Potential approach and model of analysis for the integration of SFL and pragmatics study

 Previous study: 

Integrating Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and pragmatics offers valuable approaches for analyzing language in context. Llinares (2015) proposes combining SFL with classroom interactional approaches to understand content and language integration in CLIL settings. Ryshina-Pankova (2019) demonstrates how SFL can provide new perspectives on L2 pragmatics research and instruction, focusing on language functions in social contexts. Manfredi (2012) presents an SFL-informed approach to translation practice, integrating insights from Translation Studies for both production and evaluation of target texts. Lecompte-Van Poucke (2021) introduces a pragma-functional approach that combines SFL with argumentation theory, critical theory, and postcolonial insights for analyzing intercultural conflict discourses. These studies highlight the potential of integrating SFL and pragmatics to examine language use across various domains, including education (Llinares, 2015; Ryshina-Pankova, 2019), translation (Manfredi, 2012), and political discourse analysis (Lecompte-Van Poucke, 2021).   source: https://elicit.com/notebook/f65c6757-e9df-4831-bda6-31ab035c2a55 

Several approaches and models can be considered to explore the integration of Sociolinguistic Frameworks (SLF) and pragmatics. These frameworks help us understand how language functions in social contexts, particularly in meaning-making and communication dynamics. Here are some potential approaches and models:

Lebih dari 100 Ijazah Lulusan S3 UM Ditahan Karena Belum Menulis Karya Ilmiah Terindeks Scopus

 Lebih dari 100 Ijazah Lulusan S3 UM Ditahan Karena Belum Menulis Karya Ilmiah Terindeks Scopus

TRIBUNJATIM.COM, MALANG - Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) memulai orientasi prodi untuk mahasiswa baru (maba) pascasarjana, Senin (12/8/2019).

Penulis: Sylvianita Widyawati | Editor: Melia Luthfi Husnika

Sebanyak 745 maba telah melakukan registrasi. Wakil Rektor (WR) bidang kurikulum Prof Dr Budi Eko Soetjipto MEd MSi menyatakan sesuai kebijakan pemerintah, untuk lulusan S2 harus menghasilkan karya ilmiah yang terbit di jurnal internasional jika bisa.

"Jika tidak, bisa masuk ke jurnal terindeks di SINTA (Science and Technology Index) Ristekdikti 1-6," kata Budi pada wartawan. Sedang bagi S3, terhitung untuk angkatan 2016 ke atas, untuk bisa ujian harus memperoleh accept letter/penerimaan untuk publikasi yang terindeks Scopus dan Thomson Reuters," jelasnya.

Jika tidak bisa menunjukkan itu, maka ijazahnya tidak bisa diambil meski sudah diwisuda. Saat ini sudah ada lebih dari 100 ijazah S3 ditahan UM.

Roles of Subject in SFL: Doer, Carrier, Senser, Existent, Sayer, Behaver

 In Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), the **subject** of a clause can serve various roles beyond simply being the **doer** of an action. Here are examples for each role: **doer**, **carrier**, **senser**, **existent**, **sayer**, and **behaver**.

## Roles of Subject in SFL

### 1. Doer

The **doer** is the participant that performs a physical action in a material process.

- **Example:** *The dog chased the ball.*

  - Here, *the dog* is the doer of the action (chasing).

### 2. Carrier

The **carrier** is involved in relational processes, where it possesses a quality or attribute.

- **Example:** *The sky is blue.*

  - In this case, *the sky* is the carrier that has the attribute of being blue.

### 3. Senser

The **senser** perceives or experiences a mental phenomenon.

- **Example:** *She enjoys reading.*

  - Here, *she* is the senser who experiences enjoyment from reading.

MATERI BIPA 1 untuk Beginners in learning Bahasa Indonesia


MATERI BIPA 1 untuk Beginners in learning Bahasa Indonesia


more on appraisal in students argumentative texts

The exploration of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and its appraisal framework in students' argumentative writing has garnered significant attention in recent research. Five notable papers contribute to this field, each examining different aspects of appraisal in argumentative texts.

Key Papers on SFL Appraisal in Argumentative Writing

  • Writing to Evaluate: This paper reviews 69 publications on evaluative language in English for Academic Purposes (EAP), emphasizing the need for systematic instruction in appraisal resources to enhance student writing quality(Xuan & Chen, 2024).

  • An Analysis of University Students’ Argumentative Writing: This study investigates genre awareness and appraisal concepts in students' argumentative essays, revealing the importance of thematic progression and appraisal in academic writing instruction(Hendriwanto et al., 2020).

  • Register Framework: This research utilizes the field-tenor-mode framework to assess argumentative writing, providing pedagogical guidelines for coherence and effectiveness in student essays(Deng, 2019).

  • Untangling Students’ Problems in Writing Argumentative: This paper identifies common issues faced by students in writing argumentative texts and proposes the Fishbone strategy as a solution, highlighting the role of SFL in addressing these challenges(Hidayati, 2019).

  • Appraisal Resources in Chinese College Students' English Argumentative Writing: This comparative study reveals significant differences in the use of appraisal resources between Chinese and American students, suggesting implications for writing instruction in different cultural contexts(Yang, 2016).

Papers on appraisal on students argumetative writing

 Here are five papers focused on the appraisal framework within the context of students' argumentative writing, particularly informed by Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL):

1. **An Effective Mode for Assessing Argumentative Writing**  

   This paper by Huimin Deng employs the field-tenor-mode framework from SFL to analyze and improve students' argumentative writing. It discusses how register consistency contributes to discourse coherence and provides pedagogical guidelines for teachers[1].

2. **Appraisal Resources in L1 and L2 Argumentative Essays**  

   Written by Lam and Crosthwaite, this study utilizes Martin and White’s appraisal model to analyze evaluative stance in both first language (L1) and second language (L2) English essays. It highlights differences in how students express attitudes compared to professional writers, emphasizing the need for diverse linguistic resources in student writing[2].

3. **Untangling Students' Problems in Writing Argumentative Texts: An SFL Perspective**