Martin & White, 2005) [1].

2. **Appraisal System Analysis**:

   - The study categorizes appraisal into three domains: attitude, graduation, and engagement. It demonstrates how these domains are used to shape public perceptions of the capital relocation project. For instance, the analysis shows a predominance of positive attitudes (67.2%) and heterogloss engagement (91.8%) in the news texts, indicating diverse perspectives and nuanced reporting (Risdianto et al., 2024) [1].